That feeling when the CIA 'scribbles' on your MSWord documents just to find you :-[

>WikiLeaks publishes the documentation and source code for CIA's "Scribbles" project, a document-watermarking preprocessing system to embed "Web beacon"-style tags into documents that are likely to be copied by Insiders, Whistleblowers, Journalists or others. The released version (v1.0 RC1) is dated March, 1st 2016 and classified SECRET//ORCON/NOFORN until 2066.

Terry was right

Other urls found in this thread:

M$ Office BTFO

I use nano. catch me kniqquah

vimfag reporting in

>trying to stop people blowing the whistle on the CIA
Terrorist organisation

Did their project include the leaked documents? :^)

>"If the targeted end-user opens them up in a different application, such as OpenOffice or LibreOffice, the watermark images and URLs may be visible to the end-user.”

score one for the good guys

Sup Forums was right
stallman was right
we are winning

The geeks will inherit the Earth

just browse them on a pc with no internet

Looks like a good time to start using LaTeX

>Terry was right

no shit he was right, the guy is a fucking quantum space heaven genius

>"If the targeted end-user opens them up in a different application, such as OpenOffice or LibreOffice, the watermark images and URLs may be visible to the end-user.”

Stallman was right.

daily reminder that wikileaks is russia's project to undermine the faith in democracy. If you read wikileaks than you're traitor.

6/10 good format

It's always a good time to start using LaTeX

He isn't our ally. Remember that he's still a Jew.

/po/ is leaking

>ayy it's propaganda because they don't agree with me ygyy
Why don't you try to prove them wrong?

watch CNN they did a greate job

>Source code is C#
I thought C was the choice for le evil haxors?

How isn't this being bumped more? fuck this board full of shills.

Nice proof there.
>Its Our Job To Control What People Think

You need to put this in a proper context. There are foreign countries who try manipulate the information flow in the west.

people don't really care. take a look at the facebook thread regarding the targeting of troubled kids for marketing. the thread is nearing past limits, but do you think they're discussing underhanded Facebook tactics? No. it quickly turned into a/pol/ race thread, or maybe it's a cointel op, who knows. people simply don't care. however, i hope that the people who really matter are tracking this stuff, and adjusting accordingly. people like the individual that leaked the 'Panama Papers'.

Good thing i use libre office

I have been thinking about using LaTex outside its traditional usage scenarios, but tinkering with it below the surface in order to make it work for those purposes seems like a fucking mess.
Any pointers on where to start?

What if all the derailing of threads into Sup Forumsack race issues was the cia intentionally keeping our threads unproductive

The CIA imported redditors to kill discussion and shilled that mass shitposting was site culture and that every board was like Sup Forums.

that's exactly my point. even though Sup Forums and Sup Forums have seen the alphabet agency slides on how to go about infiltrating/breaking up forum consensus, we continually fall for the bait. those in power don't give a shit about loli threads, or any if the darkest sit we've all seen here. however, try to inform yourself and others about dark shit the government does, and watch the shitstorm that ensues against whomever dares to bring the truth to light.

Don't. LaTeX is made for its purpose but is pretty retarded to use outside of it. Use LibreOffice or something

>pretty retarded
me pretty

>take a screenshot of the MS word document
>no more tracking

I assumed they were tracking all original documents before, guess not.

I don't think they would allow screenshotting in whatever OS they're using. And using a real camera would be very easily spotted.

You can't be this retarded

Like CNN and the Pentagon, your absolutely right, just not in the way you think

>"Web beacon"-style tags
So they basically call home every time a document is opened in Word? Sounds about right.

We better start reading through the MS Office documentation to figure out how they might be embedding them. It's just a 70MB zipped PDF.

thanks for post, user

We don't want to relate to your shitty ideologies, Stallman is the comfiest commie. Stallman doesn't even like U.S. republicans : fuck off nazi

Fuck off d&c CIA shill

It's entirely possible that the web beacon uses protocols that are private and not visible on the publicly available spec for Word documents.
It would explain why it doesn't work on OpenOffice or LibreOffice.

Although the jewes @ Microsoft, Adobe, Intel...

Do anything possible to ease monitoring you . the cattle, the customer - this botnet is avoidable as easily as:

- never use embedded readers in (browsers)))
- download locally that shit you might wish to read
- open on a 3rd party tool that's closed from connecting to anything (use a reliable firewall/block egress).

literal CIA niggers all up in your shit


this isn't surprising, though.. I've read stuff like this before, watermarking and "pinging" is even used at commercial companies to track leakers and shit

>implying Sup Forums don't support mass surveillance

>print the documents
>scan them
>send them to wikileaks

Hillary, I know the alzheimer's is starting to set in, but the election was 6 months ago.