The gaming market just got a little more retarded

The gaming market just got a little more retarded.

Not that bad. The shroud is more tacky.
I'd rather get that glass side panel that is a display to put read outs on. Or even a small lcd to mount on top of my main monitor.
That thing would be to small to get a reading off id you have less than 20/20.
If it had a larger display, preferably full color that could fit more readouts I'd consider it for a next build, but for anyone with a brain, it's not worth what extra it would cost.

Coming from the muh colours LED bullshit that's been popular I'd say something functional is a step in the right direction.

Who leans into their case to look at a GPU card layout when the rest of the case is already blinding leds

I'm not saying it's very functional, just that it serves a purpose, which is more than you can say about glowing fans and memory modules.

fucking retarded
what's next? a butt plug mounted on top of your CPU so you can fuck your self?

Is that a VTOL?

such an ugly card imo, evga have done the best this generation with their superclocked and ftw cards, theyre beautiful

>look into the PC case
Why do people do this?
DOG I hate LEDs on everything so fucking much

>24PCIe power

>windowed cases

i like the shroud, i'm not gonna call it retro, but i like how it's not "aerodynamic" looking, kind of pre-soap bar car looking thing

sensor is kind of dumb, i like it on my current sapphire card where blue is cold, yellow is warm, red is hot, but there's no way i'd be able to effectively read something like that without closely staring into a 200mm fan and a bunch of metal mesh grating getting in the way


>snip snip
>screw back together
>now screen never turns on, saving my electricity

nvidia btfo

works for windowed cases
LCD looks avantgarde and classy nowadays

inverted motherboard

That's actually a pretty good idea.

the early 2000's called they want their rice back

t. green led owner


Windforce is a gigabyte brand


It would by nice to have that display on the back with all the other io stuff. I don't know what use it is in the case.

Are you blind? It's facing you!

There's MSI and Gigabyte cards in the pic.

I myself just picked up an Aorus 1080ti

the three slot thickness gets me hard just thinking about it

show pics


>M-muh guts!


how are the temps by the way?

god tier

I get about 12c cooler than my 980ti (83C to 71C), and it's about 90% faster in performance. I haven't even really tried to push the thing but it's a fucking monster

Witcher 3 at 4k is insane

I am jealous user. Meanwhile my GTX970 windforce runs at 81C under full load. A 4k capable card would be the next logical step for me. Let me finish with my masters first and find a job then we'll see.

Just get a credit card like me desu senpai. No interest for a year. Free loans. I wish I held off though because I'm graduating from school in a month and still have some papers to write...

Nah man, loans is a redline for me. I just live with what i have.

good on you then. In that case I'd wait until you can get one for $500-$600. $700 was ok because I'll be dumping my 980ti for $300 on ebay so it's just a $400 difference

that's the reason it's smart to buy premium. It has high resale value.

You're a big card

For you.

Dat cable management.

it's the curse of a non-modular PSU and needing my fans/wifi card to have tiny fucking wires all over the front


is gaming hardware for computers the same as audiophile hifi for audio equipment?

why do you have a 768p monitor with a 1080ti

do you want 560fps


I already own a noctua that double penetrates

>butt plug heatsink
fund it

>ass LITERALLY on fire
Seems like that would be very painful.

for you

Is this the new Bitching Fast by Video Loca?
Did get Don (((Francisco))) this time as sponsor too?

reminds me of my GTX 570 heatsink.

You're fucking dumb


>After windows loads, about 4-5 mins in there is a weezing/humming sound...after than screen goes black. Well i rebooted, then as quick as i could i tried to just up the fan speed, then the thing sparked 5 inches into the frigging air. I was lucky enough to keep my PC sideways and panel off (To make check lights, connectors etc) An extreme fire hazard.

This is why you don't buy gay shit.

yea ofc you wont mention that this is a sandwich card basically, its 2 cards into one i presume its the R9 390 X2 version

>so you can fuck yourself
I already own a Ryzen CPU though

Gotta power the lcd somehow :^)

i don't even have a windowed case who buys a fucking windowed case for bullshit like this?

i like to have a windowed case because i like to make sure everything is okay in there, i can check for dust and other shit like that, i can check for non working fans, on my old gpu one of the fans stopped working and the windowed case probably stopped me from lighting my case on fire

you would notice if your gpu fan was not working without having to look in your case if you software monitored your shit. as for dust crack your system open and clean it every 3 months and you're fine.

a windowed case is for manchildren and boys to show off what mommy's money bought. don't try and justify it.

oh boy if only i gave a shit what a sperg on Sup Forums says, feel free to buy non windowed cases, its a free world

>maybe 50 amps at most
>5 inch spark

What Winamp skin should I get to match with that?

> tries to use HOF as an example for most of the gaming market
> doesn't realize that 99% of the people who even but HOF cards are the ones who will cool it with ln2

I mean anything on that cooler that isn't actually cooling the gpu is pretty excessive at that point, but the cards pcb is already excessive to begin with

Who actually needs this? What's its target audience?

>$2 display
>$2 microcontroller
>$2 of components to connect it to parts on the GPU board
>add $100 for the feature

>insane overkill VRM
>white PCB
>LCD screen on GPU
This is retarded but it's a Galax HOF special edition, so why care?

I'm suspicious as well, considering the rule of thumb for sparks is about 1KV for 1cm of gap...

That is a dual gpu card, what in the fuck did
need 3 8 pins for?

What software out there can I run 24/7, that has a graph output and when minimized displays temps I find relevant?

I use to use speed fan, but new computer and im considering all my options.

Would like to know cpu, gpu, motherboard heat

I got a core 9x, they literally don't make non windowed cases anymore without paying specialty prices or having a shit case.
If I could, I would go windowless. its just not an option.

likely going to airbrush the side panel black in the coming month though.

There's a reason why people tell you not to run furmark on red devil GPUs