The people who hate Windows 10 fall into one of the three categories:

The people who hate Windows 10 fall into one of the three categories:
>is a dumbfuck who doesn't know how to turn off settings they don't want
>is a underage fag who uses Windows 7 because of muh botnet yet uses shit like Google Chrome
>a Linux autist who hates it because of muh freedumbs

Other urls found in this thread:

You are missing a few categories.

Create your own free blog at!

You're missing
>developers that make money programming and have an easier time with open source tools on linux.


windows 10 is broken

Convince me it's good, I need to be convinced not to do the workaround for Win 7/Ryzen CPU

a non-poor guy who likes superior things in life and prefers macOS.

ps: epic maymay pic retard. you sure fooled everyone.

pps: you have to be 18+ to post on this site.

Try shitting in a toilet, Pajeet.


Like what?

People who hate winblows:
>people who don't play gaymes
>hacker named Sup Forums
>wagecuck admins
>privacyfag/ pedo/ druggies

>developers that make money
>open source tools

W10 is broken and barely works with old games

They should have kept XP64 as the main gaming OS

It is easier to look at it the other way round, people who love Windows 10 can be narrowed down to one category.

Can you explain these privacy concerns/muh botnet I keep hearing about Windows 10?

If people are that concerned can't they just use Tails OS or VPN's or something.

By your logic Linux Fags are shills as well.

good day rato

Pretty good, except 1 is actually just 3 masquerading as 1.

I like that rat.

The Windows 10 hate is mostly because Sup Forums is full of 20 year olds with duckling syndrome, either their first OS was Windows 7 and they think it's perfect or they upgraded to Win7 from Windows XP after XP being dominant for years and now think Win7 must be the best one.

And why would they hate Windows 10?

>I like to surf the internet
>I can't surf the internet with a wrench. It's just the wrong tool for the job.

No, you just don't use a wrench, you use a smartphone.

I hate Windows 10 and don't fall under any of those categories.


M$ can push anything to your system at any time.
M$ logs your keystrokes.
M$ knows what programs you run.
Enjoy ads in your OS.
Network interfaces and "encryption" software are backdoored.

what if you have a cracked non-legit and non-registered version of windows?

>you can disable that
>you can disable that
>you can disable that

You can turn all of this off

venerable sage, how do I turn off the part where it freezes for like 10 seconds every time I try to search something in the start menu?

or how comptelrunner.exe uses up i/o and network and cpu while I'm doing things?

They send their cyberspies to your computer system on their tron bikes to personally steal your collection of bootleg manga

Maybe you should try running it on good hardware instead of your 20 year old thinkpad

I have the same idea about this shit

_NSAKEY is still there.
Bitlocker is still backdoored

Disable all you want, win10 will silently reenable things after updates. You can't opt out of telemetry in edge, for example.

I don't buy Sup Forums meme hardware, my pc is made with mid range parts from q3 2016

what if i just like the way 7 is but i dont give a fuck about my privacy? nice baito by the way

CIO of a German automotive company here. What can i say...
No, please do yourself a favor and consider the following for your future: Don't be an idiot. The chances of making money from gaming are not the best. Maybe you should go your way in company with a real job.

Windows 10 won't let you install software that contains what is effectively a fucking rootkit? Microsoft getting it right for once.

You may be on to something.

>Started with MS-DOS
>went to 3.1, which was just a crappy shell, then 98 right on release.
>stayed with Win 98 from 1998 to 2006, putting up with reinstalls every 6 months because, "XP IS BLOATED!"
Then I was on XP from '06 to '14.

They blocked a shitty keygen I wrote with a friend. I have the source. Believe what you will but Microsoft definitely knows everything you do in their OS

No. Win 10 is serious garbage. I say this as a MCSE since 2000. It's an inconsistent piece of home phoning shit, full of bugs.

>windows 10 is full of bugs
And XP, 7, vista, 8.1 etc isn't?

No. But win 10 is the king of the hill. I've seen things... Gruesome...


The people who like windows 10 fall into one category

You forgot two categories
>people who don't like a repeat of Vista
>people who are desktop users and want a desktop OS untainted by touchscreen faggotry due to Microsoft's incompetence and UI coding

Playing hide and seek with printers, services changing start order, random Windows firewall issues, etc. It's totaly random, often not reproducible or only on a single machine, while every other machine has the same hardware and software configuration... You can be sure, every machine will have its own personal issues. Even installation is some kind of gambling. Clone 5 identically vm's, start installation and just bet on which one something happens... Funny game.

Was more polished than Windows 10 when it came out.
Is precisely renowned for being broken, except Windows 10 beats it in that Vista at least didn't break with every single update
Was a fixed Vista, and didn't have any broke
For a touchscreen pile of shit, it is still more stable than Windows 10.

Kill yourself.

>He thinks the settings actually do anything

I don't mind win10, it's as shitty as win7 and winxp.

The fucking window management is what kills me. There are some other annoying stuff like you can't make the fonts smaller ( I want the taskbar to be way smaller but that's impossible)

You STILL can't rebind caps lock though the default tools -you gotta download a program or regedit, like da fuck even osx has this shit.

Also I got a blue screen recently and had to reinstall. I guess bad drivers is still a thing?

It is not horrible for launching steam and a few windows only programs. I prefer Linux for everything else. Windows for me is like a game console.

Okay Microsoft shills, here's the deal:
- I don't want a touchscreen OS.
- I don't need DX12, and frankly more and more newer games are having MacOS/Linux support while everything current and old is supported on Windows 7 and getting ported to MOS/Linux via 3rd parties such as GoG, so i really lose nothing by using Windows 7 in addition to Hackingtosh/Linux.
- For everything not gaming, MacOS/Linux is better than Windows 10. Even Adobe is switching, while Office suite is well supported on Mac and seeing better support than ever on Linux.
- I don't want an OS UI that looks like a stitched together pile of diarrhea with multiple-personality disorder, which is why anything except Windows 10 is good and takes less time to customize than Win 10 (including Linux, which you should be ashamed of).
- I don't want an OS that has more bugs than a newbie's 1st attempt at Arch Linux, and which forces updates that keep fucking up classes, fucking up businesses, and fucking up what should be limited free time of average working Joe's. Meaning Windows 10 has once again become worse than Linux at something that Linux should be the worst at, which you should be ashamed for.
- I'm not a scat fetishist so i don't want to use Window 10. I'd rather be a faggot for using MacOS than be a scat fetishist. Lesser of two evils and all, as you already know.

>I don't mind win10, it's as shitty as win7 and winxp.

>it's as shitty as two OS's that never caused disruption of businesses, school classes; which still had some semblance of a uniform GUI; and which didn't have even a 1/10th of the bug reporting that Winodws 10 had at any time during their life after consulting with the documentation at cve and the respective forums

KEK, keep acting like you know shit.

>is someone who would have stayed with 7 had AMD not shit the bed with support
Having two control panels is great.
I used to have a local account set up, then I added a mail account and W10 decided to switch from local to Microsoft without telling me. Nothing like being asked to log in after I explicitly shut off any password checks.
Tablet shit is still all over the interface.
The Windows Store routinely fails to update certain apps and troubleshooting with common solutions hasn't worked.

I don't even care about the botnet telemetry antics sending my user data instead of just machine feedback (they can have all my crash reports). So much basic stuff is busted.

I personally like Windows 10 for the most part.


Under the hood, Windows 10 is the best Windows ever. That's not saying much, and it does very little to make it appealing to non-enthusiasts.

The glaring problem is that it feels like unusually alpha software. The polish that 7 and Vista had is nowhere to be found. The UI looks like a mock-up intended to serve the function during the design of something more appealing. For many functions, two applications overlap with the defaults sometimes being less polished/functional than its older counterpart. Changing these defaults is more trying than ever, thanks to Windows 10 adding even more redundant ways to do so. Settings and Control Panel are the worst case with each being largely redundant, but also retaining a few unique functions.

The Start menu analogue is still inferior to Windows 7's start menu. Basic quality of life UI improvements like tabbed file management are STILL missing. The Windows store is an embarrassment. And for the cherry on top, it's still industry leading spyware, although BitTorrent users and porn viewers don't generally need to be concerned. Well, until some first world shit hole like Sweden bans porn that is.

I virtualize quite a lot and I can tell you it's garbage.
Running 10 of them is a nightmare because they take random drags on system resources that can lock other shit out of I/O when it needs it, the graphical effects are shitty and slow, especially in a VNC.
Its a reskin of 8, they changed the kernel version from 6 straight to 10 for utter memeage and added dx12.

where's the category for people who get stuck in blue screen bootloops on update because microsoft is too fucking retarded to test anything?

>new wifi driver win10 is pushing causes bluescreen
>dont even have to install the driver, just have to read some data from it
>random bsod when windows update feels like doing some random check you cant disable
>bsod when you try to go into settings -> update
>bsod when you click the wifi button

this is on a 2016 dell xps13

Nigga were you even alive when xp was released?

I was alive and well and tech aware since Windows 95 you underage little faggot.

Based on your post it doesn't sound like it if you think XP days were better than win10.

>Windows 10 is the best Windows ever
Could you elaborate? I've read UWP is the bees knees provided you use their approved languages. I haven't read anything about any major structural changes. Microsoft still seems to have a thorough hatred of its legacy and C++ developers.

>Under the hood, Windows 10 is the best Windows ever.


I don't have to think since i know my experiences.
And i don't have to use any anecdotal evidence because Windows XP's history since day 1 is well and thoroughly documented even via a simple google search for anyone who wants to discern the truth from misinformed underage bullshitters such as yourself.
Compared to Windows 10 and Vista, it is pristine.

windows fucking 10:
>loses wireless signal and tries to connect again
>not connecting
>try restarting
>takes 5 mins to shut down just to get a blue screen that just says "oops, something went wrong"
>boots up again
>repeat the whole shit the next time the signal falls out
it just sucks
>explorer.exe randomly fucks up
>icons on taskbar flashes and shit
even more:
>click on notification button on task bar because "you have 1 notification"
>nothing happens
>click some more times
>eventually opens
>whatever notification that's supposed to be there is gone
its just a fucking nightmare
i'll use win 7 til the day i die

I've had two experiences with Windows 10
>downgrade my Venue 8 Pro to it
>what the fuck is this?
>revert to 8.1

>Android/Windows 10 tablet I don't use anymore
>configure BOINC on Windows 10
>configure power settings to never shut off when plugged in
>wake up every day, it's off
>just decided to start working like it should after a week of that nonsensical bullshit

It's ass.

>muh freedumbs
Literally the most important reason to dislike Windows and you trivialize it with "le greentext".

Go do your search and share.

If Windows 10 is the best ever, I wonder how the others even existed in the first place.

People investigating this fact for themselves will be more productive and valid than listening to you.

Actually the reason other than the fact Win Ten just sucks that I plan to stick with Win 7 is the simple fact that Windows 7 "Just Works" for me. I mean there is nothing about ten that would make my life better than what it is right now with 7.

In other words:

> I'm wrong


>>"They send their cyberspies to your computer system on their tron bikes to personally steal your data" - Thanks user, I sprayed milk out my nose. Nice Rat, Too!

>it's another 10drone justifies his buyer's remorse thread

You can get win 10 for free, though

great rat!
hope you keep him warm

even normies hate windows now. The only ones who still try to defend it after the disaster that is W10 are NEET gayming neckbeard faggots

The people who like Windows 10 fall into two categories:

>normies working in an office job who have no choice but are frustrated with how broken Windows 10 is
>fatass gaming neckbeards that desperately try to defend everything microsoft shits out because Windows is the only thing keeping them from being a "console pleb XD"

>"You need to restart your computer to apply this settings change. Restarting..."
>"Program successfully installed. You need to restart your computer to complete the installation. Restarting..."
>forced restart to apply updates
>can't use your computer while installing updates; have to sit there and stare at the screen as it installs them
>"we couldn't complete the updates, undoing changes..."
>can't refuse specific features in an update
>can't refuse updates at all, unless you disable them completely, but...
>have to disable critical security updates just to make the system usable
>but it will only be usable for a week because Windows has more holes than swiss cheese
>still need an anti-virus
>still need to defrag occasionally
>still need to reinstall Windows regularly due to windows rot (this is arguable, some people say that you won't get windows rot if you use you take precautions, but no such measure are required on other operating systems)
>BSOD- It is NEVER acceptable to let the entire operating system crash when a single application causes a problem, yet Windows allows it.
>can't change the Desktop UI without some broken hacky shit
>can't customize anything outside of what Microsoft "allows"; it's Microsoft's computer for as long as Windows is installed on it
>feature creep
>ads in file manager
>ads in settings UI
>ads in start menu
>Registry (LOL)

For such a "professional" corporation, you'd think they'd at least have some quality control. I don't know what the fuck happened to MS, but the glory days are gone. Only going to get worse from here. Only thing that can save Windows now is a newly designed and completely brand new operating system that does things completely differently from what they do now.

is there any way to turn off the updater in windows 10? or i have to force it from services?

i gotta do that everysay lmao

works for me

Windows 10 is pure shit

Doesn't W10 still phone home even with all privacy settings turned on? I could've sworn I saw some wireshark log claiming so

W10 will phone your initial setup, and crash data. Previous versions of windows also shipped your computer info to MS with certain crashes.

at it's heart windows still qdos which was never meant to be a commercial product

I'm a scat fetishist and I use win 10 :/

Is OP a category

I saved this webm ages ago. I'm not sure of it's validity, but I think this might be what you were referring to

Op falls into one category:

>someone tired of the constant introduction of half baked features and no bug fixing or cohesive design

The logical response to copy/pasted threads should be copy/pasted responses. I'm too lazy to rewrite this, so here you go, faggot.

can confirm the printers
especially over the network
funny thing is win7 does not produce such problems in the same environment

>is a dumbfuck who doesn't know how to turn off settings they don't want

It still monitors you regardless.
Best thing to do is install Linux and run Windows as a VM.

>By your logic Linux Fags are shills as well.
Shilling for free and libre software. Makes sense...

It's a total fuckup. The pain in the ass, called Windows 10, is the reason why i think of replacing Windows clients with Linux. Lmde2 or tumbleweed... I run them both in a test environment and they both do the job flawless.

The beauty of other people investigating for themselves is that they will decide whether i am wrong or not,
and not an underage like yourself who doesn't have the basic knowledge to decide on it.

All 3 of which are superior to 10 users

False. You must be 18+ to post here also.

no, they freely chose to use that os, people who use windows like the windows they are on and not be forced to use a windows they don't like just because an arbitrary choice by microsoft.

See, windows 10 has telemetry, ads in the os, and forced updates, with no way to turn the shit off 100%, that right there is a deal breaker for me.

Most people do not like any of that shit either, they just put up with it, people who openly like it, are shills.

up to date win 7 with ryzen, likely will never update it again.

had win 98, that shit crashed so much and so often that I was glad to be rid of it
windows xp, while it didn't crash nearly as much, still crashed every now and then, when win 7 came out, it removed cascading/tiling windows, a feature I regularly used, and did not upgrade to win 7 (note I still call it un upgrade) till I got an ssd and needed win 7 to do shit automatically that I didn't want to do manually, also moved to 8gb of ram, win xp 64 was notoriously un supported so it wasnt an option.

win 8 while better then win 7 in some ways, required you to do so much bullshit to get it to not be a tablet os that it was a downgrade (I think 8.1 is better but to little to late)

windows 10... where do I fucking start, I despise the ui, win 7 glass is useful to me as I put notifications at the top and when a program and when something happens, it changes color, I see right away I need to look at something, gone it 10 as far as I can tell. I despise the minimalist aesthetic, literally nothing can change that. I prefer the win 98 start menu, but I accept win 7 to the point I don't seek out customizations. Forced updates is a dealbreaker, and I don't want to have to use 3rd party programs to disable it or jump through fucking hoops to be able to do it either.
Now on to telemetry, I accept google's because lets face it, Its free, I don't mind. windows 10 was never free to me, it was always 100-200$ because I don't use home, telemetry on something I pay for, that isn't a popup when a program crashes that asks me if I want to send a report, is fucking unacceptable to me.

I consider windows 10 a downgrade in every way, not because I am use to 7, though that does play a role in it, but because of decisions I can not get behind and practices I refuse to support.