I fell for the tiling wm meme.
What should I do now that it's installed? Any tips?
I fell for the tiling wm meme.
What should I do now that it's installed? Any tips?
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How about purging it?
kill yourself?
I actually enjoy i3 with its default config. If you're handy with Linux there's not really any kind of problem you could have with it
Fell for the meme too but it's the best meme I feel to. No unnecessary animations, minimal as shit, liquid smooth, light weight, and lightning fast
I have no problem with the default config desu, but I want to make it more pleasant to look at. I just wanted some opinions before jumping into the configs.
install Windows 10 Professional and do something actually productive
change the absolutely dogshit default keybindings
Spend all your time ricing it, instead of actually getting any work done
Go to r/unixporn and look at the top posts, in there they have an i3 config guide video, one of them talks about ricing
I actually have a lot of shit to do, so I plan on ricing it a little at a time desu
Get tired of it and switch to Xfce
you should install a real DE. tiling wm's are ugly, hard to use and stupid. basically every de, including windows 7, can "tile" anyways
i3 is for niggers
save yourself some time and let this website rice it for you:
>hard to use
Stop reading there. Please stay on Windows, it's the OS designed for people like you.
Or you could just not use one thats hard like i3 or dwm and use an easy one like awesome-wm.
>hard to use
the wm isnt hard to use
your brain is
i3 is fucking simple.
Simple doesn't make it easy to use.
simple and easy
direction = left up down right or digit
mod+dir = go to
mod+shift+dir = move current win to
everything is said here, if you can;t understand that your life must be hard
Simple doesn't make it easy to use.
It makes it simple.
As in stupid.
install linux and do something productive win faggot.
Idiot. Stick to Windows please, that OS is designed for people like you.
i3 is for idiots, you don't even have widgets lol.
So useless.
You are just too simple to use them.
>easy one like awesome-wm
There aren't any other tiling wm that are this easy to use. You may think its a joke but it isn't.
i was just checking your awesome wm website it literally says this about widgets:
>Add widgets
>TODO: Write this section.
can u be any more retarded
The api documentation literally has a list of built in widget types.
If you are too lazy to make your own then you can use widgets other people wrote, or a widget library extension like vicious.
Install lxappearance and just change the GTK theme
Read the i3-wm-guide on the internet. It will help you a lot.
i3-wm is quite nice. You can do almost whatever you want to do as long as you work on the config and make it your own.
i have arch with i3 in a vm, literally the stupidest shit I've ever used. that's why it's so unpopular. it's a giant leap backwards in ui.
> so unpopular
It's one of the most popular WM out there, maybe the most popular.
>giant leap backwards in ui
The main purpose of i3 is to use less UI and use more keybindings and shorcuts for navigation. Using mouse is also possible. Lacking some icons, widgets, menues compared to DE, but honestly. Not many needs these things and it normally slow you down.
Uninstall i3. When it comes to tiling window managers the patrician choice is always dwm.
>muh games
end your fucking life you miserable manchild
When did I mention games?
You may have down syndrome, better get a check on that my friend
I've seen u for years, does posting as a trip doesn't bother you because people will always think "this idiot again"?
*posting as a trip
Change the default "jkl;" navigation keys to "hjkl".
By default, the way to exit i3 is with mod+E, which then shows a prompt in which you have to click a button. If you want to skip that prompt, add bindsym $mod+Shift+q exit to your config. Kill i3 with mod+Q, no mouse required.
I set it up via this guide. It's great.
Stop using tiling wms
>tiling wm
Apple stole the idea of widgets from Yahoo Widgets (Konfabulator) and made Dashboard, then Windows Vista stole the idea and called them gadgets.
define the word "meme"
>Comparing a wm to a human brain
Just make the shortcuts easy to access and leave the rest to the muscle memory user.
No, why would I?
Gimme at least one good reason user?
Wtf? I typed desu, not desu.
It makes your autism stronger and most programs don't support resizing properly enough for tiling to be useful
Going back to a floating wm with tiling capabilities like kwin for the lack of independent mouse mode (no keyboard, just using additional mouse buttons as mod keys).
For some reason it is "too complicated" to make every key/button/event a mod key.
>makes your autism stronger
I know it's hard to believe but i don't have autism
> Most don't support resizing
Negative, most do and for the ones that don't I use the i3 floating mode.
Get j4-dmenu, use polybar, setup the keyboard shortcuts to ones you feel comfortable with, set wallpaper with feh
Holy shit this is awesome
get bumblebee-status
why not both? personally I love i3 on my desktop but still use the panels from xfce.
something thats has no productive value what so ever
>mod+w tabbed mode
>bindsym $mod+Tab focus right
comfiest wm there is
Your music fucking sucks and you were never kvlt
Stay butthurt in France, faggot
enjoy productivity