Freedom from oppressive thinking edition
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Freedom from oppressive thinking edition
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What are you typing on right now?
first for I just bought a pok3r
did i do good y/n
>g.skill's latest mech keyboards have a bottom row with 1.5u ctrl, super and alt keys to the left of the 5.5u spacebar
Why do gaming companies keep fucking up such a basic thing?
they dont actually want you to change the keys
Well at least your shitty guns are behind the keyboard in this one.
5.5u spacebars are redpilled
i thjink i deserve a blowjob
>have a big ass enter key
What do? How into replacement keycap?
Also Gboard
I agree. Go blow your head off with a shotgun. Retard.
I'm very excited for this.
>"artisan" keycaps
the future of user input
Logitech G413
I installed the Logitech Gaming Software and now the keyboard LEDs are stuck in breathing mode.
The EnjoyPBT Valentine set I got off Originative came with a BAE cap
>tfw no good azerty mechanical keyboard
Make your own.
Any y'all used the EnjoyPBT black&black set before? How black/dark grey are the caps?
It's a cute set, but do you know of anywhere I can get a single (cherry compatible) PBT keycap for big ass enter?
I could kinda ghetto it and use a normal sized enter in addition to a CTRL sized dummy key above it, but I actually like a big ass enter key.
Nope sorry, only Chinese keycap sets that are compatible with just about anything. Best of luck to you
Recommendations for simple, low profile non-angled keycaps?
why would you want to go that small? are you a phoneposter?
How do i build my own keyboard?
I swear I read the OP.
matias quiet pro
it's too big in my opinion.
>not doing a 1%keyless board that types using morse code
You can join the /mkg/ telegram group, Sup Forums is too impractical for walking people through the process of building a keyboard
Recent purchases, white mx brown pok3r and this keycap set, pretty excited, especially since I'm upgrading from a shitty steelseries 6gv2 which I've used for around three years.
That's why there is like a dozen guides out there, easily googlable.
Is it true that some people are so attached to Sup Forums that they are incapable of doing things separately from it?
Hold the fuck on nigger, why is it suddenly in ISO layout.
I'm English.
I wamy a chry browns.
Jelp ,
I don't mind as long as it's not reddit.
Would anybody be interested in an /mkg/ discord?
You should make a mailing list while you're at it
What purpose would that serve?
Massive circlejerking in a more classical form
I bought the memeboard
as usual, waiting forever for it to even ship, let alone arrive.
Chose matias switches with black everything
WASDKeyboards ISO keyboard with french layout.
Ah, you're shitposting. Almost missed that tripcode, thanks for reminding me.
They only have black cases. I want a white one.
Then buy some sandpaper and a can of white spray paint too.
Glad I could be of service
>/mkg/ discord?
You must lead a rich and fulfilling life.
Sounds like a pain to do.
>haha he wants to indulge in his hobbies what a loser
For the whole two posters that actually make custom boards.
Stop enjoying yourselves.
Thread belongs on /soc/
Only reason you're here is that you're too ashamed to show your faces. So you live through images of your keyboards.
I need a keyboard for data entry into Excel sheets what do you guys recommend? I currently have TKL ducky but it's not up to the task.
pok3r blue
>a thread discussing keyboards belongs on /soc/
really makes u think
Buy a Ducky Pocket, numpad and basic calculator
I just bought Corsair K65 LUX RGB Tenkeyless keyboard. It's my first mechanical keyboard so I haven't been in this general before either. How do people like it? I think the build quality seems good but I can't tell for sure since I have no prior experience.
I'm not trying to justify my purchase but to know what's better in other keyboards. Obviously the switches but any other quality differences to better/worse? It has NKRO which is nice.
>ricer shit
Get out. We only minimalistic and stylish here.
Looks completely disgusting and you definitely paid a premium for the name, also backlighting is extremely tacky.
If you like it then great, but people rarely find exactly what they like in their first mech.
The backlight is a nice feature to me and I keep it in single color, always on. After that it looks pretty normal. It's possible to get some animations with the colors but I don't use that feature. If there was the same one with one solid backlight that's not changeable I would have taken that as well.
it's an alright keyboard and there's nothing wrong with the switches (cherry mx) and there's nothing wrong with backlighting. the only legitimate complaint would be the keycaps and non standard bottom row. but these days you can get keycaps which will fit.
>discussing keyboards
It's all brand names. Rarely any technical information other then a wiki link to n key rollover.
Your thread wont stop being a joke until the base consumers fuck off and start trying to figure out the most optimum wiring, software, and keys for the lowest latency and key registering.
>figure out the most optimum wiring, software, and keys for the lowest latency and key registering
lol what? this isn't really a problem
Take your luddite ass back to your rubber dome you retarded philistine
Your whole argument for mech boards is to type faster. But you do nothing to achieve this.
This thread is a circlejerk, nothing more.
Chink gaymer rubber dome. How's your $250 mech at it?
very ironic
that's wrong and why are you even here then idiot
If this is honestly what you think quality keyboards is about then you're more retarded than I thought.
>Your whole argument for mech boards is to type faster.
Lol what? Why are stupid poorfags so angry at us for enjoying our nice things?
Actually it's feelsgoodman
You can type fast on any board if you put the practice in, buying a mech because you think it'll make you faster is completely retarded, most of the time it'll actually make you slower initially until you put the hours in to use it well
Things looking nice is an added bonus.But pintrest exists.
muh feels
Nothing wrong with nice things. But if your shelling out for it, you might wanna try to figure out what would make it the best.
True that. I find floppy keys are the best for speed, as it allows you to slide to adjacent keys.
Alright, can someone just write a big ass retardproof how to make your own mechanical keyboards with links where to buy stuff and all?
I could, but I can't really be arsed.
It's not exactly difficult to do, if you need advice, see
I think you underestimate the power of retardation. Even the 3DS hacking guide that tells you exactly how to do everything in what order so it's practically impossible to fuck up has people fuck it up because they can't read.
I'm too shy for that kind of stuff.
But your entire argument seems to hinge on the fact that you seem opposed to other people buying luxury goods.
Why buy a good car when you can just have a cheap peice of shit that moves you from A to B? Why have a nice house when you can have a cheap one as long as it has four walls and a roof?
People enjoy mechanical keyboards because they're quality, feel good to type on, look nice and have options for customization. It's really not at all hard to understand why people would want this for a peice of equipment that they're interracting with directly for several hours, every day of their life.
stop replying to him
What's so good at mechanical keyboards?
I can't see any advantage for programming or writing config files with a mechanical keyboard..
I use a scissors-switch keyboard and I love it.
The n key bit was to highlight that they just buy what looks good.
Barely even discussion of what switches have the best build quality. Just shit flinging between colors.
Basically step up your game.
>actually having feelings hurt on an anonymous teletype conference rehearsal for the clinically depressed meeting board.
Some people think they feel nice. That's it. If you disagree, that's fine, they're not for you.
What's so good about a scissor switch keyboard? Why not get a membrane?
>stop liking what i don't like
EnjoyPBT makes some that you can get on taobao
Don't worry user, it's even more of a circlejerk than this general, you'll have a great time
if you can't afford to spend more than $5 on a keyboard, why are you even using a computer, you should go beg on the street or something
Will you jerk me off personally senpai?
If you're cute
I guess that depends on whether you're into bears or not
I'm more into twinks, but we can still discuss the manly endeavour of building your own keyboard while jacking each other off
Don't you dare diss Walther pistols.
That shit looks way too complicated for me.
It's pretty simple actually, and you can get even simpler solutions.
I haven't used a soldering iron since middle school.
if you could do it as a middle school kid what makes you think you couldn't figure it out now as an adult
You have to be meticulous for that kind of stuff. i'm not.
I don't even have a soldering iron anyway.
Well, my father probably has one since he's a welder, but I don't want to bother him.
>I don't have the confidence to perform a simple task
>I am afraid to bother my father
Weird cuck
My father is with my ex...