I want to show some normies how some of you have insane amounts of storage and I found no speccy thread, so here it goes I guess.
Speccy Thread
why are you showing Sup Forums to "normies"
please stop. college campuses should be banned from this website
There will literally never, ever be a reason to upgrade from Sandy Bridge.
Actually they are quite remediable, the only norrmie thing about them is not knowing Sup Forums, they are not the normie scum you are referring to.
It costed the same to get a 3470 than a 2400, did I fuck up? Would you change it for a 2600 non-K? (Not interested in oc)
As the 3770 is still expensive as fuck.
shitposting machine
>3gb 1060
The gpu was a gift and I don't use this pc that often.
Main machine
Any Sandy/Ivy is pretty garbage at stock. The entire point of the SB meme is that they overclock by 1.5GHz without breaking a sweat. Without that, you might as well buy a $60 G4560, which will offer the same performance as a stock 2500K.
I need to invest in some more storage.
Not sure whether to get the 960 Pro or just an 850 Evo
first build , pretty sweet
Is 970 sli more powerful then 1070?
Yes, but not by much
Can you detail how you installed windows 7 on Ryzen?
Who the hell just gifts someone a GPU without asking first?
Switched my 3770K to a 5820K for free last year.
Also just got a 3470 for 40 €. I can't wait until the new hardware arrives.
I think i'm just about at 20TB.
I would sell it, I got 200 € for mine, paid 160 € for it.
Why so many drives? Wouldn't it be easier to buy a single 8 TB drive instead?
Buying a FX series processor in 2017 is retarded.
You should get rid of those 3.5s soon.
Around 10 - 15 % in theory.
Fix your font rendering m8
Nice HDDs, you should buy a NAS for them. Also a 960 for 1440p screens and triple channel on a 5820K?
What is wrong with it? Everything looks sharp to me, using a 4K screen.
1 DIMM causes BSOD's after a few hours and I don't really need the extra 8GB at the moment.
Also, this computer isn't for gaming, i just needed a modern GPU that had hardware encode/decode for UHD.
And why should I buy a NAS? Extra hardware cost for what purpose?
I have a 2nd computer downstairs with another 15TB as well.
asrock usb patcher: asrock.com
Might not work with all motherboards
i got it last year, first build doesnt mean i just built it today, its not bad chip though i dont understand how it is. Can play all games at ultra and 1080 60 fps and i didnt put that much money into this. for the fx chip
Isn't it easier to access these via NAS on a TV / bedroom PC?
This is a bedroom PC, the PC downstairs is hooked up to the only TV in the house.
Both are connected via 1gbps ethernet.
Both are equally accessible off my local network.
You should never buy some prebuilt synology PoS nas, but i think my home server is useful.
It offloads file hosting, torrenting and some minor servers I share with friends, so I can do whatever with my main PC like putting it to sleep or rebooting. Plus it keeps my PC behind the firewall.
It also works around the bug where explorer .exe will hang until all drives have spun up.
The power draw is probably the same since it enables me to put my PC which draws more power to sleep.
I don't have an insane amount of storage but I'll contribute anyway
Fair enough
I already got the 3470 anyway for 80 bucks and didn't have to change the motherboard or anything else, so the next logical step would be an i7 if I wanted to change.
I guess I would have to get a 2600k + some decent cooler, or can you oc with a stock cooler? I'm so out of the game here, the last time I did oc it was on a socket 462 Sempron.
Useless site.
It's hard to dig up benchmarks comparing something this old to something new but here's something. 2500k is ~28% better in multicore at stock speed.
>insane amounts of storage
You don't need an amazing cooler. A $30 Hyper 212 Evo or similar is enough for 4.6GHz or so with a 2600K. 3770Ks are housefires though.
Nobody cares about synthetic benchmarks, lads. An i3 6100/G4560 performs about the same as a stock 2500K in muh gaymes.
My storage is puny.
My desktop has more than your server, and I still have three ports free.
>Windows 10 Home
Not synthetic, I dont care about muh gaymes and this isnt Sup Forums.
But that guy with a 1080 and a 2600k probably does.
I wouldn't recommend either though as they stutter if something is running in the background.
fuck u live
north pole
>Not synthetic, I dont care about muh gaymes and this isnt Sup Forums
Then stop offering people who do your shit advice. Nobody who currently owns an old i5 is doing any serious work on their machine that requires HEDT or Poozen.
New Ryzen 7 1700x system with 2x 5tb HDDs to replace the aging 320s on the way
No idea why it lists my SSD as SCSI...it's definitely SATA.
And my old gaymen machine repurposed as a NAS
threads like this need to be saged.
3470 is faster than a 2400. If you have an oc board clock it. If not consider trading in on a Xeon 1230v2< as they are 8 thread ivy based chips. The earlier sandy based xeons have lower turbo clocks. I just found a 3770 for $140 and picked it up. Hopefully it's a good'n. Only be about $80 out of pocket after I sell the i5.
You should be fine as long as you don't have a monster gpu.
I need to update my b8pics
>Then stop offering people who do your shit advice.
I was calling out incorrect information. Read my post again.
>serious work
So that's up to you to decide? People shouldn't get a more powerful CPU if they have some use for it?
Kaby lake(other than the pentium) is only better than ryzen in one area, gaming with a 144hz screen and $500+ GPU.
They still want insane prices for old i7s, I wouldn't buy them unless you really need the performance.
Instead of upgrading to x299, I may just buy $5000 worth of audiophile snake oil.
>intel pentium 4
You forgot:
>space heater
>housefires internally
so you started this thread to see large storage, and instead saw how Sup Forums doesn't like to upgrade its computers
Was always a AMD man myself.
Got a e7400 with a p45 board just temporarily for cheap back in 2010 while I visited family for a few months. Overclocked it to 4ghz stable on air.
To my suprise, it out performed my AMD phenom2 x4 965 @ 4.1ghz on water system in most games, and just felt smoother and more responsive.
Thats when I knew AMD was in trouble, a quadcore beaten by a dualcore.. Sold it and got a i7 system. Haven't touched AMD since.
Until now, expecting my Zen shit in a couple days. You better not dissapoint me again streetshitters..
Overclocked that x4 910?
No bully pls
Did I do good Sup Forums? This rig is 2 years old now.