So, Sup Forums

So, Sup Forums.

What's the best VPN?
How easy is it to set one up without use of a program?

Any and all advice welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:

If you have to ask how easy it is, you didn't look it up.

are free VPNs really all honeypots that are not even safe to torrent movies with? do copyright kikes really go through the trouble of setting up a VPN service just to catch people torrenting their movies? does anyone here actually know someone that got a letter from ISP about something they torrented through a free VPN?

Is ExpressVPN any good?

I got one but it was my fault.

Always enable the Killswitch feature!

>US Server DL Speeds: 5.36%
>International Server DL Speeds: 1.5%
u wat

I'm about to buy a subscription to

I use AirVPN. It occasionally dips in speed, but its OK because I'm not autistic. Setting it up w/o a program was pretty damn easy; generate a config file, the run "openssh config_file".

Anyone use or have experience with Opera's VPN?

not safe enough to be really secure

It works for basic things like accessing ISP blocked pages but I wouldn't trust it for general privacy.

you happy with it? was thinking about getting airvpn

>are free VPNs really all honeypots
no but YOU'RE definitely being used if you use "free" VPN

go for PIA vpn, it's cheap, fast, no logs, servers around the world, multiple connections allowed ...

How safe is torrenting with a killswitch?

Here you get screwed over in a second when you`re torrenting naked

configure your firewall as a killswitch, dont rely on an apps in-built one

Not that I am too greedy to pay for a good VPN, but riddle me this: a free VPN makes money by luring you in and fucking you over by providing your data to everyone. Why would a VPN I pay for not just do the same? It's not like people can really find out if their VPN fucks them.

BTW what is an advantage of using a VPN aside from torrenting in 3rd world countries where you can get sued (eg Germany)? People who want security use Tor and even that is compromised now

>It's not like people can really find out if their VPN fucks them
only one VPN provider has been proven not to log

>BTW what is an advantage of using a VPN aside from torrenting in 3rd world countries where you can get sued (eg Germany)
>3rd world countries where you can get sued (eg Germany)
kek 1m immigrants invading your country in 12months will do that to you

not my country just saying that in most countries just protection from torrenting isn't really worth shelling out money for.

>select all images with: facial tissue holder
ok google

German dude here: Don't talk about Germany if you have no clue what happens here.

Also go back to >>Sup Forums

anyone that mentions ANY other service is a paid shill.

>Germanistani dude here

>Disclosure: PIA is a TorrentFreak sponsor

see kill yourself chink

I'm saying I'm not German, not that I don't live in Germany. I know two people who paid upwards of 600€ for torrenting here lol. Also this is probably the only country in the world where police will break down your door for not paying €17/MONTH for a propaganda channel. Even in fucking China the propaganda is at least free

I'm just citing the last link from the article. IDK about any VPN logs or not, and if the story is true it's something for sure. But posting a link that says "btw we get paid to shill for PIA" at the bottom doesn't make it believable at all

Shhh fuck you dont let Sup Forums in on the good stuffs fucken dumbass

>propaganda channel
Wow, you really have no idea what you are talking about. Go back to where you came from if Germany doesn't match your standards.

>propaganda channel
You clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about
>upwards of 600€
Most of the time it's even higher. I knew one guy who seriously paid 1500€
And I got a few letters as well, didn't paid anything of course, but the case is still open.

>just don't do anything you fag
Here in germany it works that you HAVE to reply to such notices, or you're open to a real lawsuit.

not talking about shit like Hola, I'm talking about VPNs using standard protocols like PPTP that don't require installing any software, or OpenVPN.

why would you want, that?

PPTP is insecure as fuck dude, use openvpn


If you don't use their software to use PIA, your IPv6 is leaking.

>their software
what are you talking about?
need more info, nigger.

My VPN isn't mentioned and I'm not going to tell which one I subscribe to.

Sufficed to say it doesn't have proprietary software and it isn't ready to set up but it meets all my needs.

Now fuck off.

echo "#disable ipv6" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf

hmm, that's weird.

If you use anything than the "official" client provided by PIA, your IPv6 is leaking.

So in other words: If you don't use their "official" client, you're as protected as if you wouldn't use PIA VPN at all.

Google the matter or check the leak yourself, I couldn't believe it but sadly, it's true.

oh really?


been using openvpn for over a year on Arch and have no ip leaks whatsoever.

fuck off you false flagging tard.

Hey dudes, I just wanted you to double-check because I had the problem of IPv6 leaking.

Personally, using the PIA android client not ipv6 leaks over here

Someone posted a guide to shadowsocks on here once but I misplaced it.

Can anyone post it again?

default setup is weak my man
aes-128-cbc to aes-256-cbc
auth sha1 to auth sha256
ca.crt from 2048bits to 4096bits
from here

>no inline authentication
>no opengpg key
>no declared DNS servers

>Here in germany it works that you HAVE to reply to such notices, or you're open to a real lawsuit.
KEKED by large companies

hardened openvpn conf

dev tun
proto udp
remote 1197
resolv-retry infinite
ca ca.crt
remote-cert-tls server
verb 3
reneg-sec 0
cipher aes-256-cbc
auth sha256

>If you buy something and don't pay you go to jail.
Don't act surprised, it works everywhere like this.

Thanks, didn't even know they provided that.


pia supports organisations, campaigns and events that align with their principles through tax deductible donations and financial support (sponsorships), you can google yourself to find out who

It's just about replying in general.

If you get such a notice you usually reply with a "Unterlassungserklärung", where you basically say "OKAY I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING AND WILL NOT DO IT OK BYE", it's important to not aknowledge that you did something. Usually nothing happens after that since they can just sue another 10000 torrent users and someone eventually just pays the ~900€. However it can happen that you find yourself in a real lawsuit. Even with a VPN or Private Trackers it's just not worth the extreme risk for me. I already payed around 600€ for lawyers to sort it out a year ago since I didn't knew anything about it or that I can just do the replies easily myself

what did you get busted for m8? also did you use a vpn during that time?

This. Your VPN should never leak if you have configured your firewall correctly.


insecure in what way, it will leak my real IP to the torrent tracker? or just open a security hole that the VPN provider could potentially send me malware through?

For two movies which I haven't even finished downloading. 900€ for EACH movie you get caught is the norm.

I did used a VPN, but haven't enabled a killswitch, so when it disconnected it just continued torrenting via the naked IP. Around 30 days later I got the two letters with the exact same IP adress and timestamp when that happened. Probably because it was a popular torrent, some are even confirmed german honeypots just for grabbing german IP adresses.

>just use private trackers
There even were cases where someone got sued when using private trackers (or those people claimed to do so)

So be super careful and don't forget the killswitch

I'm happy with it.

I didn't take time to read all the responses in this thread, but VPN is the best and safest one I've found. Reasonably priced too. Any other answer is cia niggers.

>insecure in what way, it will leak my real IP to the torrent tracker? or just open a security hole that the VPN provider could potentially send me malware through?
Neither, it's just that it's crackable by a determined MitM. If enough traffic is captured, it becomes possible to determine the key, something like that. You don't use it for state secrets but it's generally ok otherwise.

>insecure in what way
Oh yeah, it has a fixed port too so it's trivial to block.

OpenVPN can be detected by packet analysis too though and that gets blocked pretty easily in China.

if you're torrenting it'll do the job for you
but the nsa almost certainly decrypts pptp encrypted communications as standard in 2000+17

obfsproxy can be used to obfuscate traffic so that it becomes unrecognizable hence bypassing the great firewall

Why would someone provide a VPN service for free if there's nothing in it for them? The way they make money is by selling your info. It makes no sense for someone to make a "free" VPN service without exploiting the users. It'd be a huge waste of money.

That's why you only use free VPNs to ban evade and browse firewall-blocked websites.

>obfsproxy can be used to obfuscate traffic so that it becomes unrecognizable hence bypassing the great firewall
I'll have to look into it. Recently, they've begun throttling my ssh socks proxy I was using, maybe because traffic analysis makes it look like I'm using it for http (which I am) or maybe just because it's a long lived encrypted connection.

If it's the latter, what can obfsproxy do?

most vpn's provide obfsproxy option i believe

if you're fortunate enough to live in a place where you can get a ~1 Gb/s connection for ~$20/month, ration that out at 1 Mb/s per user, you've easily got at least 2 or 3 thousand users forced to visit your website every day or two and view advertisements every time you change the VPN password which should be enough to pay the $20/month, you also accept donations and use the huge popularity of your free service to sell a much faster and more convenient VPN connection for $8/month without paying for advertisements/torrentfreak shilling for your service.

of course there's no way to know they're not selling your info for extra profit, just like with paid VPNs.

what is the best bang for your buck VPN?

currently debating between PIA and Nord. anyone here who tried both?

No logs my ass.

PIA might very well be an GCHQ honeypot and be passing other agencies data under the hood while claiming no-logs to appear more attractive.

This data is just too good not to be snooped on.

I bet no VPN service is allowed to operate unless collaborating with the 5 eyes. Remember lavabit.


its shit
pia is shit dont use it

reminder to avoid all american based vpns

whats your vpn of choice?

not him what about the serverlocations in the netherlands and swiss? I mean the PIA servers there?



t. the PIA shill

>wasted on a nigger
s h i g g y

are you stupid?

>even worse
d i g g y

AES is theoretically harder to break at 128 bits rather than at 256

>letting the government cuck you this hard

not him but germany really sucks in terms of pirating

>in terms of pirating
you mean there's something it doesn't suck at?

>implying the government is gonna bother asking for logs for pirated games/movies
If you watch child porn or release clasified info through a VPN then you're utterly retarded. That's what Tor is for.

not gonna start some Sup Forums shit on here m8

so does anyone on here actually have some knowledge about good vpns or is it just MUH VPN IS BEST YOURS IS SHIT without any arguments whatsoever?

Your VPN a shit

>few anons already said PIA is great
>no logs

>faggot is still confused

why do niggers need to be spoonfed?

most popular vpn's have a no log policy m8. thinking more about personal usage experience, speeds and shit

but only one has been proven in court to not log.

Which if you read the thread, you'd know.


does anyone know of good vpn's to run in a freenas jail? Most of the ones ive seen just give you a list of .ovpn files and not enough info to set up proper firewall rules

I use SoftEther VPN, its free, and chinks dont tell your ISP that you're torrenting or going on weird sites

is there a openvpn guide for retards?I dunno where to start

I have PIA, and I am worried that they secretly keep logs. What are the chances? It's fucking US based.
My issue with that court case is that they worked together for that, making it seem that they really didn't keep logs.

>is there a openvpn guide for retards?I dunno where to start
There are shitloads.

Just google Ubuntu openVPN, take your pick.

>How easy is it to set one up without use of a program?
Literally impossible
>is there a openvpn guide for retards?I dunno where to start
If you can't follow it, you're too stupid to not fuck it up no matter how much you're spoonfed

many thanks, anons