Whats the best way to seperate multiple contacts on cellphones and social media?
I have many girlfriends I try to manage, I dont want to mess up and call them wrong names.
Whats the best way to seperate multiple contacts on cellphones and social media?
I have many girlfriends I try to manage, I dont want to mess up and call them wrong names.
why you need it?
you cannot call 2d wives or girlfriends really
I use a spreadsheet
Sure I have a spreadsheet, but Im not on my Alienware 24/7
I had two separate users on my dual-sim phone and I used one of the users to exclusively message prostitutes. Different users, different google account, different whatsapp account too.
I don't do this anymore because sex with prostitutes sucks but it's a useful scheme I guess, way less suspicious than carrying two phones or whatever.
With Parallel Space you don't even need 2 SIMs to have different WhatsApp accounts, you only need to receive the confirmation they text to that SIM card.
Dual-sim phones are Africa tier
Really you don't even need Parallel Spaces since, being Unix-like, Android supports multiple users OOTB, but it is way more convenient to actually have both lines on the same phone, especially if someone has no means of communication but a phone. You wouldn't call using your real number, now, would you
It's an OP3T though? I guess it's Asia tier.
Nice I have it as well. I use Parallel Space for my second Clash of Clans account. It's nice because you can have both apps open at once.
Make one of them your personal assistant and let her plan things and respond to messages
This is the most alpha option
Are you cat fishing girls for nudes? You're fucking pathetic dude.
No, I keep multiple girls for sex and comfort and other services.
do you have any negresses?
Id take Lupita Nhonggg and Beoynce.
Also have OP3T love it
I'll give you a hint.
1. Don't be a nigger.
Im pure white and finnish
Shut up, mongloid.
Hurr durr I've never lived between more than 1 country cause murica
No need to bully, asians are cool
Whitest genes in Europe.
>not using a custom, secure SAP database to manage your harem
it's like you want to get caught