


>nerd cave

>frog poster

>faggot palace

>he didn't take part in the great meme war
why didn't you help the god emperor win the media battle during the first debate

>artisan software


>military-grade encryption

that looks real fucking comfy

>locally sourced beer
Whatever the fuck that means

It means its disgustingly hoppy and costs $8.50 a bottle


do your parents know you're up this late posting on 4 chan

>working for a startup

>every day carry

Not him but adults play minecraft too!

Fuck hipster beer.

>code barista


>machine learning
>cloud computing


>Being a kind of person that thinks their personal choice of liquor is the better choice as a whole

ebin le maymay redditor xd

>rainbow led peripherals



Is that meant to look like Hacknet?

>Less than 6 cores


>steam friends

>hating minecraft

>Sup Forums

>statutory rape

>hating minecraft because other people do
fuck off sheep



>"data science"

>internet of things