>check the catalog
>no guts
get in here boys
shitty pic i know moto Sup Forums ain't getting any younger/better
/guts/ thread
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Just installed a 580 on this pentium machine
50C is a bit high idle temp isnt it?
>shitty pic i know moto Sup Forums ain't getting any younger/better
It's also lighting and shutter speed, I find my old phone always takes better pics with the flash on, even if I cover it. So I taped something over the flash and it's much sharper.
B150, is that a skylake pentium? Looks tidy
Fans don't turn on until higher temps. I have a similar curve.
even so my 980 is at 33C and the fans also dont come on until 60, you need some better cooling
i need this case right now, what is it
its kaby pentium
in win 901
go see a doctor your poo is gray
get a new camera
old case
fucking disgusting
who smokes?
who the fuck do you think
its the fan curve, it doesnt come on until like 55 or 60
ill have to try that, worth a shot to help the shitty pictures
no money homeslice but it's on the list
i know mine doesnt either but my gpu is at 33C, get some case fans
how else will i remember that it's glass?
what is on the bottom of my case
get some eyes
then get some better fans and get a better case while you are at it, its a shitstorm, how do you expect anything to be cool when its packed in like that
>best aircooling case on market
maybe it's just the fact that i paid 130 bucks for a 480 and the cooling solution is shit and im ok with that
it doesnt fucking mather you mongol, if the fans are off its as good as any other cooler
>best aircooling case
whoever gave it that review needs to be lynched. Its packed tight as fuck
>he doesn't understand convection
>what is space efficient design
you dont need a full tower with a m-atx motherboard for good airflow, its a shit cooler on the gpu, even in my r5 the temps get upwards of 80 with the fan over 95%. it's the single fan variation, with shit for thermal mass, ie. garbage cooler. the fan is trash too, guarantee temps would be lower if I ripped the fan out and zip tied a noctua to it
FT05 bro
why does everyone get a boner for small shitty cases, how about in an year or two when you actually have to do shit inside it, why waste the time and rage on it when you can just buy a mid tower and have enough space for everything
FT05 bro wazzuuupp
i thought you were the guy with the ft02 at first, didnt know we had another ft05 guy here
great case isnt it?
>small shitty case
>literally still mid atx
need to dust. paint the red on the Trident Z Gold and the Corsair Ring and fix cables
just received a second GTX 970 today
i have no idea what you did to yours but in no way looks like a mid atx case, i have a mid atx case and i still have enough space to put my hand in it and do stuff
Last guts with this setup.
Zen awaits.
there you go
case was bought new, model is from like 2012 desu
i think 5 years is quite a lot for a case
literally still plenty of room in there, even with the second nic and tv tuner
wew that makes you look even dumber buying a case with the design straight out of 2003 in 2012
>wanting tempered glass or RGB
Literally the only good things about new cases is better cable management.
I fucking love this case man.
The sure must be thin up there on the top of mount stupid.
Sup Forums considers mid towers to be small now? Are we back in 2002 or something?
>not buying cheapest chink shit case on the market
>intel cpu + amd gpu
enjoy your botleneck
I personally dont, he seems to think my case either isn't a mid tower or is too small, or both
Got my backplates, just need some autism cables now
In a couple months it's all going to be moved to a new case with a new PSU/cooler/RAM and probably a new OS drive.