Child prodigy masters Java, Python and Swift.. now learning HTML
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bitch looks 30
pedo detected
>she looks old so i'm attracted to her
nice female logic there
so amazing, she should join my startup!
>languages like english and spanish and french wont matter
you heard it here folks, we won't talk to each other anymore because coding
Wow, I feel so dumb, good thing we have people like her to save us.
Already submitted an fbi tip
What would really be amazing is if she was socially functional enough to make eye contact or hold a conversation.
Because if she was I doubt she would be doing what shes doing.
With those skills she could start her own.
>state of Sup Forums bait
Who cares. Everyone can "master" languages with enough time. Call me when these prodigies make something useful.
>Child prodigy
I knew C/C++ by the time I was in seventh grade. Where's my medal?
Okay, I will. What's your number?
You're cis scum so it doesn't count.
If languages like French and Spanish don't matter any more because we have Python, why do we need eye contact?
Fuck off.
>we won't talk to each other anymore because coding
>when yuropoors can't into irony
>chubby white western whore
>portayed like some genius
>scripted to hell and back
This is typical Jewish anti white male propaganda, don't fall for it. She may be 12 but you can tell she is a roastie slut on Soros payroll.
It's okay user you can join my startup too.
I-I'm sorry. Please tell me where your startup is. I mastered Java, Python and Swift too!
She looks at least 20
"she" (ie the people who told her what to say) do have a point, more kids need to learn programming much earlier
the US has gotten away with turning its retard babies into truck drivers and shoveling the extra-retarded into the meat grinder (military) but they can't keep it up forever. the pajeets are coming and soon most of their jobs wont exist anymore
I'm 24 and look younger than her. God bless Asian genes.
I don't think being able to write a hello world is mastering a language.
poe's law in action right here folks
>languages like French and Spanish won't matter any more.
Only true thing she said.
I want the bombclock guy back.
Yes but can she install gentoo?
I would
But does she dream in code?!?
Who is this semen demon?
post feet
>miss me yet?
Can someone post an actual code written by her? otherwise that's just propaganda.
But you have the drawback of looking like a yellow monkey and have ant-like creativity with only a marginally higher IQ (askenazi jews btfo of chinks).
>spotted the brit
Does someone have a link to her GitHub profile?! I want some laughs
I mean she's definitely smarter than most of the tards her age, but I know plenty of 9-12 year olds that can put her to shame after working at a Sup Forums related camp.
Learning HTML after Java, Python and Swift?
lol she doesnt even dream in code
It's scripted propaganda.
And you asking why IBM gone shit?
I didn't see a white person in the video.
I'm triggered.
I did 'program' at else do you think people phished myspace passwords in the early days.
Some little shit had to be responsible, I thought I could help.
I hope she can develop a positive attitude and work at Pixar some day:)
She's right about Spanish and French at least. Who the fuck needs those subhuman languages when there's American?
This world sickens me.
Maybe she should learn basic math first because someone so fat can't possibly know addition and subtraction
Scripted propaganda, this will be the first and last time you hear about her like oh so many other cases like clockboy
underrated post
Also you can google ""lella halloum" if you want to find out more about her. Apparently she goes to some private school in dubai and took part in some app-making hackathon last year. Sadly no github or anything. Only thing I found only is a theme she made for the chrome browser:
>implyng america won't be speaking more punjabi and spanish than english in 50 years
ITT: People being sexist just because they're jealous that she's better than you at programming
She seems sensible enough. It's nice to see an adolescent who isn't a complete turd.
Your white male privelage...
(I'm 37, was reading a C++ primer book when I was lke 15ish and got made fun of for it)
>Lella Halloum
>school in Dubai
she's a half breed shitskin and her father probably works at IBM.
It doesn't matter how skilled she is as a programmer, I would never hire her because:
1. No real experience.
2. She is too young to be relied on.
3. She is a woman, don't want the unneeded drama.
didn't watch lol
last time there was a vid like this it was some pampered mactoddler just copy and pasting code
Watson is pretty cool guy
but can she sum all primes under 2 million
>prodigy coder
>standing over pajeet watching him do all the work
really makes you java
They aren't even trying anymore.
But can she sum all primes over 2 million?
>child p
>dong expands
>rodigy masters Java, Python and Swift.. now learning HTML
>boner is kill
She may not be dumb and has plenty of years ahead of her.
Still, she'll probably be a wageslave working for a big company and that's it (because all the smart kids want work at Google am i rite?). I doubt she'll be a patrician.
>getting a boner over a 12 year old
You belong here.
>triggered roastie
right on time
I found another one.
programming is insanely dull. hobby for robot autists
Why haven't I taught my kids basic programming and marketed them yet?
You have not only have money to give them the latest and greatest mac, but the money to give some media outlet a reason to cover your child
because most kids find it insanely dull
Future clock builder?
>he was bad in multiplication
>but than he realized it doesn't matter because he is good in programming
No, she didn't master anything. Why is this news? Fuck off.
She ain't shit unless she dreams in code. That's how you know she is a prodigy
Nobody cares, because he is male. People expect males to succeed at intellectual pursuits. It's only impressive when a female does it (the implication is that women are generally too stupid)
>ITT:OP creates an inflamatory title and the turbo-autists bite the bait.
>spotted the faggot
>wants to work in animation
die('Fuck this gay earth');
Why didn't she learn Rust
>dumb bitchy privileged kid that's the daughter of some old kike
>minority woman that actually do something working in the background
>not presenting these woman
>not showing that woman can do something
>ridiculing all girls that actually can program
Gee I wonder why so less woman code. Must be the patriarchy, ayy?
Good for her, she's obviously really intelligent for her age. Hopefully if she actually has talent she doesn't waste it on a creative industry, but she'll probably change her mind on what she wants to do 20 times from now until then
>tfw she will never sit on your face and fart in your nose
>why am i taking orders from a woman?
>I am raveeshi shimmyjeet, no woman talks to me like that
>I wonder if she likes indian
>It doesn't matter, she will like indian later on tonight whether she likes it or not haha
That's a man, baby.
So happy :)
>make this for me or daddy let's you build the second Burj Dubai
>java, swift and python
DAMN hahaha that fucking image