/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

Intel Opcodes because I couldn't find anything else to use Edition

What are y'all working on?


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stop wasting time, Sup Forums
you know what to do.

idea guy here

progressive programming language where all values are equal

Threadly reminder that dlang-chan is not dead, and she's super duper cute and fast! Say something nice about her, /dpt/!

redpill me on CISC vs RISC

>redpill me
At least stay in your containment board.

no bully pls!!!!

bluepill me on CISC vs RISC then

You just confirmed my suspicion that you along with most of this thread are straight from reddit. He wasn't even stating a Sup Forums opinion, you have to go back.
The word "redpill" has nothing to do with a Sup Forums board. A non-retard would know this.

You are either ignorant or new yourself, friend. You're correct that the phrase "redpill me" did not come from Sup Forums, but Sup Forumsacks used it quite a lot such that they've essentially co-opted it as a board. Thus any user who uses this phrase is most likely a Sup Forumsack, I rarely see "redpill me" on the smaller boards where newfags don't visit.

I really hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

Nice argument. I bet you're from Sup Forums too.

So you're not pretending to be retarded?

I'm not your friend. Someone who shits on Sup Forums for any other reason than it being a mostly leftist board doesn't deserve to address me like that.
>You're correct that the phrase "redpill me" did not come from Sup Forums
I'm glad you acknowledge basic facts.
>but Sup Forumsacks used it quite a lot such that they've essentially co-opted it as a board
This contradicts what you previously agreed with. If the phrase doesn't come from Sup Forums and its usage in that context isn't related to Sup Forums, it's clear that your retarded comment belongs solely on reddit.
>Thus any user who uses this phrase is most likely a Sup Forumsack
This is an absolutely retarded and baseless assumption. The context he used it in is obviously and blatantly related to "The Matrix".
>I rarely see "redpill me" on the smaller boards where newfags don't visit.
Your anecdotes are entirely irrelevant.

Yeah, your """"argument"""" is pretty good as well.

just because he uses the term redpill doesn't mean he's from pol. the fact you get so triggered by it makes it seem like you really care about politics, though. maybe you should go to a political forum instead of here

>I'm not your friend.
B-but why not, user-kun?


Guys, stop. He's probably a mentally ill tranny. you're going to make him kill himself.

how is Sup Forums a mostly leftist board?

I-I'm a programmer (male), baka!

Someone explain why ftruncate64 produces EINVAL instead EACCESS when the file in question is opened in read-only mode.

Why would I be your friend? You seem to be a leftist and I don't usually associate with them. Unless I'm somehow wrong of course and you aren't one, in which case it's possible that we might be friends.
By definition. Centre-leftist is still leftist.

I think you'd call that a table of mnemonics rather than 'opcodes'.

>You seem to be a leftist
But I'm not. I just dislike Sup Forums because they're invasive with their "board culture," and their newfags don't lurk and merely pour into the rest of the site. (Just look at fucking /sci/ right now!) I'll admit I shouldn't have gotten my panties in a knot and shitposted about "redpill me" because that's exactly what a lot Sup Forumsacks do, but to deny that this phrase isn't used by a lot by Sup Forums users compared to the rest of Sup Forums is wrong. The reason I bring my anecdote into this is because smaller boards don't attract newfags as much as the big boys do (Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, etc.); as such, since most newfags mostly came via Sup Forums, I believe I can assert that this can be used as more evidence that an user who uses "redpill me" mostly likely uses Sup Forums as his main board. I'm going to stop posting about this because I shouldn't have started this off-topic garbage, and I won't perpetuate it any further. Enjoy your night/morning/whatever.

I think the intention is to show that you've provided the wrong file descriptor, EACCESS makes more sense for when you're first getting the file descriptor.

are you from UCA?

>feelio when it's been over half an hour and nobody has redpilled you on CISC vs RISC yet

>your containment board.

do you even realise how much traffic Sup Forums has compared to all of the other boards?

also pic related

>Someone who X doesn't deserve to address me like that.
You haven't been bullied enough. Also stop complaining about leftism on Sup Forums, most everyone here is apolitical or a shitlib, complaining about leftism will only convert the people on the fence to their side.

>I just dislike Sup Forums because they're invasive with their "board culture,"
Yeah sorry about that, it's gotten wildly popular, more than anyone there wanted. I would say Sup Forums has been dead for years but they still do a lot of cool things, hopefully it's still a stepping stone for moving onto less autistic communities (8ch not included).

Startpage, user

>how much traffic Sup Forums has
Please stop, we know you're new, calm down.

10 posts in and the thread is already shit. Good job Sup Forums.

>But I'm not.
Formally prove it then.
>I just dislike Sup Forums because they're invasive with their "board culture,"
That might be the case, but it's comparatively rare, especially in non-reddit-like threads/boards. And someone using a phrase from The Matrix certainly isn't an example of it.
>Just look at fucking /sci/ right now!
I haven't visited /sci/ in a while, but the last thread I was in didn't seem to have them or anyone like them.
>but to deny that this phrase isn't used by a lot by Sup Forums users compared to the rest of Sup Forums is wrong
I didn't deny it. Any reasonable interpretation of that post leads to it being a quote from The Matrix. His post wasn't political at all.
>I believe I can assert that this can be used as more evidence that an user who uses "redpill me" mostly likely uses Sup Forums as his main board
Not in the general case. He didn't give any information to confirm or deny this.

Assuming they are human that would be impossible.
Yes, that would fall under the definition of what I was "complaining about".
>complaining about leftism will only convert the people on the fence to their side
I've spent too much of my life entertaining the idea that a leftist can be reasoned with. If they could be reasoned with, they'd never take anything Marx or Keynes said seriously.

Dude you're autistic please stop derailing the thread.

This post is complete unrelated nonsense

Currently learning EMACS (again). I keep trying it out and trying to get used to it, I sort-of prefer it over vim.

>I sort-of prefer it over vim.
How so, user?

Well for first impressions I like that you're always in 'insert mode', and that the chords are used in a lot of other places, namely shells and prompts using readline with the default configuration.

Well shit. I'll have to give it a shot.

I think the main problems with it are going to fall into the configuration problem, which no text editor does right but EMACS certainly doesn't do it right.

Interestingly, readline tools like bash etc. can be configured to use a vi-input mode. I've tried it and it's not that nice to use.

Not him, but elisp configuration is very nice after getting used to it, it's a lot nicer than point-and-click config and weird arbitrary text formats. Since an emacs configuration is just a bunch of scripts, you can do really cool stuff that other edtior's don't let you do

The problem I have with this is:
1. elisp is not a nice language
2. people I've known to use emacs often end up with very slow startup times
3. a lot of the information I find on configuring emacs is outdated

But I'm a total emacs noob. Maybe it's fine after I get used to it.

I might be too lazy for this. I've already learned enough Vim such that I can zoom around files fast enough.

Dig. Fuck Vim. Id rather use cat than vim.

Excuse me, what?

CISC are more powerful
RISC are more energy efficient

Asynchronous electronics will dominate both.

>1. elisp is not a nice language
I definitely agree, it's probably the most cumbersome of all the LISP-like languages, but it's still extremely powerful. Modern emacs has a common lisp compatibility layer, so you can effectively configure emacs with common lisp if you'd prefer.
>2. people I've known to use emacs often end up with very slow startup times
I have this same problem, my emacs takes about ~10 seconds to start (which is still better than some other people's configs, but a lot slower than vim and such). The main way to combat this problem is to run an emacs background server process at startup ("emacs --daemon") and attaching to it with ("emacsclient -c"). This way, emacs effectively starts instantly.
>3. a lot of the information I find on configuring emacs is outdated
Yeah, lots of online tutorials are old and outdated. I've found the best way to learn about emacs is through the built-in help system ("C-h i" and "C-h v" + "C-h f" for learning about identifiers)

Didnt u ever use dig? it's kinda like upvoting, but for people who are over the age of 24. I think some urban kids in the 80's used to say it to each other, to mean the same sort of thing.

Jesus merciful christ. I don't know what's worse: people using "dig" or "this".

If I have one table with 4 columns (ID, no1, no2, no3), is it worth it to separate them, so the numbers are stored in a separate table each?
Table would be as follows
1 01 01 01
2 01 01 02
3 01 01 03
4 01 01 04
5 01 02 01
39204 99 99 04

The total would be 39204 different entries, so what should I do?


any reason why not .csv?

I don't know much about sql, so no idea, I just thought that it would be easier to hold so much data in a database, since there's a chance that the data will have to be changed later and I will have to create a program around it.


What the fuck is this? Do any of you use this?

sorry for being a pathetic ass.

I completed my IT degree and avoided all programming courses as I failed comp 101 twice, am i doomed forever in trying to learn programming? Or do i just need to try different methods. I find programming way too difficult.

If it's just the number not really because you would need a key with each table and they join them. It's slower and not necessary from an normalization standpoint

I want to generate a maze randomly with DFS in C. How would I go about doing so? I'm familiar with the logic of a DFS, but have trouble trying to get it started. My brain keeps saying to make a 2D array but also to make a tree. Any advice?

maybe i'm in the wrong for suggesting this, but some people prefer learning things from the bottom-up, and like to understand things from first principles.

if the conventional CS101 approach didn't work for you, you may want to consider learning a stripped-down assembly language (like the one for CHIP-8) and learn how a basic processor works under the hood. This will set the stage when moving to higher level languages like python or java, and help you understand what's realy happening under the hood.

What are you getting hung up on? Anything specific?

I personally started with tedfelix.com/qbasic/ which I'd recommend to anyone who had a hard time with a more modern tutorial/course.

I think you can do it with just a 2D array and writing recursive function(s) to fill it in.

>You're correct that the phrase "redpill me" did not come from Sup Forums, but Sup Forumsacks used it
Straight from SRS aren't you?
Fuck off you homo

Until you hit millions of rows, don't bother optimizing. 39204 rows is literally nothing.

Yeah, just the number. Is it a performance issue if I have 1 table with 39k entries, or 4 tables, but the data in one table is a different combination of numbers in the other tables?

Table spec should be logical, and it is then either 'efficient' or it's not really viable in a database. 39k is nothing.

Is there a profiling tool, that lets me observe both Java and C++ applications?
I want to observe the heap memory usage for both of these languages, when working with very big arrays.

I'm out of my depth right now. I need to create a chrome extension that gets messages from Facebook in plain text, so that I can send them to something else in python. How the hell can I do this? Sorry if this isn't a good place to ask but I'm desperate.

What's the motivation for this? Depends on what system you're using but assuming Linux I'd be looking in htop or something at the virtual memory and resident memory usage of the application, but that's not "heap" memory usage specifically.

The actual "heap" usage is going to be very similar overall if you're using the same size types and very large arrays.


I do. It's pretty comfy

Alright, thank you for the answers.
I have a slightly related question.
What is the best way to view the data in winforms c#? I was thinking of treeview or something like that, so that you can have 99 nodes, 99 child nodes and each child node will have 4 more nodes. I just have no idea how to read the data from a file correctly, since right now I'm holding all the data in a .txt file.
For reference, here is what the data looks like

I'm doing a bit of comparative analysis between these two languages. I did the speed part, and now I want to do the memory usage part. My plan is to get an average value of memory used when filling different size arrays with a fixed value. I was looking for a tool that would be able to provide this information for both of these languages, so that they could be evaluated as equally as possible. Htop sound like a good tool, but I would also like to this comparison on a Windows operating system.

That's what I was thinking, just make a 2D array, fill it with 0's to represent walls and then use DFS where "searched" verticies become an empty space for paths. I'm not planning on modifying the dimension of the maze anyway.

Can anime be considered a type system?

CISC these days is just RISC under the hood.

If RISC is more energy efficient, then would that mean that a RISC virtual machine would also have lower overhead than a CISC virtual machine?

>What are y'all working on?
Trying to figure out what to work on

>Say something nice about her
D is breddy gud, and so is dlang-chan.

>D is breddy gud, and so is dlang-chan.
Thanks, user!

Should I add numbers to my language? If so, which ones?

Why'd you upload a blank picture?

It's supposed to represent all anime pictures.

4 and 59

Pls help

I mean what type of numbers.

words and bytes

only primes. if you need a non-prime you'll just have compute them using prime factorization.

I've sort of been using them as chars, but I need better numbers now.
That sounds interesting.


What do you mean by "better numbers?" What is the main design goal of your language?

why would you want that?

analog computing

keep this behind the ghostfence outlander

Writing a program which will print the sum of all prime fizzbuzz under 5 million.

Thank you for your interest in /dpt/. We have decided to not move forward with your application. Please send us any feedback to help improve our hiring process. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Could somebody post the best programming challenges / tasks infographic?

Complex numbers. Tropical numbers.
There's a long list of things I miss native support for.
Open a math book and pick some. I'm sure you will make someone very happy if you manage to give them their numbers.

It's rather misguided to compare the languages in this manner.
But valgrind sounds like what you want.

0-1: Solve P vs NP
2-3: Strong AI
4-5: Machine translator with 99.999% accuracy
6-7: GNU Hurd
8-9: Unbreakable cryptosystem

Dubs: You cannot use a computer or any electronic device to complete this task
Trips: You cannot look to or use any prior research (everything must be original work)
Quads: You must complete the entirety of the task blindfolded
Quints: If you require a program to solve your task, you must write it in Malbolge

odd question maybe.
does anyone know about DOS device drivers (*.sys files)?
like how do you write one, and what exactly is the difference between a .sys file and a .exe or .com file?

What are you lads doing on this fine Monday also known as International Workers' Day

I made picrelated

dunno what that commie bullshit is supposed to be
today is may day

That's completely ridiculous, GNU Hurd is provably impossible. Please substitute it for something more reasonable.