MP3's patents just expired and is now open format:
MP3 - we open now edition
Good shit.
>lossy audio
Do anyone besides Applefags actually use that?
pretty much everyone that's not autistic
Yes, everyone else including you
rip ogg
Autismos do as well, only placebofags/audiophools avoid it
too late everybody uses opus now
Vorbis is great. I'd prefer opus but there's no HW support on my player.
Tbqh I often find myself in situation where I can't find FLAC so I can't reencode.
For example it's impossible to find Bruce Dickinson's discography in FLAC format so you have to satisfy yourself with mp3.
Anyone else uses vorbis at -q4 or -q5?
no ur the first
Autists are still going to use their unsupported formats as if the format has any bearing on audio quality when music has been digitally recorded and produced for the last 30 years.
I guess LAME is finally an encoder now eh
Either way it's good that MP3 is now Stallman approved
wtf i love mp3 now
Pretty common desu. It is a good lossy format[Citation Needed]
But who is going to listen Richard Stallman's OGG version of the Free Software song?
Anyone got a screenshot of the link? Won't load for me.
>shitty deprecated legacy format becomes open
>when opus is already a thing
It does matter though, with better formats you can have the same quality with less disk space taken up.
Disk space is cheap and getting cheaper, further making autist formats redundant
applefags use AAC.
deprecated garbage
Which is lossy
and it's still better than mp3
I never said otherwise.
MPEG HEVC, xHE-AAC end HVXC are the state of the art.
In reality it makes no difference. I've never paid for music and never will*
*Unless it's a concert.
Apple does have a Lossless format, though it isnt the most commonly used
Who gives a shit? Vorbis and Opus are better.
Most people still use MP3. It's still the most popular and ubiquitous music format.
I literally can not listen to anything thats not a FLAC, I'm not even an audiophile
What does that even mean? If I record my own fart and store it as mp3 should I have been paying royalties?
It means that no developer or manufacturer will have to pay royalties to legally include MP3 support in their products ever again. MP3 is no longer a proprietary format. This is huge for the Linux community because most distros wouldn't include MP3 support because of these patents. Now anyone can include MP3 support anywhere and there isn't anyone who can do anything about it.
MP3 V0 is pretty decent and transparent.
Mint already had built-in mp3 support because it isn't made by and for autistic people
Guys, i'm building a library of old recordings that can only be found on YouTube.
I have two options for the audio stream: m4a and webm. The second is almost always of higher quality, like 180kbps vs 128kbps (m4a)
What do i download? What format is superior?
WebM. It's free and open format.
m4a supposedly has better quality though.
I really hope WebM becomes mainstream format for both video and audio.
why use opus over mp3 or aac? opus/vorbis has shit tag support
>Using anything but FLAC
opus > mp3
Vorbiscomment is far better than shit mess called ID3. How many incompatible versions are available?
so now there's even fewer reasons to use Vorbis/Opus? i've considered transitioning to special snowflake formats but never felt like running into situations where they're not supported.
>running into situations where they're not supported
not a thing since 2015 or so
i presume Opus requires a decoder to be present on the system to be played back, which won't be something any normie would have. and although i haven't played it in 3-4 years, Audiosurf comes to mind as something that wouldn't support Opus. the efficiency is only obvious at lower bitrates anyway, and i'm a V0 guy...
Opus at 160kbps would beat LAME V0 on critical samples such as castanets, applause, harpsichord and Fatboy Slim.
Opus 128kbps vbr is roughly equal to mp3 v0 at half the file size anyway.
I like having 5 times bigger library of music in same amount of storage without any perceivable loss of quality more, thanks
the first 'mp3' player i got, literally the cheapest chinese $40 thing, back in around 2002/2003, supported vorbis
MP3 VBR is the best lossy format
Oh, you again.
That mp3 is almost four times smaller than the flac.
You can achieve the better perceptual quality than MP3 at 2/3 bitrate with Opus.
Is that piece of shit that can't even do 44100Hz natively?
If you have good amp dac and headphones it's worth it , thats the same as jpg vs raw
Daily reminder that audio bitrates above 130kb/s for stereo with decent codecs is pure placebo
You cannot hear the difference of those sampling rates, anyways. MP3's hybrid transform(subbband + MDCT) would be much problematic.
Would be more like JPG vs PNG. RAW is different, it's the actual sensor data at a given time.
I'll keep the fromat which does not impose an unnecessary resampling, tyvm
Your hardware might resample signals to 48000Hz before output, though.
It doesn't
All of them? Such DACs are much common, unfortunately to you.
Yes, it outputs to 44100Hz, which is the standard
44100 -> 48000 occurs internally for many DACs before analog output.
That does not justify to crap on your music library with that piece of trash codec.
Good resampling is inaudible crap. Just try ABX.
No resampling is even better. I trust mathematics, not my ears.
Obsolete format. Nobody who cares about music gives a fuck about it anymore.
Lossless format is the way to go, then. Any lossy codec changes the signal after all.
I use my Nexus 4 connected to the aux jack in my car to listen to music. It's only got 16GB of storage. I'm not going to use flac.
I use it. It occupies smaller space and it's pretty decent. I use also Bluetooth headphones, A2DP can transfer only compressed sound of MP3 quality.
i use m2bt and using flac with it
AAC and Vorbis are supported by it and they are better than MP3.
>an exploit in mp3 format that allow running unauthorized executables have been found