AMD has been on a serious downward trend for the past few years both on the gpu and cpu fronts

AMD has been on a serious downward trend for the past few years both on the gpu and cpu fronts.

Is there any saving AMD from oblivion?

Idk m8 i like my 1600 :^)

intel is at about 90% except for geamen faggotery???

Just wait.

>Intel is at about 90%

What? They are at 80%, at least for Steam users.

thats steam, do you think all the laptops and desktops in offices, schools and business all across the world have firepros or 1080tis?

Ryzen CPUs are looking really good bang for buck, especially compared to current Intel 4 core housefires. Hopefully they regain market share with them.
As for GPU... Very tricky. AMD needs to nail Vega really hard or else they are screwed at the high end GPU market.

put a tiny gpu into a r7 1700, and im in

Those niggers don't count though. The profits from those PCs are pretty much nonexistent.

Ryzen turned out to be solid but Vega is shaping up to be unremarkable like the Fury/X. I see a future where AMD competes well enough in CPUs but slowly falls out of the graphics market.

This is what happens when you sell shit CPUs.

>Vega is shaping to be unremarkable


well HP made 12.7 Billion dollars in the first 3 months of 2016, thats not bad

It'll probably be as fast as the 1080 (despite HBM2) and run hotter and use more power.

Par for the course for AMD.

They didn't make that from PC sales, they made that from their other non PC related services to businesses.

>AMD needs to nail Vega
Not really. As long as it does 1440 better than well, and comes in cheep, they'd be on the right track.
4k is more niche for computers than you'd think. 500+ for a shit tier monitor.
Still Vega is well on track to being worthy competition to the 1080. And in the real high end, they've already got SSD's to GPU's connectivity for much larger 'ram'. All nVidia can do is hope intel will allow optain to be strapped to one of their cards.

>uses tiled rasterisation

Nop Intel and Nvidia are pretty much da Monopoly at this point amd is shit tier

I don't care. Fuck Intel. I'll buy AMD until I can get a RISC-V chip & mobo with enough grunt to do basic desktop shit.

>ryzen works at 50%
>intel works at 90%
>intel has 4 fps more

Intel cucks BTFO

>Still Vega is well on track to being worthy competition to the 1080.

Except that it is on par with the 1070 and will cost $500+.

>12.5 tflops card

Except it isn't even released yet you chimp.

Well, Ryzen has just been released and before that it was only fx in 2013. But think about it. 20% of ALL steam users are using AMD cpu even though they are 2013 cpus. And 20% is a pretty large segment. It might even grow now that Ryzen has killed i5 line up and it is at least 4 months before new intel release.