how do I become a better programmer?
plz no bully
how do I become a better programmer?
plz no bully
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Just get over it sonny. You are either born a good programmer or a bad one. It seems that in your case you are the latter.
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
This. Who else /bornbadatprogramming/ here?
>tfw been studying Python for 6 months and still can't code a bubble sort without it crashing and/or bugging out
Just fucking kill me already
>how do I become a better programmer?
Keep programing. You'll get better overtime. Try to read about best practices and style guides and follow them as best you can, even if it seems over kill for your small project.
wtf? you can't be this retarded.
high lel
>still can't code a bubble sort
Think about what you're trying to do and pretend you're going to write instructions on how to do it and give it to some idiot to follow. Do it in simple english or psudocode first then program it. This helps prevent you from trying to program something that won't work in the first place.
For bubblesort:
Take a list
Check to see if its sorted
If it isn't, compare the first value in the list to the second
If the first is higher than the second, swap their positions in the list
Move through the list, now comparing the second value to the third
Once you reach the end, check to see if its sorted
If not, repeat the above process until it is sorted
damn dude
pick 3
good advice
methinks "6 months" means "the equivalent of half a week for a working normie"
get off your ass
Install gentoo
try to do the most thing possible while writing the least possible ,
personnally , i try to write my code in one blow, then i read it and try to optimize it like, the same var is used a multiple number of time in multipe function, if setting it as a global variable is possible, while not impeding the code, then do it
also, if it's hard to think your code as you write it, take paper sheet and write how it works, it might help you
Game development.
do you really think that?
not op but i am beginner programmer (webcrawlers in c#, basic WPF EF6 CRUDs and stuff like that) and i tried Unity. I was totally stunned how i could not build a simple combat turn based system, didn't know how to start
+ gluts
you mean like every human being?
keep fucking programming, no excuses
computer science is a vast subject. dont expect to grasp it easily without the proper guidance and a well tought out learning program.
that being said after 6 months of programming you shouldnt really be in a position where you cant write down a loop with a simple check inside of if
tldr start with c
You shouldn't study a programming language, user! You should study programming itself.
If you are familiar with general programming basics, doing a simple sort algo won't be a problem in any language, even esoteric ones.
Do you have gentoo installed? This is important.
can you fizz buzz on the spot?
Spend 8 hours a week working on a side project in the area you want to improve on, then release it as open source.
do challenges for the language you want, once a day if youve got time. atleast once a week.
Do it a lot
>enroll in CS degree
>tfw never put ANY effort into really learning how to code
>spent ZERO time actually practicing on my own, always do bare minimum copy & paste job for assignments
>sort of know how to do things, but don't fundamentally understand any of it
>graduate with a bachelors in CS
I have made a mistake.
Read books
Make stuff
Networking (communication between devices using common file types and transfer protocols) is something that you can get into later. If you start with web dev, you turn into a hipster that uses the latest Mac and enjoys soy lattes. The best general purpose programming language is C. It's fairly straightforward and it's extremely powerful. If you want to get into software engineering, you get into harder and lower level languages like FASM (assembler for x86). If you still want to be a filthy web dev, then you learn HTML/CSS and you makes a pretty websites with rainbowz n shit.
Learn C in 24 hours:
Is there a list that spoonfeeds my gay ass? I dunno how to logic and I don't know where to start. Where is the entry level on that list?
That list is literally the spoonfeed list
^ same.
Try to understand how the technology you use works and CREATE little programs that implement that technology.
For example: If you are interested in web development try to create a small server using only the basics. Doing so, will teach you about network programming, concurrency, parsing requisitions, project management and so on.
Looks like a random list to me desufam
>That many pajeets
>tfw still don't fully understand recursion after 3 years
>tfw majoring in CS
>failed the second intro course, which is python
am i fucked? i really need to become a better programmer. right now i'm doing codecademy exercises, but I don't know if it helps. I know CS only gets harder from now on
How do I start? I don't have the money for classes. Is there a good book or website I can get? Also should I really start with C or is that just an elitist meme?
i failed intro, 2nd, and 3rd course c++ classes the first time around and passed them a second time with a C
i got kicked out of uni now
same except my grades are terrible. how did you get through this shit?
C is the closest thing to there being a universal language
a lot of other language will look and be structured similar to it
(define recursion (y)
((if (< y 10) (+ y 1) )
(recursion(y) ))
>i got kicked out of uni now
what happened?
i am going to be required to withdraw for a year because I was on academic warning for having a 1.8 GPA, then I never got the chance to bring it back up this year. Fall term I had a 1.3 which is even worse, and winter term I had a psychosis, got hospitalized, and had to withdraw from all courses.
I'm in a really shitty situation right now. I can't imagine spending a year as a NEET. Also tried to get started at wagecucking and applied online to many places, but haven't heard back from any of them.
i had a 1.6 gpa because of so many fails that were racking up so they DQed me
it wasnt even the comp sci classes, it was the calc 2 classes that i was continuously failing and raping my face off
i ended up just going back home to community college and since none of the comp sci class transfer i have to retake all of them
id honestly prefer to just NEET at this point, i cant stand wagecucking
>3rd year of CS
>have to constantly refer to google for even simple shit and never try to think for myself
just fuck my shit up
How's job hunting going senpai
How can I learn how to write modular reusable code?
damn you're in the same situation as me. i also failed calculus 2.
can't you go on academic probation or something? did you fail that as well?
i get neetbux because my dad has mental illnesses, but it's not enough to support myself desu. $200 a month.
how the fuck did you guys make it through CS then? is it really just a matter of googling and copy pasting bits of code? i didn't even bother to do that which is why i failed fucking python.
i already went past academic probation long ago, like during sophmore year
i honestly still dont know what to do with calc 2, its just so dull and boring that i snooze during class and the books they make you read are just not helpful at all, maybe i should actually goto a tutor or something
And we thought OP was retarded.
a lot of it was hacked together code yeah, other shit is something I "learned" but never applied outside of class so I forgot it quickly (ie I don't program enough in my free time)
it's not like my GPA is outstanding either (~3.0), I've seen complete dunces passing the classes (although everyone seems to fail discrete maths)
what year are you in now? i finished my second year.
calc 2 requires a lot of practice, i've heard. there was also a LOT to memorize.
if you don't have the money for a tutor, at least join a study group or go to office hours.
>I've seen complete dunces passing the classes
I got a C in my first intro python course without even trying. my lab partner did all the coding (with help from her bf) and I didn't do any of the work.
Yeah I think everyone fails discrete math because I had under a 50% and still got a D.
If you want get better at programming, start with Python - an easy to learn purogramming language - and check out this:
>university of waterloo
nice. are you canadian?
id technically be a super senior now
in reality back around a sophomore levels of credit because none of my comp classes transferred so i didnt even bother to transfer the GE i completed at uni
Start Here:
Calculus Made Easy. Thompson
>tfw bad at everything
Goddamn it. This thread is making scared of my future.
Just accept it, you arent as smart or good as you think you are
Embrace your brainlethood
Just do and try to understand your HWs and you will be fine. Future after school, i don't know.
it'll be hard making it as a brainlet in STEM
Good, there are too many fuckin' cs majors.
t. /r9k/
what's the best way to self-learn python?
literally find a project to make and google every answer
you now are a master of python
damn you're trying to make me into one of the failures in this thread