New thread time!
/bst/-battlestation thread
Looks patrician
2 of my favs
The leftmost piece, where/who is it from? Looks aesthetic.
That sounds familiar but I can't remember the reference.
Back at ya!
>The leftmost piece, where/who is it from? Looks aesthetic.
Moi :)
The painting in the middle is pretty weird though.
I like your clean setup
nice meme
I like it
do you mind showing some specs?
would definitely spend time at
nice table
but redo your cables please
>do you mind showing some specs?
>would definitely spend time at
>but redo your cables please
I have Velcro strips for that but I haven't had a lot of time to deal with it as my semester ends this week.
Just a poor college student so it's not much.
Going to be upgrading to a 1080ti soon.
You might be better off running linux on your machine
>The painting in the middle is pretty weird though
My mate drew it and I just really liked something about it, but yeah it's odd.
>I like your clean setup
Cheers pal
>Just a poor college student so it's not much.
>Going to be upgrading to a 1080ti soon.
Fair though
it's take like 5 minutes
It runs Windows pretty okay, and while I did try Ubuntu, I felt it was boring, even though it is pretty easy to understand.
Which Lenovo monitor is that?
1680x1050 Craigslist find
Will be moving to auxiliary status in the near future (looking for a 1080p w530)
Because I have better things to spend my time on for the little portion of the day that I am at home. Such as studying or running.
then just don't wash your hands after taking a shit twice and you'll have 5 spare minutes
That is an excellent point, I should adjust my daily routine because my cable management triggers an autist online.
Why didnt I consider that before, man I feel so stupid now.
Until random Tinder whores start bitching I wont care.
>man I feel so stupid now
well you better do
GTX 1080 ti is less than a months rent.
4690k/gtx 970
Beanie is the best pop filter, right?
At least is clean :)
enjoy this last picture people i made few months ago.
some things have changed already hardware-wise
will move onto my first flat in a month and i hope i can give you pleasure with new pictures afterwards
Pretty comfy, but those curtains are really babushka tier
that's what you pay for when living with mom
Nice! Can I check out your work anywhere?
Would you be opposed to sending an .svg or something over?
Poor fag here Operating System
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T
Thuban 45nm Technology
10.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 666MHz (9-9-9-24)
ASUSTeK Computer INC. M4A79XTD EVO (AM3) 43 °C
U435CV-UMC (3840x2160@60Hz)
Acer H233H (1920x1080@60Hz)
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (Undefined) 40 °C
232GB Samsung SSD 840 EVO 250GB ATA Device (SSD) 41 °C
931GB Seagate ST31000528AS ATA Device (SATA) 37 °C
1863GB Western Digital WDC WD20EARX-00PASB0 ATA Device (SATA) 35 °C
1863GB Western Digital WDC WD20EARX-00PASB0 ATA Device (SATA) 34 °C
Optical Drives
MagicISO Virtual DVD-ROM0000
MagicISO Virtual DVD-ROM0001
MagicISO Virtual DVD-ROM0002
MagicISO Virtual DVD-ROM0003
NVIDIA High Definition Audio
>2 clocks
>mouse can't be trusted
5/10 best I can do
nice cooling, nice rice, nice tape over camera
7/10 minimal
I'm going to Pakistan soon for 3 weeks, so my battlestation will consist of this £179 laptop.
>> and a kevlar vest
I don't currently upload it anywhere sorry!
But here's a .png of it if you fancy :)
Planning on getting it tattooed on my left arm this summer :)
I'm going to be far more at risk of dying in a landslide desu,
Thanks so much for sharing!
Would look way comfier if you laminated the floor or used vinyl. The floor tiles make the room feel cold.
cool whatchu makin user
Is that a Vista styled theme you got there?
great as always
another great one
2008 was a hell of a year
i like the gloss desk but i think its bending in the middle
another great one
please clean up
i see you have changed things up
its was good until i saw the tile
nice drone
>apple keyboard
>nintendo switch
its clean tho
>gamer decor
>meme chair
come on man you've got a nice little sunroom, quit ruining it.
bring that up to the FATA and blow those disgusting cavemen's minds with your modern tech
? What's that mean? Also, it's my games room, so gamer decor is kind of the obvious way to go lol
Nice and simple with good art placement.
I think this would look a heckuva lot better if you moved your case to the floor and got a second lamp for the left side of the desk. Could be the same style as the other if you want to go balls to the wall symmetric or a different style.
But I think the way your night picture looks with only one light is very unbalanced and dark.
Get a desk lamp and ditch that horrid mousepad.
Then at some point get a better desk.
Did you change your setup recently? Not a fan of those blinds but everything else is muy bueno.
Pretty strange combination of things in that room but the view out the door looks extremely comfy.
I like that floor lamp.
Boring and obnoxiously bright, get a better keyboard, a mousepad, put something on the wall above the monitors, and for God's sake get a bigger desk so two of your monitors aren't a bump away from catastrophe. Also get other papes so you don't have the same image on three monitors.
Pretty fucking nice my dude.
>looking down at your monitor from above
I can't fucking stand that at all, but apparently I'm the only one in the office that actually has their monitor up to eye level. Am I queer for doing that or is it just some personal preference thing?
Superhero crap.
>Boring and obnoxiously bright...
was meant for
Anyone know where I can some furniture made out of this stuff? A quick google says theyre called wire grid panels, but I have no idea how I could stabilize them on the floor.
Looks like the guy in the anime has brackets on the wall side and then matching brackets on the grid panel.
>All of that shit
You are like little baby. Watch this.
>Pretty strange combination of things
How so? The keyboard and drums hook up to my PC, and pool tables go anywhere lol
Joker isn't a super hero. And to be honest I don't even like Batman or the Joker, my wife bought it for me for some stupid reason so I put it up to not hurt her feelings -_-
one of the best by far. looks comfy and classy.
i understand the allure of crt monitors, but if you're gonna use one you should really get a bigger desk.
jealous of the case. all in all, looks nice. do you keep your mic up so high all the time? also, neewer?
do you have a slim desktop hiding behind your laptop?
gotta keep an eye out for deals. i've probably paid less than $500 total for everything in my battlestation. you seem to be making due though.
whoops, forgot picture.
paint some 1x6 wood planks whatever color and use them as a base. mount the wall grids to the plans and attach/ziptie/whatever the edges together into a cage or whatever you're wanting to do.
That would work, thanks.
Welding something together would be the best but I don't have any equipment for that.
I need good desk recommendations HELP
Actually I am planning on mounting the PC to the bottom wall, and doing some cable management.
I was planning on putting a third monitor there, but after thinking about it I changed my mind. I would actually be willing to put another lamp there.
Although it may be way too much light, and kinda hard to turn on.
Also I really like your setup, it's pretty fucking comfy! I also like that everything is clean and organized. Cheers bro.
if you really want it to be nice, you can stain the wood planks and use metal hinges on the corners. then if you move, you can just fold it up and go. depending on how many walls, you may not even need that much width on the planks. 2-4 inch width SHOULD be perfectly sturdy with three walls.
>you seem to be making due though
The only things in that picture that I've bought with my own money are the chair, the 2DS, and the school books. The stool I made in middle school woodshop and everything is either leftovers from my family or free curbside shit. I don't even have a wii u, that's just the box from my nephews' console so I can have the laptop raised up.
Not bad, that was basically my setup in college in 2011. I can't think of a single item in my current picture that I paid more than $120 for though, and all that cost that much individually were the GPU in the toolbox and the upgraded CPU in the T430.
>do you have a slim desktop hiding behind your laptop?
kek that's my router.
Cable management would def be good.
I used to drool at 3-monitor setups but now I tend to think they're excessive and gaudy - 2 is really the most refined setup for true /bst/ patricians.
Each time I added a lamp to my previous desk it greatly increased the comfy factor, I would definitely recommend looking for a second one.
I think I'll give this a try, I can stain the wood a nice dark brown/coffee and even spray the grid panels a similar color for maximum aesthetics.
Pretty sure this type of paneling can be bought anywhere for cheap since lots of stores use it for displays. If I can find enough pieces for cheap I can even make a backboard out of it
>Cable management would def be good
Indeed, that is planned as well. I am going to mount a power strip under the desk to help me out on that task.
>2 is really the most refined setup for true /bst/ patricians
Yup. Three takes up a lot of space, and doesn't really add much benefit.
>Each time I added a lamp to my previous desk it greatly increased the comfy factor, I would definitely recommend looking for a second one.
Might as well. Did you recommend this in the past to me? I think I remember.
I think it would be comfy. I'll also have enough space to put my plushies and glass pepe next to it.
Boring decor, but cozy carpet, pupper, and NHL playoffs edition
I've seen your /bst/ posted for a long time but I don't believe I've ever commented on it, it was probably someone else.
Either way it would definitely open up the space on your desk and balance the ambiance. Most people don't seem to appreciate how important good lighting is (which is something I'm still working on).
Nice RC copter...
i want to pet that cat
that cat would promptly bite your face off, she's a little bitch
Definitely, it's important. The most comfy setups usually have the best lighting. I was also considering putting some LED/RGB strips under the desk.
I would literally love to sleep on that carpet
Where is streetguru?
user why are you so crabby
What? It is 3x my current rent (312 €)
Are your walls actually fucking black?
Cant get comfier than this
its 3 monitors necessary? what do you do?, also, i love it.
i fucking love the "electronics station"
love the tank wallpaper, care enough to share?
the notebook screen behind the pc screen its kinda uncomfortable or its just the photo orientation?
got the same keyboard, loving it.
Is it the fish?
i feel bad for that fish
He's seems pretty happy to me. He makes bubble nests all day. The internet says that's a good thing.
Yeah the laptop is pushed back a few inches to give my right hand a bit of space; it's much more uncomfortable when I don't have enough room to move the mouse around.
That's probably the saddest looking burger I've ever seen btw. Unless that's not a burger.
what switches senpai?
He wants a mate
its actually an meat and cheese """burger""", its look awful but taste delicious, the only downside its that its grassy
Obviously. So do all the countless other creatures we enslave for our entertainment and comfort. It means he's healthy. If I gave him a mate, I would have to deal with their offspring which I'm not prepared to deal with, nor have the desire to.
They eat them.Problem solved