Seriously, how can Nvidia/Intel even compete?

Seriously, how can Nvidia/Intel even compete?

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You forgot the motherboard and delid cost.

>ignores the fact you need expensive as shit ram for ryzen

Nice try schlomo, you can get cheapo 2600/2900 dual rank hynix and it'll run as fast as 3200 single rank.
If you want to waste your money get 3600 for 2% more FPS

3200 Ram is pretty much 20 bucks more expensive than 2400 Ram.

Because you can overclock them?
Also, MB/RAM
and as an AMD shill, you should put that you need to buy a decent CPU fan for intel while the amd comes with one.

Where's the mobo and ram, faggot? And I say it as fierce AMD fanboy. Jesus Christ, left Sup Forums for a few months, and now I see how blatant is the shilling here. For both sides.

amd still cheaper, with two more cores, and 8 extra threads

Why do you need that many cores?


Intel got raped

AMD motherboards are cheaper too, especially when you look at B350 which allows overclocking vs. Z170/Z270 boards.

Does Ryzen and polaris not use a motherboard?

Fucking idiot

>Needing 8 cores 16 threads to keep a bunch of windows open
Yeah seems like you're justifying

God, what an idiot.

>you forgot the motherboard and delid cost
>thinks this applies to both sides
consider sudoku

Backdoors obviously

By actually performing.

Performing worse you mean?

Thank god this CPU isnt an 8 core

Fyi, compiling code is a highly parallelizable task. Have fun waiting up to 3 times as long, every time.

so when are compilers going to start moving to GPU offloading, because those are already way more parallel than any CPU

Nothing stops you from writing one today. Faggot.


Just know that Ryzen does require fast RAM speed in order to be worth the move. I had to change mine out because the 2133 I was using before was causing poor performance, something I never got from my i5

Just get Dual rank memory when picking out your parts. Only a problem if you're trying to carry over DDR4 from a Skylake/Skylake build, which is a sidegrade anyway.

Yeah the RAM speed thing will be an issue for Zen+, but if you're already using DDR4 why are you moving to a new platform? If you're on Z170 / Z270 and have DDR4 RAM you're not buying Ryzen anyways.

>50fps in GTA
>75fps in GTA

Really makes you think, huh?

>He thinks price matters

>2x8 GB 2400 MHz DDR4 for 138 €
>2x8 GB 3200 MHz DDR4 for 230 €
These Ryzen-advertized RAMs have ridiculous prices.

GPU are only good at vector and matrix computations.
Compilers do not use those.

and yet, intel still dominates the market and amd isn't seen as offering any real competition. they're so far behind in market perception, it doesn't even matter. eternal 2nd place lmao.

i work from home and have 3 monitors.
at any given moment i have a web browser open (like 9 tabs), a virtual machine open, an ebook open, notepad to takes notes, and on break i'll play a game.
if i didn't have the 12 threads i would be fucking crippled.

You tell me, Im shocked that AMD products are so shit in reality when they have bigger numbers on the paper.

Like this, also the nvidia card doesn't catch on fire.

>People actually believe the SMT meme

>at any given moment i have a web browser open (like 9 tabs)

you are like a child

>4 threads
>prolly no m2 support


Yet it runs fucking fine faggot, Intel CPUs have barely improved.

>No M.2
Yes? M.2 is PCI, you can run it on a PCIE slot with a cheap adapter.

Again you're a retard.

who buys amd? holy duck lmao
if you don’t use nvidia you don’t respect yourself

>tfw your 2500k died last month

CUDA has a great library support, it's literally the standard of GPU computing, OpenCL is used less often usually for compatibility. ATI nowadays can be better than nVidia only for gaymers.

>save $20 a piece by removing drivers.

You are paying for quality products, not ampoor shit

How can AMD even recover?

>buy AMD
Enjoy no Linux drivers

Hey now. AMD pushed a huge patch to linux for amd gpus.
The kernel devs rejected it because of its shit quality, but hey.

>The kernel devs rejected it because of its shit quality

AMD is a fucking housefire and that shit breaks down all the fucking time

No way I'm gonna buy that low quality shit, AMD is for extreme poorfags only, you only buy that if you're willing to save $40 for a space heater and tons of random issues

Nvidia: Money goes to Poos and an Taiwasnese immigrant
AMD: Money goes to Americans and white nationalist 80 year American
Intel: Money goees to American.

You decide.

>AMD: Money goes to Americans and white nationalist 80 year American
That explains why AMD drivers are so shit, white americans can't code for shit

>It runs fine surfing the web and if I want to play a game I just remember to close down every single program or background process

>Intel: Money goes to Israshit

tfw i have to do this with my 4690k if i want to play gta 5 without stuttering
tfw i have no face

By owning the market.



Do two AMD cores still share one FPU like back in AM2 / AM3 times?