What are you doing to combat the problem of "bro culture" in the tech industry?
It's quite toxic and has got to stop if tech is going to become a more inclusive and diverse industry.
What are you doing to combat the problem of "bro culture" in the tech industry?
It's quite toxic and has got to stop if tech is going to become a more inclusive and diverse industry.
Other urls found in this thread:
Tech becoming more inclusive and diverse over saturates the market and devalues jobs. In other terms fuck niggers.
So, that means the rest of us can get our tech products for cheaper. Most people aren't millionaires who can pay for a new phone with their pocket lint.
Idc about bro culture. Who actually gives a shit if a few womyn get offended.
What matters is getting all the node/electron/js developers OUT OUT OUT of everything outside of web design.
This degeneracy is spreading everywhere and it's _disgusting_. People should know about memory. People should know about the operating systems they're designing applications for. Developers shouldn't be pussies.
Get on my level of writing g-code
Javascript is the future of embedded computing. Don't be so sexist.
node is great, you're just a closed minded fag
>55mb binary
> Application does 1+1
Yeah node is great senpai. Go back to your faggot bootcamps, or alternatively, be a real man and get a goddamn degree in computer science/engineering before calling yourself a developer.
>What matters is getting all the node/electron/js developers OUT OUT OUT of everything outside of web design.
Its not my fault web technologies are responsible for running our entire economy and civilisation, and you can't actually write a native application these days without hooking it up to the internet.
I just want to get paid, and I can't do that by writing code with irrelevant languages like C.
Javascript is a fine language if you use a linter. If you want types then use Typescript.
How big is the executable if you use Rust? About the same size. It's just an artifact of the way compilation and linking works in modern systems. It's not like most users don't have several gigabytes of memory anyway.
If some techbro makes Chad-tier off color remarks whining about muh asses and treating woman as sex objects I will consider him a pleb and won't associate with him. Duh.
That's a start but more must be done to make up for the decades of male dominance of software development. If we're going to have equality in IT, we first must give women and POCs a hand up so they can get onto an even playing field with the incumbent developers.
Welcome to the humanities, where word salad is always the special of the day.
No. no no no.
Women already don't even need more resources. FFS the earliest programmers were women, then men realized they were straight up better at it and dominated there.
I'm not pro-meme language. The executable would not be the same size using c++/c for sure. Rust is for people that don't actually build anything.
Sports stadiums and other high capacity public places have more restrooms for women than for men because women take longer in the restroom. There is a legal requirement to equally accommodate both sexes. Since one takes longer than the other, the law requires a difference in the number of restrooms to adjust the outcome.
Similarly if women need more resources in order to become software developers, they should be given these resources. Most schools are likely in violation of Title IX for not already committing resources in such a way that guarantees an equal number of graduates of each sex.
I will stop calling my colleagues "bro's" the moment they hire a ho.
So are you admitting women are more stupid and thus need extra resources?
More women are in the middle of the bell curve. I wouldn't call that stupid, I'd call it average because that's exactly what it is. By altering the curriculum and making more resources available for average students, the numbers can be equalized, as is required by Title IX.
So you're saying, that if more women are in the middle, thus more men are above and on average, men are smarter.
Yes and no. More men are above average but also more men are below average. Overall men and women average out the same, men are just more prone to the extremes of the bell curve. Software development doesn't require a genius level iq. With a few adjustments to the course requirements, any average person can get a CS degree. Artificially making the degree requirements higher than the workplace requirements only serves to give men on the high extreme an unearned advantage.
Slow + looser than the school whore when it comes to safety
It's literally less than that, and that's because you're statically linking the runtime instead of dynamically for some reason, dynamic is even less
>making a webserver with rust
I mean you could but why... Rust i'd feel is more like the back end, like service bus tier shit. make it do hard work and then have your C#,Python,JS,ruby just do the other shit and talk to the SB
Javascript should be enough evidence that most programmers hate using multiple languages. This is especially true for code campers, though I doubt many of them would be interested in Rust or any other system level programming anyway.
it's really not
is she talking to herself in that preview picture?
Code campers need to go away and fuck off the industry.
Code campers are the new H1B.
Since no one else noticed...
Doree (((Shafrir)))
It's disgusting. I don't mind self taught programmers at all. Some of the best I know are self taught.
They are _not_ the same as code campers. Code campers know one thing in a very mediocre way, and completely choke and explode outside of that one specific domain set, on top of the fact that basic CS logic escapes them.
Being considerate to code campers is like getting rid of condoms to not discriminate against those with HIV. In the end it fucks up everyone else that was doing it the right way.
>if tech is going to become a more inclusive and diverse industry.
Why does it have to, why do you have to go against nature? Men and women tend to like different things.
Do you think there is no women culture in fields dominated by them like nursery?
Stop believing all the crap your lesbian jewish american college professor tells you.
I'm more worried about the faggots that talk like valley girls.
Women and POCs use technology and their needs are just as important as those of white males. This is why it is important to have non-white non-male viewpoints represented in IT. A white male doesn't know what it is like to be a woman or a person of color. How can they design technology that best servers anyone other than white males? They can't! That's why we need diversity in software development.
Vocal fry and upspeak?
I guess upspeak? It seems like every metropussy in tech talks like they're sidekicks on clueless. It makes me blood red mad when a "man" talks like that.
>How can they design technology that best servers anyone...
Spreadsheet software will aid the needs of anyone independent of their skin color or sexual orientation.
Same with image processing, word processing, reading websites, etc.
It seems to me you are trying to force a conflict where there isn't. Like a Marxist would do.
>design technology
Do you know what design even means?
You get a use case then you use your skills to create a product that fulfills that use case.
Do the use cases need to be diverse: Yes.
Do the creation of the product be diverse: No.
She has a valid point about meritocracy.
Meritocracy only works if the competitors are considered equal, which rarely happens because is almost guaranteed that the competitors will have a different background.
Should we replace meritocracy? No. But we should democratize access to the same resources, so the playing field is more or less equal.
There is more to life than spreadsheets and word processing. Your white male world view is so entrenched that you can't conceive that other have uses for technology beyond your business productivity tools.
How can a white male write a use case for a single mother of color living in the slums? He doesn't understand her day to day life. How can he write a use case for something he doesn't understand and hardly acknowledges that it exists?
How to create a Use Case:
Person A prepares questions
Person A interviews Person B
Person A now has a use case.
Person B must be in the target audience for the product.
that's not honey you're eating pooh, that's SJW talking points!
the day devs in codebases like hashcat or any security tool start with the SJW shit is the day I retire.
How does A even know what questions to ask B? Requirements gathering is very error prone even when the users and the BA are of similar background. When the users are very different from those writing the requirements, there is very little cultural basis between the two. It's almost like speaking to someone in a different language. It's important to have someone from that background to design the questions and gather the data.
>you can't conceive that other have uses for technology beyond your business productivity tools.
I have never said that, I am aware that technology encompasses a whole range of cases from mass markets to niche solutions.
How does any of that justify things like gender quotas or to force companies to be more racially diverse, which is the end goal of the cultural Marxists women in OP's video.
It doesn't, You haven't presented a single argument to support that position.
>She has a valid point about meritocracy.
No she doesn't.
If your parents are smart enough to save up for your college so that you don't have to worry about paying and can focus on your studies to the point of graduating with a higher GPA, that's a good thing.
Just because minorities are high time-preference and don't know how to save or invest doesn't mean you should take away from high-functioning white people.
Democracy is mob rule, nothing else. This last election proves that.
Everyone of my arguments have supported my position. You have yet to explain how a white male from the suburbs is able to understand the needs of a single mother of color living in a dangerous inner city neighborhood. Instead you keep waving your hand around arrogantly declaring your ability to design for everyone without even understanding them.
>"They donate to charities, BUT . . ."
Sounds like this bitch wouldn't be happy no matter what the White male bullies do.
>recognizing that confidence and behaving in a certain way produce positive results
>actively choosing to not fall in line
She's worse than metalheads who insist that metal will some day replace pop music because it's in some way objectively better. Fuck that, people like a certain thing because it's commonly associated with positive results, suck it up and play the fucking game or admit that you're not playing the game by the same rules as everybody else and so you get fucking nowhere. You will not succeed in changing a large group of peoples' minds on a subject when there's no negative repercussions to continue behaving that way. You will be given lip service and just enough to make you go away, but people don't change because of bitching and moaning.
It's one thing to not understand that there's a funding culture that rewards a certain kind of behavior. It's really something else to recognize it and not take advantage of it.
When did it become ok to be incredibly racist toward white people?
>You have yet to explain how a white male from the suburbs is able to understand the needs of a single mother of color living in a dangerous inner city neighborhood
Who said that the product that white male is designing has to be inclusive of the needs of a single mother of color living in a dangerous inner city neighborhood?
She should be lucky she gets anything at all from the government that he's paying taxes into, without things like SNAP or WIC she and her spawn wouldn't be alive. At least allow the white male to design products for people that actually have money to spend if you're going to tax him out the ass.
What's racist about wanting products designed with more than white men in mind?
Businesses want to sell to as many consumers as possible. White males are declining rapidly. Businesses that have a diverse staff that can build products for all groups will put the whites only companies out of business.
By developing (relatively -- by this definition I mean no physical identity is provided or easily accessible) anonymously. If no one knows who each other, no one can really judge, now can they?
Can you post an example of software designed by whites which black people can't use?
fucking hate anyone who calls themselves a foodie
It's not that people of color can't use software designed by whites, it's that the needs of people of color aren't even addressed by the software that is written. It's not a question of where should the toolbar go on Excel, it's that Excel is the type of software that is being produced. It serves the needs of a particular group but there are other groups who need attention too. Excel will never cover their needs.
I'm not watching that video. Based on everything you've said in this thread, I just want to say: please, please kill yourself.
>People of color
What the fuck are you even talking about? What """needs""" does the person of colour have not being addressed by software? Microsoft Food Stamp? Microsoft EZ Resume Generator? Let's face it, just about every person who owns a computer now uses it as a Facebook machine and if people's needs weren't being met by the internet there wouldn't be billions of normies using it. I remember the days you were considered a loser for using dating sites, now Tinder is one of then biggest services in the world. Diverse people are already having their needs met, it's just not in a gross pandering way like these Marxists want it to be.
But that's liberal identity politics shit.
This entire post is an insult to minorities. Schizophrenic and racist as fuck.
I guarantee you that the heads of organized crime groups that deal crack are black and they keep track of their finances, accounts and manufacturing processes with Excel and other, non-SAAS software that's also commonly used in more legitimate businesses. Their employees are probably also black.
Of course, if you were less racist, and you figured out that there are plenty of black people who work office jobs, I can guarantee you that some of them use Excel too. Because they work in fucking offices. Where Excel is used. Which is where white people use it too. Because that's the fucking need it solves. Fucking office work. Not "white" office work.
But you probably think that all blacks who are well off are crack dealers, athletes and rappers.
Democrats then:
>Blacks can't take care of themselves, they need the white man!
>Without slavery who will pick cotton?
Democrats now:
>Blacks can't take care of themselves, they need the white man!
>Without illegal immigrants who will pick berries?
You've yet to explain how some upper middle class white bitch would be any better or why a black person would need some special software compared to any other human being. You're a racist asshole and not just against white people. You reduce people down to their race and gender and don't acknowledge the universal traits that we all share. What's really disgusting is that reactionary pricks like you think you're a "leftist" or a liberal. When you're nothing of the sort.
Not everyone in the poor part of the city are drug dealers. Thanks for proving that you need a diverse selection of coworkers to educated you on this.
You are so trapped by your world that you can't conceive of any needs beyond your own.
Literally "Let them eat cake" the post.
If this is really the case then it is something that the free market will solve on its own, without busybodies like you making these business decisions for us via mandatory quotas.
Says the person who's so trapped in their own way of thinking, that they even can't conceive of someone being capable of designing software to be used by a diverse population if they're a white man. Literally "muh feels: the argument"
What world would that be? You're the reactionary that's deluded himself into thinking that he's some kind of progressive when he's there exact opposite.
t.ignorant libtard that doesn't know anything about actual progressive and left wing values.
what the fuck are they talking about
Give us an example of some of these needs, and explain why an experienced, competent computer professional wouldn't be able to address/design around these needs regardless of their race/gender. Go ahead.
Oh, right. It was just inspect element again.
Kill yourself
>if tech is going to become a more inclusive and diverse industry.
Why should we care about this? The best people for the job will rise to the top.
There's no such thing as "best", user! Everyone is born a blank slate and any differences in talent, motivation, or inclination is just the result of there not being enough female programmers on TV. Quit being such a misogynist!
I hate that poser bitch so much, every time I see her retarded fucking face it makes my blood boil.
>How big is the executable if you use Rust? About the same size.
Statically linked (at least against the Rust libraries; I think it might still be dynamically linked against libc), a Hello World program in Rust on Linux is 762K bytes, or 327K bytes when stripped of debugging symbols. This was compiled with rustc 1.7.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit.
>3 hours later
>No examples of the "special software" Laqueesha needs have materialized
Really jogs my jellies
He wasn't getting enough (You)s and grew bored of baiting.
also every prison should have at least 50% women in it
fight for equality
>The traditional binary foundation of 1s and 0s is deeply problematic: 1 is inherently phallic and thus misogynistic.
>Instead, we have 0s and Os as our fundamental binary logic gates. They symbolise/-ize the varying, natural, and beautiful differences of the female vaginal opening.
White people are on a spectrum
Terrible bait yet people fell for it
>koding with Klossy is OK
>brogramming with Brad is not OK
insert ebin Sup Forums thinking meme here
>Businesses want to sell to as many consumers as possible.
Businesses want to make the most money, white males still supposedly have the majority of that money.according to social justice activists.
Also whites-only companies make more money because they are more talented than companies with forced diversity. That's why there are so many reports coming out trying to show that they've hired fewer whites- it's there way of seeming multicultural despite those reports showing that the majority of the productive workers are still white males with a handful of asians and token blacks.
Single moms on SNAP and WIC don't exactly have a whole lot of cash to throw around, therefore they shouldn't be at the top (or even at the second or third place) on the list of people of which should be considered when creating a product.
SJWs are mostly middle class white females or numales. How can they give you an example of what Laqueesha needs? They're making their argument in the mirror.
YouTube comments are always worth a slight chuckle.
LARPing is a hell of a drug.
>newfags don't see the parallel port
>throwaway the ODD to save weight
This gentleman of the road does reek of BO
He reeks of COMFY