How do I learn how to manually drain a capacitor?

How do I learn how to manually drain a capacitor?

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Screwdriver to both leads

all it takes is a screwdriver and a courageous soul

Don't joke about that man... My brother died that way.

Too far mate

You wait, it will decharge eventually.

Sorry, sometimes it's easy to give dangerous advise online

You can discharge it easily with some dirt in a bucket, as this acts as ground.
Just poke it in for a few seconds and it should be fine.

honestly nobody likes to say it but if you urinate on it you can safely drain it almost instantly

Especially for High voltage and High capacitance ones simply touch one lead with your left hand and the other lead on the right hand

megger it and throw them at people

Are you fucking retarded? Use a screwdriver, you mong.

How dangerous is that shit even?

my cousin put one of those on his tongue thinking it would just give him a little tingly sensation like a 9v battery and he spent 5 months in a coma in the hospital and now has permanent brain damage and had to have his tongue and part of his gums/teeth removed. he's so dumb now he can't even use a computer anymore so he had to get a smartphone instead.

depends on the cap and your screwdriver.

I see. I just don't understand electronics at all.
Will that short circuit it?

Touch both of the leads and find out faggot

yes, thus draining it, you can just use screwdriver, if you don't want a spark, use a resistor of appropriate value.

You could have ended with something like "now he moderates Sup Forums"

use a resistor.

Touch both contacts to a piece of grounded metal, i.e. pretty much any water faucet.

>enjoy your 3 months' free hot water

I don't think it's 3 months, it's more like 16 days, but it depends on the faucet.

Short out its leads you fucking idiot.

If you need it for a peak detector or some shit like that then put a resistor in parallel of a a suitable value for the decay time you want, alternatively put an N-channel MOSFET in parallel with the drain common to the capacitor and the source common to ground and apply a square wave signal of amplitude greater than Vgs(th) and at a suitable frequency and duty cycle to the gate to regularly short out the capacitor.

I used to make home made tasers with these in disposable cameras
>Can you take my picture please?

you can never go wrong with a resistor with a shitton of resistance between the leads

>hot water

Actually you can.

If you have something like a 2200uF capacitor charged up to 240V and you try to discharge it through say a 1Mohm resistor you'll be in for a pretty fucking rude awakening if you don't leave that resistor on there for long enough. Just discharging that from 240V down to a much less dangerous 50V would take nearly an hour through that resistance.

connect it to a lamp outlet

I stucked on a Nintendo so charger,electricity tastes metallic.

This. What a loss of oppurtinity.

Don't short the ones you find in a defibrillator unless you're insulated.
Most capacitors you find are harmless.

With your tongue.

Study basic physics and stock up on a handful of different resistors.

Multiply capacity in uF by voltage. If it's six figures or more, avoid using a screwdriver because the resulting arc can damage the terminals or throw bits of solder in your direction.


touch it

It's not for most things. They used to discharge CRT caps by shorting them.

If you're a massive pansy faggot you can get a large ceramic encapsulated 10 watt resistor or so and put it across the leads or some nichrome heating element wire should do the same. A pair of wires going into a jar of salt water will also work as long as they aren't shorted inside the jar.

This is weapons grade bullshit.
The only way it will drain is if it has a bleed capacitor across it in a circuit.

Screwdriver with an insulated handle, or a FUCK HUGE resistor depending on the size of the cap.
(Ive blown chunks out of a screwdriver discharging shit(kinda pissed, I liked that screwdriver))

We used to charge 1000u caps to the maximum and then fused them to metal surfaces all across the campus

Insert a resistor at its soldier points.

Guys what do I do

Spoon to leads.

>Not forever
So eventually like he said?

nothing lasts forever dipshit.
also gtfo with the samefagging

just shoot yourself

Hope you're not in a Chinese manufacturing facility. Those are worth more than your kidneys.



what is this machine and whats the orange, looks like koolaid mixer :D:D:D

These aren't mine they belong to my professor

It's like 1000 capacitors and resistors

Is there an easy way to sort them? Like could I use a magnet to pick up the bigger ones and not the smaller ones?

They'd gut you like a fish to recuperate costs.
Possibly. Use plastic over the mag to get different strengths. Also helps to get them off.


HA holy fuck my sides

but what even is it :D?

Someone accidently the capacitor drawers

Some of the resistors are u see the container and they got crushed but I can't see how bad it is because he told me to go sit down and we will "talk after class"

>all these bogdabots
run away and wear a tin foil hat before it's too late

Just touch the legs, worse thing that could happen with a regular capacitor is a small sting, stop being a fag

I feel sorry for the poor fucker that will have to classify that mess again.

Do a 360 and walk away


How the hell did that happen?

heh to manually drain a capacitor

I walked in and accidentally bumped the cabbinet with my back pack and it fell because I was trying to squeeze by a table that was near the table with the box on it and there was enough space for me to fit through but no the backpack and it fell off and smashed

Lick it

What the fuck user

That will take hours of work to fix you tard

Short the leads

put it in the microwave

What's the voltage and capacity? These are the real questions.. Anything smaller than 10uF/50V electrolytic isn't worth worrying about. If larger just use a 10w+ resistor or make a bypass From the negative terminal(DC gnd) with some thick gauge wiring

I thought they were smaller?

gondola spiderbabbies

youre a fucking retard, those caps aren't charged and even if they were you deserve getting shocked

stop being a faggot and pick up the mess you made

If you are asking that questionn you don't know what short-circuit means