This thread is about the appreciation of watches, as well as the micro-engineering and materials engineering that are required to make a fine watch.
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This thread is about the appreciation of watches, as well as the micro-engineering and materials engineering that are required to make a fine watch.
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eerste voor een vrij en onafhankelijk Vlaanderen
so why are there so many watches on eBay from India?
because you're looking at the cheapest cheap shit
>be mechanical snob
>suddenly fall in love with the Seiko flightmaster
I like everything from the proportions to the functions, and the chronograph hand even actually sweeps.
Am I going to hate myself for buying a quartz shitter after a few weeks?
I don't really know you but I'm happy with my collection of quartz and mechanical watches
buy what makes you happy
/wt/ hates my collection of overpriced swatch and richemont shitters
>Rickshaw driver wearing his Seiko/HMT/Citizen
>Admiring his watch so much he goes through an intersection without looking
>Gets flattened by a lorry
>time_cocoon and clockmart007 race against each other to the crash site in their Rickshaws
>clockmart007 goes for the watch
>time_cocoon stabs clockmart007 in the thigh
>time_art_studio arrives there to see clockmart007 bleeding out and time_cocoon defenseless
>punches time_cocoon in the back of the head and knocks him out cold
>with time_cocoon out and clockmart007 immobilized (for now), time_art_studio pinches the watch from time_cocoon's hands
>takes it back home
>wipes the blood off and faeces with a baby wipe
>opens it up to make sure he can say it work when he puts it on eBay
>sells it to some faggot in the Europe for €10
>it cost €0.50 to send by airmail with tracking number that is as useful as Anne Frank's drum kit
>arrives at their door 3 months later
You have no idea how liberating it is to be able to look at your wrist and KNOW what time it is
I bought a "quartz shitter" after years of mech/vintage snobbery and it helped me snap out of my delusional state
Quartz >>> Mechshit
Well yeah, but I mean just look at this :(
The 7T series are GOAT quartz chrono movements though.
Well yeah, but...
>no jewels
Convince me user. And hold me tight.
Strap suggestions for pic related? Would like to keep it under 15€ since the watch itself was just 26€.
striped nato
Black one with white stitching
I bought one and it's pretty good quality but then I realised I don't like leather straps
Black Perlon?
Crocodile pattern leather?
I can look at my wrist and KNOW what time it is as well. Two of my mechanical watches run very close to +0 SPD, another two run close to +2 SPD, and even a couple of cheaper mechanicals I have run within +5 SPD.
Now, if you want something that delivers excellent accuracy without having to to be thought about at all for years at a time, then a high-accuracy quartz or atomic radio sync watch may be a better choice for you, but the idea that all mechanical movements are grossly inaccurate is totally misguided.
>completely soulless
That's why I don't like quartz :^(
>tfw no atomic mechanical watch
I hope my watches arrive tomorrow.
What watch is it user
Perlon strap from ebay. $10.
>a few of my mechanical watches happen to be at that point in their service cycle where they're not a complete disaster at telling time
All of my stopped watches are correct twice a day. Fuck this "telling time" nonsense, it's completely soulless
Seiko, Vostok and Swatch
Sorry, I can't here you over the sound of how objectively wrong you are.
Perhaps if you'd chosen your mechanical movements better, had them serviced by a competent watchmaker, and regulated them properly you would have a better appreciation for what a high quality mechanical movement is capable of.
>Literally never ever seen this on any quartz watch, high or low end.
wearing a shitter right now with this feature
protip your little gearbox doesn't have a soul either and when you die it's going to go on BarronBay for the future equivalent of a few hundred bux
black or white dial?
Not sure what you think you're proving with those screenshots, it's a stupid phone app that can't even measure amplitude, if you're so obsessive you should buy a cheap timegrapher instead of wasting time measuring with your cell phone.
In any case my best timekeeper was a Rolex that was within 3spd for the first few years. There was a time when it was 0spd, but that is just a fluke. A watch is not special because it transitions from slightly fast to slightly slow (or vice versa) and for a time it's spot on. Like the stopped watches that are right twice a day - it's just the way things work.
You're just too new at this hobby to realize that ALL movements deteriorate after service, it's not a question of how "fancy" it is.
In any case, I'm done with the mechashit
Quartz >>> mechanical
You can make up all kinds of woo-woo meaningless garbage like pretending your Seiko has "soul" but the fact is it's obsolete tech
Breitling have new owners. The company was sold for $870 million
>I'll make outrageous claim, providing no caps, links, or sources, forcing any interested readers to Google said claim to check it's legitimacy
Delete this post and try again next time.
>Implying I don't have a timegrapher
>Implying I don't regulate my own movements (aside from the Rolex 3135 as I don't feel like buying a microstella wrench and learning how to use it)
>Implying a properly serviced quality mechanical movement will have it's time-keeping degrade drastically within the ~5 years between services
>Implying I haven't owned multiple vintage watches through multiple services
>Implying there aren't significant quality differences between different movements, or that those differences don't have a large effect on the accuracy of those movements between services
>Implying that people aren't interested in mechanical watches for the same reasons people are interested in vintage cars
>Implying that anyone should care about your personal conception of what "objectively better" is
I perfect well understand if you decided mechanical watches aren't for you, but that doesn't require you to start talking grossly exaggerated nonsense about them to make yourself feel better about your choices.
>all this greentext
It is no exaggeration to say mechanical watches are obsolete garbage.
For all your blathering about "appreciating the craftsmanship" all you're doing is fapping over old shit that isn't as good as new shit.
For fuck's sake we have chip scale atomic clocks now, we can have wristwatches that tell time to within plus or minus 1 second per THE ENTIRE RECORDED HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION with no external signal. Some of us are rightly amazed by that, others amaze themselves looking at old shit that barely works while whining that men don't wear trilbies anymore
To each his own, I guess.
>You're just too new at this hobby to realize that ALL movements deteriorate after service, it's not a question of how "fancy" it is.
>In any case, I'm done with the mechashit
>Quartz >>> mechanical
What a fucking idiot
Call me when a CSAC wristwatch has a battery life that isn't measured in hours, or doesn't cost several kilobucks. I'll wait.
>muh old shit
>mechanical watches are obsolete garbage
Yes, the existence of 2006 Toyota Corollas means no one should be interested in vintage cars.
There is certainly no reason to be interested in the level of microengineering and workmanship required to create a set of springs and gears capable of keeping time with 99.995%+ accuracy and which, if serviced regularly,will last forever.
Or any reason to be interested in the associated design traditions and histories of this genre of wrist mounted machines.
Everything must be as strictly utilitarian, boring, and uninteresting as humanly possible. NO FUN ALLOWED GUYZ!
>barely works
Yes, my 45 year old King Seiko Special that runs +0 SPD "barely works", that's not absolutely ridiculous hyperbole at all.
Not even to mention all the mechanical watches much older than that that will still be running after all the $0.02 Chikshit electronics are in landfills.
By the time it's cheap and ubiquitous you'll hate it because it doesn't have "class"
Face it, you NEED obsolete shit mechwatches because it gives you a reason to feel superior. Unlike the unthinking sheeple who want to know what time it is, you can see the wondrous old world craftsmanship of your Philippine frankenseiko that you measure every day with your cell phone to make sure the lubricants inside haven't completely jammed things up to the point where you have to send it in for another service. This makes you a better person.
mah boi
>check my new super exact watch
>ok... what time is it user?
>mmm don't know, my battery just died again
Not even that person you're arguing with you sperg. I think it'd be nice for quartz to finally get superseded by CSACs. It's a long way off from happening clearly.
>it works great guys!
>that's why I have to check to make sure it's still working at least twice a day with a special apparatus designed to confirm that it's not a complete mess of seized bearings inside
You seem to really trust your watchmaker :^)
All the stupid crap you shat out of your mouth? Got rekt with one simple image.
>Using the smiley with the carrot nose
>8x as many parts as necessary
>completely impossible to service outside of Switzerland
>doesn't keep time any better than a COSC grade ETA-2824
Gee, you sure showed how mechfags have their priorities straight
Irony coming from a mechfag who spends hours every day raving on a chinese pagoda building forum about how he could NEVER pollute his wrist with an accurate watch
the fact that cheap quartz modules are ubiquitous now and are slightly superior in one technical measurement doesn't mean that mechanical watches should be phased out. in fact it means quite the opposite: because dead-accurate clocks are all around us at all times of the day, the timekeeping accuracy of the wristwatch is now mostly irrelevant once it passes the point of practicality. all mechanical movements made in the past 100 years possess sufficient accuracy for practical use. there is no meaningful difference between a vostok 2416 and a ronda quartz movement. neither of them comes within ten orders of magnitude of the accuracy of a cesium fountain, and all of our phones, computers, and so forth are all set by NTP to the cesium fountain time standards of the world.
yes, quartz was briefly an improvement over mechanical. but that reign barely lasted 20 years. quartz is obsolete as a precision timekeeping technology, replaced by networked systems calibrated to technology that is so accurate it exceeds the precision of the solar system itself.
now, what is a wristwatch in the 21st century? because it can never again be seen as a time standard, it can only be a personal accessory that serves as a celebration of tradition, craftsmanship, and design. quartz, then, fails quite badly at the primary application of a wristwatch, being a cheap compromise technology that discards the interesting value of the machine but that can only muster a marginally better showing on the accuracy benchmark. some quartz designs will always have appeal, like the brutal digital designs descended from the first wave of pulsars and seikos. but the notion of precision timekeeping in watchmaking is itself now wholly obsolete, and quartz's star has definitively, unambigiously, and indisputably fallen.
the time of quartz wristwatches has come to an end.
I have never done any such thing, and in fact I own more than one quartz watch with radio sync.
Actually most of the posters on /wt/ don't talk shit about quartz watches when they are well made and reasonably priced. The quartz watches looked down upon are the thoughtless shitters with $0.20 movements.
You are the only one sperging out about how your personal preferences represent objective truth.
>argument from fallacy
Nice meme, so outrageous. Not even that guy, it's fucking old news.
>slightly superior
stopped reading right there
>he doesn't understand the importance of mechanical watches
>he considers anything other than high accuracy watches
I guess you don't mind wearing this then, after all, accuracy is everything.
>thinks women ACTUALLY care about your wrist fedora
Fact: 9 out of 10 women prefer Daniel Wellington over Nomos
Doesn't look any worse than your average Raketa, Vostok, or Poljot
When Sup Forums stops jacking off over those, you might have an argument
>He doesn't know that "high accuracy quartz" is a categorical description not a qualitative one.
FACT: real 10/10 babes only care if your watch is an expensive rolex or shit like that. Fuck your ugly lab experiments like
t. guy who has never had an expensive watch
I wore a 14270 for years, literally nobody gave a shit except dudes
My most complimented watch is a Kenneth Cole with a $5 quartz movement inside
18.6mm thick
80+mm wide
poorfags btfo
>has the wrong rolex
>complains about not picking up women with it
I actually hook up with a solid 9 like two weeks ago, just by flashing my GMT Batman with no fucking shame.
>tinder prostitutes look at how expensive your watch is
What a surprise!
that's not an argument from fallacy
>he prefers pumping uglies with his fat nerd engineering classmate fat instead of wetting his dick in great looking girls because of "morals".
It's not like you have to marry her.
Also, I get pretty good pussy with my Rolex, your argument is invalid.
>Also, I get pretty good pussy with my Rolex
What fantasy world are we living in today, fellas?
fuck off ninefag
Fuck off NineFag
>digging for this much gold
Fucking poorfags, jelly much?
Keep wearing your absolute shitters, at least that tight little piece knows that life is too short for that kind of shit.
Those watches are nothing compared to this.
>It is the most accurate wristwatch in the world. In full atomic mode, it keeps time to 1½ seconds per thousand years. In atomic resonator mode, it is still accurate to one second per hundred years.
My wife comes form generational wealth. Her dead grandfather's trust fund money is still generating so much money that every grandchild and great grandchild never will ever need to think about working. Every single one of them grew up with multiple Rolexes, no other watch brands. They are the most down to earth people you will ever meet. You would never know my wife came from wealth because she doesn't wear anything fancy or shows off with money. The Rolexes I own were gifts from her. A chick who has to go around looking for a man with a Rolex of Patek doesn't have money, she's looking for it.
That's right. Yours is the faggiest of them all.
Untill two days later, when the battery runs out of juice.
What fantasy world are we living in today, fellas?
I hope you stay here
What watch?
I'm the shit stuck under your shoe.
I never leave and I stank everywhere.
Dat dial is sexy as fuck nigga imma get it
Old pasta but highly relevant
First of all it's spelled "caret", second the symbol you get by pressing shift+6 is technically a circumflex accent.
Nth voor groter Nederland wanneer
Black, which is actually a deep dark brown.
Does anyone know anything about this 34mm, 24h, 17 jewel Raketa? Is it worth 55 dollars? What sort of a movement does it have?
>as useful as Anne Frank's drumkit
Those subdials WILL be fake and they WILL annoy you
Is there ANY practical benefit to a mechanical """tool watch"""?
Or is this whole tool watch thing pure marketing?
Possible advantages I can think of:
>better anti-magnetism due to lack of circuitry and chips (???)
>no need to worry about battery lifespan in survival situation
errrrrrrr that's it?