/wdg/ - Web Development General

Deal with the i's because I'm on mobile and you're all too lazy to make a thread edition.


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first for nodejs

Does anyone wanna help test my Pinturillo rip-off? It's my first attempt at using node js and it's basically Pictionary in your browser. I'm probably gonna buy a domain and throw some ads on it but I have no idea how to build a playerbase.
I'd also love some design critique because I had a lot of trouble designing things (especially the lobby) to look good on mobile while making use of the available space in a desktop window. I haven't tested it on all browsers/devices yet (no Apple) so let me know if it looks wonky.

whats a good place to start laravel beside laracasts

is she ill? her hand color is different than her face color.


lol played it for a bit, pretty good

I need a self-hosted headless/decoupled (whatever you want to call it) CMS, that lets users edit content in an admin interface, which I can then retrieve in the websites javascript with a quick ajax request.

Anyone got experience with ButterCMS, Directus or something similar?

pretty cool but you really should differentiate yourself from the competitors

sry, meant Cockpit not ButterCMS
Butter can't be self-hosted

I'm looking at the green start button on visual studio. What's the difference between starting "IIS Express" and starting "web"?

Is there something like The Odin Project, just concentrated on Python and Django?

In what way do you mean?

web will host it through its integrated kestrel server instead of iis express.

What are my options if I want a lightweight JS desktop application?

I'm just launching chrome with --app=
Good enough for me.

probably electron

how big is an electron app?

>he's not an asynchronous developer

is this just bait for each thread?

how much help do you want from libraries? Like you can go vanilla and that will be as light as they come. But frameworks can help you to create an SPA and then all loading is in the front and you never have another page refresh (that's another form of light weight)

I'd say its about 80-100 MB, it bundles chromium so

my bad, its actually more. Postman seems a pretty straightforward app and its 175 MB

I just need something really barebones with file access and a basic webpage

desu thats too large for what I want to do.

is it possible to run a .js with filesystem in the browser?

does allow me to do that?

If there is no way I should probably just do it in C#

Sourcecode plz?

This is ur first attempt at node.js i built so
Many sht with node but nothing as cool as this just mock up websites

there seems to be NW.js too.. but it too is at least 75 MB (40 zipped)


are you asking for this

>are you asking for this

nyet, im not that user and that's not my project.

I think this will be able to do what I need developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_and_Directory_Entries_API
without having to deploy my app bundled with chromium

>I just need something really barebones with file access and a basic webpage
By file access, you mean importing files from the user's computer into the app? Do you need to store the image or manipulate it? Or does it just stay there in the client's app?

I want to read the contents of a directory on the user pc and compare it to a directory on the server and then output which files are different

It's called makeup

Then that is some very shit makeup.

What are you using for your front end code, react?

Are you using express for the backend?

Is there a database?

Nigga said "lightweight"

Compare a directory structure? I see this on SO:

But you're going to need a back-end (not just JS) to export a snapshot of the directory structure there unless it's hard-coded (in which case, just use JSON to hold the snapshot)



Hi, welcome to /wdg/.

trying to make a blog site, should i get the data from my github parse it and display it on my website, or use jelkyll(which i am unfamiliar with)
Keep in my mind my site is built on React, or should I make anohter website where I post sht in a db n thn use it as an api for my blog

Why don't you integrate the API in the same site?

that would be a lot of coding for security, thats why I rather make another site and when I have time ill do code the rest

dealers choice
not sure how 1 site would be any less secure than 2.

Thy wouldnt know the other sites url

am trying to implement a bitcoin roll game in which a pair of players rolls a number and the highest wins the pot. I'm trying to figure out the implementation details now.

1) Do I have both subscribe to one websocket topic and send em a message that the game started and to send them a JSON with who's the winner or the loser after I generate random numbers for them?
2) Do I somehow connect these people to each other and have em directly send events to each other? For ex user A rolls, the even of rolling and the number of the opponent goes to B, B rolls, the server decides who won the game and sends them both a JSON of the results?
3) Do I not wait for any events and simply decide two random numbers for the participants and just show em the results after they click roll?

Another question for Elixir fags, how do I make a socket available in the application generally so the server can relay messages btw the sockets directly?

are you gonna play for real btcs or just pretend?

security through obscurity is not security at all

how do i kill an ajax request if its still running when i dont want it to?

Do not trust the clients to do what you want.

ok i found out i can use window.stop()

if this the best method to stop pending ajax requests?

Are you using jquery?

You can call .abort() on the request its self to cancel it.

nah raw js im just making a new xmlhttp object

what are those i's anyway? Is there a proper name for them?

the place where I started to work is complaining about bd performance and blaming mysql for that. could that really be the case? if it is, what would be good alternatives for their needs?

>could that really be the case?

you could check the execution time of whatever MySQL are doing:

this is a really broad question and is begging for circle jerk.

Profile the website/client - what is taking so long? Is it ACTUALLY the database? is it an insert, or retrieving data? Which request is slow?

Check the tables this request is messing with, are they properly indexed? did someone do something retarded?

I use MSSQL at work but have equal experience with postgresql - you need to look into the actual issue.

What do you guys use for hosting? I have a number of small sites that I am going to set up for clients is there a good way to get a benefit from referrals when I sign them up for a shared hosting plan?


Anyone else using webcomponents and polys?

best drag an drop website maker? squarespace?

I need advice on books or resources to create a good REST API. Have any suggestions? Usually I pick anything by O Reilly, but unfortunately I have seen the reviews and the books seem to suck, any ideas?

any particular language or higher level?

I am focusing on Javascript/JSON, I am writing something in Node, but would like more data as how to design it better overall.

what are your thoughts on bootstrap components vs jquery-ui?

I'm pretty new and both seem to do the same thing, except bootstrap adds more bloat to the project while still depending on jquery.

Is WordPress 'development'? I'm a data scientist and was mind blown when I found out my organisation's website runs on WP... We hire 3 full time developers, and our site is pretty static, no major frequent updates. WTF do these "developers" do all day? They all have art degrees and did some summer Ruby on rails course. I want to rebuild the site with Django and then make my CEO fire them and give me half of all their salaries. Any input from Sup Forums?

you can use custom themes in WP and a lot of work goes into making sure the themes work on at every resolution, on phones, etc. Its possible that they wrote a custom theme for your org or they modify an existing theme to meet your needs. It can be quite complicated but if there isnt any major changes to your site I'm not sure what they do all day. that said if they're all artists they might be UI designers or some shit.

People did X in Y, I want to do X in Z and it will obviously be better.

holy shit this is painfully web dev

why do you want to remake the website if it works just fine?

Need some help.
Let's say I press a button in my SPA to load some content.
Now while it's loading I want to display a loading icon.

What events do I have to use to handle
everything loaded -> requesting new content/loading -> done again

To save the company money and to make money myself.

Oh in that case, carry on

They're meant to do both front and back. I'll admit I have no clue nor willingness to learn front. But last week or so my CEO asked them to align a two buttons withing separate divs. They said it's impossible, lolz. They also told me it's impossible to count the amount of times files we host are downloaded...

> Caring about bloat

Care about whether it's slow and whether it makes it easier/harder for you to use. If you're a web developer you have basically no control over the performance of your environment where it matters because everything is a single threaded event loop.

Just worry about which one is easier to use and helps you maintain it

Is it even an argument that Django > WordPress? WordPress is literally a blogging platform

Although desu, I was intrigued by the react based front end framework based on Google design guidelines. Minimal ui or something like that? May have a look at it

What's a kiss-ass reason for why I would be interested in working front end dev at a marketing firm? I'm thinking something along the lines of "I want to work there because what better place to foster a web development career than at an internet marketing firm?"

You want to work in a customer-facing company to help provide an excellent user experience in their front facing products.

You're welcome. I've gone through many of these, but I hate front end dev.

I'm actively looking to work at a marketing firm, rather than other industries, because I feel it's a sector where front end development is very much aligned with the core marketing ethos. I feel like front end is a significant part of both the product and placement in today's digital society.

that's pretty shit. You shouldn't say anything that can be replaced with x.

say something about how a products front end on the internet is the website and you want to create memorable websites that will solidify their brand in your market segment that views the website.

Say you want to change the world. With ads.

you mean "make the world a better place"

So what is requirement to work as junior php web developer?
I have done almost everything in php and still like afraid to send my cv to some company.
I worked as freelancer but i want real job in company.
I have knowledge of c++, java, php and js
Dont really know good any php framework , i can build simple stuff in Laravel.
In plane php i can do anything, i always write my code is always object oriented. Dont like seeing that half html half php codes
red-pill me anons about real jobs

do you have a portfolio that proves you actually know what you are doing?


Well, is github enough?
They can see my code there

You have to have:

> A portfolio
> A website
> A focus in a backend area

Sometimes it isn't enough, you have to showcase it

For the love of god, this.

We just got through a hiring round of ~8 developers. I don't want to see screenshots of your shit on github and then go through the code as well. Make a showcase, make your shit demoable. Make it easier it is on me and you're much more likely to get a call back.

theres not really any way for them to see that your code actually works. Buy some cheap hosting and implement your code. or just host on your computer and never turn it off since it won't really be traffic intensive.

I don't use PHP. I focused on Javascript and Node.js instead but all I had on my github were some tutorial-level projects like a todo list and shit. No personal website, no portfolio. Got a job doing Node for a small company, its comfy and I get ownership over a codebase and get to solve fun problems rather than just churning out the same websites all the time.

Fill your resume with a huge "skills" section listing every language, library, framework and tool you've ever used. This will allow non-technical recruiters to match their stupid keywords easily and give you interviews.

If you worked as a freelancer you'll be fine, make it sound technical to impress the recruiters. You should have no trouble finding a job.

>Fill your resume with a huge "skills" section listing every language, library, framework and tool you've ever used. This will allow non-technical recruiters to match their stupid keywords easily and give you interviews.

Fuck me cause this works

Kek. I still struggle with the idea that we need to be filtered by some idiot who knows nothing about programming.

So what type of apps people usually wants to see?
Most of the apps i made for myself are doing things with video/photo/audio files, use some linux app for its shit.
Projects i did for clients were boring on the other hand. Like website for renting apartments, my biggest project was a storage inventory management system which needed to generate lots of PDF reports, calculate all type of shit and send bunch of mails with those reports attached. But i don't think i could show them this app for legal reasons
Well i'm type of person that tests everything, that could be really long list

For front end development, just demonstrate knowledge of what you're trying to get hired on. Something a bit more than babby's first TODO app, so I know you didnt just copy a tutorial and send it up.

Doesn't need to be ground shatteringly amazing, just not an obvious plagiarism and have something that shows off some knowledge.

Just doing this puts you ahead of the majority of candidates.

would i get a job, kek

I don't know shit about front-end frameworks so I'm just using jQuery, probably a pretty dumb choice. The backend is Express and Socket IO and there's no database, I wanted to keep it simple so I wouldn't need one.

old shit newfag

not with that GPA

digital ocean instance, should probably look for something better though

Anyone know the easiest way to host a node.js app on a domain?

What's your favorite piece of syntax sugar in ES6?

You could use Heroku, alternatively a host which supports FTP, and has a bash command line should suffice.

Is there a book which teaches you Typescript from scratch? One which assumes you don't know Javascript yet?

You should be able to use something like nprogress and hook it into your apps routing and http service

How do I return whether a fetch was successful or not?

Imagine I have a function like this
function myFunc() {
return fetch(...).then(...).catch(...);

is it possible to get a true/false back from the function?