Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering
Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering
Software Development vs. Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering vs. IT vs. Game Development vs. Web Development
The title of "engineer" is more prestigious.
>Computer Engineering
because muh makers gonna make
is this a joke lmao?
It's a protected title in alot of institutions and often requires higher average grades to get into starting uni
Software Development
>wow user, do you work for facebook?
Computer Science
> lol what a nerd xD
Computer Engineering
>user, we're sorry but we're outsourcing your job
>user, my computer doesn't work :(
Game Development
>so how is your 8bit indie game going?
Web Development
>here's your new colleague Snowflake xir just finished a two week bootcamp about web development and will take the lead in the next project
>Computer Engineering
Jobs that aren't available in the US anymore.
Where are the CE jobs then?
I have been visiting /g and /sci for 5 months but I am already tired of this shit
Double Major in Statistics and Finance then get a masters in Financial Engineering
Easiest 300K starting ever
It's not all about the money user
Every CE job posting I've seen is for low-level programmers with heavy emphasis on C.
Every CS job posting I've seen is for high-level programmers with heavy emphasis on Java and C#.
Check your local market. You know this to be true.
For example, Lockheed Martin is hiring programmers for their F-35 program.
Programming for the components on the fighter jet: CE.
Programming for the user interface that reports stats collected from the components: CS.
CE if you are an electronics/hardware geek, CS if you like to hack software.
mustard vs mayonnaise
mustard obviously
Stick win every time
I did a compE degree. A CompE senior can do everything a CS senior can do, as well as a lot of cool EE stuff.
You can work in pure software, pure hardware, or somewehre in between
you can do web dev, front end, full stack, make mobile apps, or just work as an electrical engineer
it's a really broad degree in that respect
sounds like a cuck
Unless you study the specific subjects by yourself, no, you can't "do everything a CS senior can do".
actually from a high level standpoint, yes you can
CompE people understand programming wayyy better than most CS students to be honest
most CompE's have to write their own OS and or compiler at some point during undergrad, most would argue that's more valuable than studying the runtimes of some obscure data structure that only exists inside of a wikipedia article
What are some mechanical engineering jobs in the computer/tech fields
Surely this is a mildly important skill set to have
mechE jobs with computers?
lots man
there's a ton of electrical/embedded systems in cars
try to get into aerospace, it combines a lot of cool Eng fields
I know nothing of electrical. Only mechanical.
I'm hobbyist at best as far as qualifications go but this is only because I'm a faggot that didn't want to take courses for that degree.
Also in that one course I did take I learned just how fucked the US is seeing as they insisted I use imperial measurements for any work done in class or in a job (unless specifically calling for metric). It was then that I realized I'm surrounded by retards
Man, just take a glimpse at the CS curriculum. It won't hurt.
I agree that it has a shitton of theoretical stuff, but it's precisely the huge amount of theory that differentiates a CE senior from a CS senior. Also, most CE senior I know never have written a compiler, to be honest.
I come from a long line of computer engineers. Guess I will just go with the flow.
>applied mathematician
here, here's $3M to split, and make this $600M plant "work", with 250 other people
What about electrical engineering and a minor in computer science?
that's precisely what CompE is
Mathematics of Computation vs Applied Mathematics if Computation
I know. What I'm asking is if studying ee and just having cs as a minor opens up more job prospects than simply going into full ce?
As far as programming, both are shit, only industry experience and real intellectual curiosity can make you good.
>CS majors
>completely disconnected from any sense of the computer's actual operating constraints
>flummoxed by anything not abstracted away by interpreted high level languages
>uncertain of even basic concepts like "executables"
>autistic overuse of complicated design patterns
A major problem is web sites like Stackoverflow, they can cobble together solutions to programming assignments in high level languages while actually understanding fuck all.
>CE majors
>little sense of code reuse / elegance in program design
>copy and pasting massive blocks of code
>"it works for the most part, doesn't it? just need to add another if to handle that edge case"
>allergic to multithreaded or interrupt-driven design, despite its importance in their field
>"fuck makefiles, let's just keep it all in one function so it's simpler"
You don't have quite the same problem with the "copy it from google" design flow quite as badly here, since microcontroller / hdl programmers are significantly rarer, and there's a lot of room in assignments to shake things up.
No, they don't.
This is silly.
And creating your own low level OS and compiler is something you will never use again, it's not particularly useful except as an exercise.
Algorithm application and design on the other hand, is something that is extraordinarily useful for problem solving and software design.
CompE might teach you many things, but a more qualified software developer than a CS is not one of those things.
The thing is, high level concepts are embedded in the low levels of OS/compiler/instruction set design and even HDLs. CE necessarily get a big helping of CS to go along with their EE training, while CS intentionally abstract away EE.
e.g. finite automata. CE's usually don't ever get formally introduced, yet gain an intuition when they build finite state machines on the gate level in their first year.
I do think CS seniors have an advantage in applied CS, i.e. they have time to study modern stuff like blockchain, ML, etc.
So, if I'm going to fall for the machine learning meme, then I should choose CS?
No, you can take machine learning courses as CE. At my school and for my CE program, I have to take at least 5 high level CS electives to fill in for the lack of higher level abstraction.
I'm taking machine learning as one of those electives next semester on top of my signals and systems EE class
Game development
Sounds about right
t. IT
There are lots, but you probably don't want them:
I recall seeing statistics indicating that 70% of MechEs employed are somehow connected to automotive
CE == pure IT
Don't fall for the meme
It doesn't matter what you do, you'll for (;;) the "guy that formats computers" to your family.
i'm a CompE and unironically write firmware that drives phones for IT help centers
we are the ones who make IT jobs, user
so basically both computer scientists and computer engineers really have no idea what they are doing and are hacking together chunks of code they don't understand
also lol those are scoreboards you stupid neural net
minors are memes typically, unless you have genuine interest they will not benefit you.
aren't* fuck me
I'd imagine writing you own OS and/or compiler would help in firmware development and troubleshooting as well as embedded systems where you may need to port a kernel/OS to it, or am I wrong?
No, because it's a completely unique environment in the embedded system you're working with.
For instance, Temple OS is a remarkable feat of programming and OS development, particularly for one man....
... But it hasn't endowed Terry with any magical ability or innate qualification to debug the embedded OS running a welding robot at General Motors.
Think of it as the differences between artists: The finest pen and ink sketch artist in the world isn't inherently endowed with any special talent when it comes to the intricacies of watercolor painting. You can sketch from memory with deliberate strokes of a pen all you want, but that experience doesn't translate well to watercolors when the precise ordering and layering of color needs to be applied, along with brush stiffness and shape.
However, the artist with the theoretical knowledge of concepts of perspective, contrast, complementary colors, etc is well armed at either task; the tooling is different, but the concepts remain the same.
very strange looking kitchen
So would taking a compilers class be useful, because it seems quite interesting. The only other option is parallel programming, though that also seems interesting but I've heard the class sucks.
>Computer science
Retard can't into Mathematics
>Computer engineering
Retard can't into EE
this true, just applied for CS ed for college however my education also includes the computer security
According to stackoverflow's survey, professional game developers are the happiest and most satisfied with their jobs
I had to switch from CS to CSE because I got a B in calc I, B in calc II, and A in calc III.
I needed 2 As and 1 B but I only have 1 A and 2 Bs. Basically they wouldn't let me into CS, but they would let me into CSE. Absolutely retarded.
Trust me I know I'm pure math but some CS majors are all about money.
Because you won't survive there if you don't love doing it. Month before release, you sleep like an hour a day if you're lucky
interesting thread, comp eng student REEportinng
10 years ago I wondered what I should be studying. There were like 5 computer studies I could pick between. But when I asked what the difference was they couldn't tell me either.
So eventually I just studied something else.
Electrical Engineers w/ CS minor or preferably double major.
You have your pick of any Embedded Development job you want.
t. CS Major wanting those embedded jobs
CS with comp sec option if possible. Offensive sec specifically.
Great salary, guaranteed niche market but jobs everywhere, you will not be outsourced because all the indians are doing web.
Lad, parallel programming isnt just "interesting", it's gonna be completely necessary to know in order to do anything. The free lunch is over so developers have to utilize cores on computers.
Of course if the prof is shit then you are indeed better off taking compilers but you should then make the effort to do parallel programming on your own time. Hell, you'll already be behind if you don't pick up gpgpu programming as well.
You have to fill the requirements somehow, so go ahead and take it, would be my opinion.
They other post is just my opinion based on my perspective: I work at a hardware software company, where we dreading and build our own boards, but also have a strong component and with software on our own proprietary OS, running our own embedded Linux kernel, and on Android.
Don't mean to put you off of one thing or another, just weighing in on the notion of CE being better positioned for software development.
>game development
>software development
literally no difference apart from one being hard mode of the other.
If by "jobs everywhere" you mean "only jobs in one of the ten largest cities in the US", then sure.
A Sec specialization isn't getting you special treatment anywhere else
>Computer Science
>learn a whole bunch of useless algorithms that you will never need to reimplement ever again in your life
>are a shitty software engineer at the end of the program because NO EXPEIRENC
>Computer Engineer
>neither a good Computer Scientist nor a good Electrical Engineer
>at best, you can program some stuff in HDL, but not enough to get hired by any reputable hardware company
t. flip flop faggot who ultimately settled on CS
kcl 3rd year?
They're too entirely different things.
the people you've talked to probably just went to a shit school desu
CE = 30-40 hours of class / week
CS = 15-20 hours / week
CE / EECS at any respectable school (read: top 10) easily covers the entire CS curriculum + some EE stuff.
that said a good CS curriculum should cover OS and compiler theory as well.
which one is which?
>inb4 CIA nigger
>software development
you need to make software that works
>game development
you need to make software that works and does everything in under 16ms
Not at all... Security auditing in any major city is valuable, not just the major ones. Also in europe and other places around the globe. The industry needs sec people really badly.
> Implying it's worth it to live anywhere else.
oh snaps, sounds tough. sucks I'm to old to go to school and learn this
>Not available in the US anymore
There are fucktons of government contractors hiring Computer Engineers where I live.
My compE degree had OS design, hardware design, most of the EE curriculum and CS classes. I had to learn Java C ASM and a bunch of HDLs.
I know it's incredibly useful, but from what I've heard the class isn't too great. Seems it's also going over more used technologies (MPI, OpenMP) and I've only gone over pthreads in other classes.
I'd definitely take it, but something about the thought of making a compiler is very alluring.
At my uni they're very similar. A computer engineering degree with a focus on CS electives is only 5-6 classes away from being a CS degree.
Given how similar they are, does it make a difference if I try to work in software with a CE degree? Or will I always be at a disadvantage against CS majors?
Despite being so close, I can't help but think of CE as a degree that gives you a shallow knowledge of both software and hardware. I feel like It'd be better to focus on one rather than being a jack of all trades but master of none. Am I right in seeing CE like that?
>Graduating in a week
>recruiters throwing themselves at me
CE is the middle between CS and EE
The university
>it's an engineer brags about being smart episode
Go on tell me how hard your calc II tier classes were. You know the same ones that even dumb nigger biologists do.
>software development
t. Pajeet Ranganumaptra
Lol. In many regions Engineers are regarded as technicians, and also paid like one
In which gay ass university do engineers take the same classes as biologists?
EE => write buggy shit that can't be fixed
CE => write buggy shit that requires firmware upgrade to fix
CS => write buggy shit that requires restart/reboot to fix
Do nuclear engineering
All the best unis in my country gives Computer science and Engineering. I have one too.
Computer Engineering > Computer Science > Software Development > Game Development >>> IT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. Web Development
Do whatever you enjoy doing :)
Engineers are not Engineering Technicians. They are 2 completely different things. You are confusing the 2 terms, which I absolutely expect considering many colleges do this to make kids think they are getting a REAL engineering degree but end up with engineering tech degree. The amount of math classes you need for both are totally different. REAL engineers of any discipline need to take alot of higher level math classes while the engineering tech people need just basic trig.
How about we talk numbers?
You legally can't call yourself an engineer until you pass the PE exam which requires 8 years of a combo of a 4 year degree in engineering plus 4 years working in a firm under a PE. You faggots mathematicians at /sci/ don't have the slightest clue how hard engineering. You fuckers deal with abstract shit while, say a civil engineering needs to fucking know the difference between all concretes and why one can be absolutely terrible for a certain situation on top of the math used. Plus mathematicians don't have to deal with prison time if they fuck up and people die from their mistakes.