He has a 60hz monitor in current year

>he has a 60hz monitor in current year

Other urls found in this thread:


>he shitposts on an anonymous image board in current year

A human cannot distinguish anything higher than sixty vertical refreshes per second


t. Poorfags who've never used 144hz

This is the new "humans can only see 24fps" meme

>he uses george costanza in batting cage mayms in current year

Then give me a 144hz 4k monitor

but i'm a femanon :(

Kys there are no females on Sup Forums

you know the rules around here
tits or gtfo


i saw one browsing two years ago from a library computer

*tips fedora*
>mfw his monitor doesn't have adaptive refresh technology

t. underage gaymer
don't you have gayming session to attend to?

>not 72Hz
user pls

oh yes, there are
alexa.com/siteinfo/Sup Forums.org

is that your rebuttal for being poor?

Traps don't count

where are the glossy 144hz monitors at?!

everything is matte nowadays and it sucks so much..
whats the most retina like pc desktop monitor?

Browsing location-school
And we wonder why is Sup Forums full of shit posts from retards in theyr teens.

that degeneracy belongs to the left, not worldwide. actual women do browse Sup Forums.


>matte monitor
pick one

All these fucking 144hz monitors are 27" and bigger, I just want a 24 inch or smaller with IPS and 144hz and low latency. Bigger isn't always better you dicks.

>Browsing location-school
Student residences (for students from other parts of the country) usually identify themselves with the university they belong to. That's why the school location has such share.

>implying there is a difference
>implying you are not being fooled into buying more expensive stuff

Good goy :^)

i pick both, because its true.
matte colors look saturated, its a fact.

There aren't any because they suck massive cock (just like you're mom).

Not that user, but you do realize high refresh rate is not the only thing that makes a monitor expesnive, right? Many of the most expensive monitors are 60Hz.

you need to be 18 to post on this website

But user. I overclocked it to 71Hz.

if you don't immediately see a difference you're visually impaired

>They never made that movie or thanksgiving
>instead they made machete and hobo
damn shame really

How does this site even determinate the sex? l don't remember Sup Forums ever asking my gender

>not using a 16:10 monitor

Unless they're going by DNS. Because Sup Forums never had a tracker either. Then again captcha, and chrome cucks.

Ill stick with my 60hz and spend the money on prostitutes and drugs thx honey

Why do I need 144hz if I don't game?


>Not overclocking your 60Hz monitor to 75Hz


CAPTCHA from Google. WHether you're logged in or not, tracking and profiling is possible.

Ukraine (:

plz show feminine benis

Even if you're gaming, it's a meme unless you're a korean esports autist

How does a captcha determine my gender. Legit curious

How hard was this?
>Getting a IPS237L this week

Also not using 3840 x 2160 pixels on your primary rig in the current year

My current screen runs @75Hz btw
>I can never reach more than 40 FPS in ME3

Your IP and where the captcha was spawned from.
Meaning if you've ID'd yourself on that IP then go to Sup Forums you've confirmed what sex you are when accessing Sup Forums.

>he doesn't have a 100hz+ screen on his laptop

I don't play videogames often enough to warrant 144Hz or 120Hz. The ones I did, like Witcher 3 are fine for 60 and are actually better for it since Ultra allows a continuous 60fps as I doubt I'd get over 100 continuously.

I prefer a monitor with 14 bit colour to 8 bit regardless. It's orgasmic viewing HDRs.

Human eye can't see more than 25fps anyways. We don't need more

>he uses a laptop

>he doesn't need a laptop

He's a jobless beta NEET. Laptops are essential to the working, alpha male.

>he has a monitor in current year

You'll have to mess with the timings if you want to go over 70Hz.
Here's what I use for 77Hz. Yours may be completely different, but hopefully you can get a general idea.
Bear in mind you can't exceed 165Mhz pixel clock on DVI unless you mod your drivers, at least on AMD side.

you might want to check this out as well

literally makes no sense if you have a flicker free monitor and not play games.

you can literally see mouse cursor moving smoothly on 144 hz

that alone is worth it imo
smooth window dragging and scrolling is pure sex
gotta have a 1000hz polling rate mouse but I suppose any 144hz monitor owner does

Tracking and creating a profile based on the info they (Google) got about you, including websites visited, preferences on things, interests, etc.

Does this work with Acer XB280HK (Gsync 4K) and GTX 1070s?

dunno, it should. You would probably have better chances using the tool in the geforce drivers instead of CRU.

Hour-ounce? Hour depth? Hui znaet?

As far as I heard 144Hz users have many problems with compability. I doubt that its worth anywhere except in games. And if, only in competetive games, which I rarely play, I prefer to see things like BF1 in full 2160p resolution.

>I know there is a 144Hz 4K screen but even if I were that rich I know there is no graphics solution on the market that could power it

You seem to be unaware of the culture of anonymous imageboards. I will enlighten you.

You are anonymous. We are anonymous. None of you have an identity here. None of us give a shit about your identity. Therefore, the only reason we have to care about your GENDER is if you are showing us tits. Otherwise, you are an anonymous fool.

If you think that's mean or unfair, then maybe, you should not have volunteered the information.

Let me reiterate my point: nobody cares if you are female unless you are willing to show us tits.

60 hurts? maybe ask it to stop being a bully

how do


>no trackers on 4cuck
>browses Sup Forums


>No graphical solution to power 144hz 4k
3 way SLI 1080Ti

>Working for a living
>Alpha male
You are such a fool. The only way to be a true Alpha is to carve your own path through life.

Not in my memory. And I was referring to passive trackers. Not ad's that happen to track you as well.

I need two monitors for work and because of autism they NEED to match. I had non-matching ones for years but when I built my current rig a year ago for some reason I couldn't get the colors to match. I ended up relenting and getting two new ones. I can't afford 2 $600 monitors so I got a couple 23 in IPS Panels. I know I'm limited to 1080p but like I said I need two of them, and I don't really have the desk space to go much larger than that.

thanks babe

>asus mg248
>lightboost is grayed out
>toastyx doesn't work
wat do

>read this
>currently have 1440x900 & 1366x768 monitors both at 60Hz
>900p at 26 inches
>768p at 19 inches
>got fired and nobody nearby has any work needing to be done
>can't go out and buy new monitors because poorfag
feels bad

Idgaf, lol.


That still doesn't change the fact that this post is retaded

Asus vg248qe. Come on user, it's the most popular 144hz on the market and you don't know about it?

>As far as I heard 144Hz users have many problems with compability.
That only happens in retardedly coded games like Rabi Ribi where the the game logic is so closely tied to the framerate. Besides, it's pretty easy to just change the refresh rate for the occasional stupidly coded game.

That's not even close to true