The current state of Linux "gaming".
The current state of Linux "gaming"
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y-yeah w-w-well only children and people who have friends play video games!
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Linux is good comrades.
>Implying a higher form of digital entertainment is possible
top pleb
>images (5)
Yes fellow comrade, GPL is the best license and anyone who says otherwise will be sent to gulag
yes but at least I am free
>Current state of Sup Forums shills
>t. An uneducated swine who has never played Tux Racer
Tux Racer is fun as fuck, you wouldn't understand though, fucking Wintards
S-stfu you poo in the loo microshill
We c-can play The Sims (1) in Wine at a-a-almost 20 fps you SHITLORD. E-enjoy your botnet
Is this STILL the flagship game on Linux in 2017? Are you shitting me?
It sure is summer now.
What is Steam?
let us not forget this gem
who needs another game that isn't tetris?
Sup Forums kids to justify spending good boy points on a Nvydia 10180 FTW edition with leeeeds!!!!!XD
Sounds good
>Gaming in 2017
That level is called "Who says penguins can't fly?". I played it all the time when I was younger because it was a constant downhill on ice, which makes you go really fast. Good times.
I hate this meme, not because it's not funny (it is) but because it misrepresents things to newbies.
There are a lot of great games on Steam that run natively on Linux, and there are a lot of Windows game that just work with wine.
For example, Doom 2016 is pretty much just plug and play (pic related)
there just aren't enough decent PC games to justify building an autistic "gaming rig battlestation" rather than buying a console. For the most part, PC games are just bad console ports, shitty indie games (there are way too many of those), generic first-person shooters, and boring MMO grind-fests. It's very rare that PC gets a good exclusive nowadays.
>5 stars
Sounds right. It's an amazing game
doom a shit :)
>Shitting on tuxracer
>but muh PC muster race!!1!! >le pleb console peasant XD
>vram 8192
>152 fps
>via wine
delet this garbge
>muh FPS broo 144 fps 4k mater race!!1!xD
Than-k you based nvydia for the sick 108000 FTW edition with led display to count even more fps whilw owning!1!
I want fucking mods to ban Sup Forums scum.
>I want fucking mods to ban Sup Forums scum.
fuck are you even talking about? typical projecting debian user.
Looks garbage.
You just picked the worst game to feel sug
> Tux slider(?)
Never played that game
> Tux racer
Looks like shit, good Mario Kart clone
> 0ad
Very great RTS, would recommend
> Globulation 2
Just started trying it out. Looks like a promising RTS. Essentially, unit creation & tasking is automated. Still looks like shit, though.
Remember kids, don't date a girl because of her graphics; date because of her gameplay.
>waaa i want to post whatever i want on every board1!!1!!!
Fuck off kid, you might find yourself in better company in reddit.
triggered as fuck lmao
>fuck you, I do what I want!
>wangblows is so bad it needs a "game mode"
NEETs without jobs shitting on a platform that makes devs and pentesters money.
Stay gf-less nerds.
I know this is bait and you are a retard, but here you go.
That list is far from complete though, now excuse me I'm going to play some UT2004 Freon on my Sup Forumsentoo machine.
We also have Civ6 and Hitman but what do you need those for if you have Tux Racer and Armagettron?
What is windows flagship game?
With XP atleast you still had Pinball what do you have now?
back when mmo's where still a thing, the one i was playing for like 5 years had linux support long before it got mac support. however back then microshit also was still a good company and so i was still on windawz.
hahahahahahaha I had no idea it was this bad
candy crush i guess
DELTE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no, satanic quints have spoken
>Got Nvidia optimus working on workstation laptop w/ bumblebee
>SIX HOUR battery life with full GPU bolted on
>Runs 50% of gaming library
>Stream the rest from my headless passthrough or use wine for dark souls & bad company 2
>ZFS root on laptop that saved data from faulty SSD in a mirror
This is fine.
Candy crush & Minecraft.
Most modern games are shit anyways. Linux runs Baldur's Gate and Civ V.
Lets fucking see shall we
Witcher 3, Overwatch, Battlefield 1, Dark Souls 3, MGS:V
Overwatch and Witcher work in wine, and very well, surprisingly enough.
you should use nvidia prime instead, bumblebee is a dead project.
nvidia prime is way faster too, the bad partis it requires a logout/login to switch gpus.
>run linux as desktop OS
>play stellaris
>play TF2
I just install a win10 partition and then delete it after if a game on steam won't run in linux. Not a big deal.
The PERPETUAL state of Linux gaming, you idiot.
>try to play CS:GO on Linux
>lower FPS, way higher var (3-7ms)
Yeah no. Not even games directly ported to Linux run decently.
Also, no Visual Studio.
>freetards trying to claim they have games
>when 90% of the games that they have are closed source, and WINE is used to play closed source games
>visual studio
>pretending he uses his computer for anything productive
sure thing, Sup Forumsfag
>freetards claiming they have games
>freetards show that they have games
>i don't like that because i only want them to run on my precious windows :(
>The current state of Windows gaymen.
actual current state of linux gaming.
stay mad, Lincuck.
You are no longer a freetard when you have to use closed source games on your open source platform to prove your point. Running Windows games through WINE defeats the purpose of FOSS because the games are closed source. Running closed source ports of games on Linux is also anti FOSS.
>window blinds
Holy fucking shit blast from the past.
You can advocate free software and still play proprietary games, there is no conflict.
>a buggy unfinished clone
sounds about right
But closed source games can spy on you. The most common type is monitoring how you play and sending that data back to the developers for them to analyze and take into account for future games. The closed source nature of these games can also introduce more malicious security vulnerabilities into your system.
I think you'll find that most people don't really care about FOSS, they just want an alternative to Windows operating system itself because it turned into shit
>playing closed-source games? Y-you're not a real freetard! Checkmate!
What exactly is this supposed to prove? Are you just angry that people hate your toy OS so much that they are willing to go to autistic lengths to avoid using it but still have their favorite software?
Didnt know they are PC exclusive.
Oh wait
>All of them are on Consoles
I'm just trying to understand their way of thinking. Why is a closed source music player considered malware, but a closed source video game isn't?
>Having to Buy your flagship Games
(which are also on other Platforms)
R.I.P Windows, even Solitair costs now.
Most people probably don't care about closed vs. open source at all, they just want a different operating system. I don' care about it, anyways, and I have no problem paying for software that works. Heck I don't even care if it's closed-source, as long as it just works for what I downloaded it for and doesn't try to install some toolbar or send data without my permission or some shit.
>implying Tux Kart isn't the best game ever made
the music sucks
Looks about 20 years out of date. Guess that's actually about right for Linux in general.
>half-life franchise practically abandoned
where did it all go wrong
But it doesn't matter if Linux has SOME games.
It only matters if it has ALL PC games. Otherwise, when you want to play that one PC game that isn't supported on Linux, you're going to have to use Windows one way or another.
>tfw Gabe could release Half-Life 3 as a steambox exclusive
>tfw Gabe hasn't done it
>tfw it could more or less do the Linux desktop year just by doing so
Also no fun
Linux is fucking trash, holy shit.
At least it was catchy enough that I remember it
Hasn't gone wrong for Valve's bottom line
>calls Linux shit
>must be from Sup Forums, reddit, etc
Autistic as fuck, just like your shitty OS.
3000 games on steam
In a year half of my games got linux support
Also try running bloodrayne from cd on windows 7 or 10 see how well your backwards compadibility works
>The real state of GNU/Linux gaming.
I'd post more pictures but I think the point has been driven hard enough. There are a lot of Triple A titles that run natively on Linux.
>tfw failed to run WoW on Wine
With WINE getting DX11 support and DX12 games typically having Vulkan as an alternative, the compatibility situation is no worse than getting older games to work on Windows.
The long-term solution is to develop a universal standard for games. Being able to sell a game as a standalone product would greatly increase a developer's potential audience. It would also eliminate the problem of games potentially falling into obscurity, due to deprecated hardware.
>>calls Linux shit
>>must be from Sup Forums, reddit, etc
that's most probably true
Open Arena is the greatest game for GNU/Linux
Dota 2.
I'm always amazed how they managed to create Novigrad and have it placed in a world with both Velen, the Eastern forest and Skellige. Not to mention the other city and wildland in Toussaint. The amount of development on just crafting the world is staggering, and it all feels alive. Witcher 3 and Alien Isolation are the only games I've let myself play in the past few years and I'm glad I did. Can't wait to see what they do with Cyberpunk.