YLYL thread

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why are people like this.

There's obviously something wrong with either parent's reproductive health, or she fucking drinks while pregnant. I don't understand why people would even want one retarded kid

If you could find out your pregnancy was retarded, wouldn't you want to abort it?

I would, it would be so much less stress for the kid and for the parents, and even the extended family and friends. It's not just you dealing with the kid, it's everybody you know. It's extra money for a "special ed" teacher aka a baby sitter for your retarded kid.

I feel sorry for these people, but I truly do wish we could stop retardation before birth. Some people say it's extreme and there are kids that are born retarded and make progress and turn out relatively normal later on in life. But those are few and far between and the ones that don't end up costing a society greatly in resources and lost growth potential.

What do you guys think. If you were born with severe retardation, do you think it's fair that the people around you have to suffer mentally/financially/emotionally and in their relationships, work, school, and in their community overall because of it?


All of the kids are perfectly mentally normal or maybe the first one is bona fide autistic she just badgers the doctors and gets 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinions until one of them gives a diagnosis.
You see it a lot.


not technology


not funny

tried this and it fucking worked lol

not funny


don't ever have kids


Sup Forums not Sup Forums or even Sup Forums.
Don't have something Sup Forums related? Go find some.

S-Sorry senpai, all of my Sup Forums memes are on my non-GNU/Linux Machine. This is all I had ;(



daily reminder that this thread is the cancer that is killing Sup Forums


they won't listen. they'll just repost all the same pictures they did last time, and then pretend to get mad at that one fake story.
like look at this moron. he didn't have his pictures he saved from Sup Forums to repost, so defaulted to epic Sup Forums jokes because hey, it's a humor thread! someone will be along shortly to say "at least they're contributing"



lighten up.
life is too short to worry about such pettiness.
if you can't deservem e at my best you don't handle me at my worst. :)

daily reminder Sup Forums has always been shit and you're just growing out of it

>Sup Forums



who are you people? why are you on this board? are you the ones who talk about graphics cards and cpus and benchmarks all day?


That has to be a joke. Right? Right? Please. Tell me it's a joke.


lollll le women are so dum they dont even guns but they want to ban guns haha le le le fffuuuuu i am the smartest


wtf my boss just demoted me to junior java programmer



These panels will always be the best.

hehe lmao =)

I don't harbor as much of a hatred for Apple as some people do, but holy fuck these people need gassed.

>"NIGGER" in the background

Is this real?

She's probably just a shitty parent, her kids probably have a ton of complexes, not autism

>Ugly and poorly censored for reddit
literally first google result for "autistic screeching try for 5th"

Women are indeed overly emotional beings, hence they should not be able to speak on such matters like Gun Control

broken fan?

Why is this funny?

>that RGB keyboard
>that headset
this is what happens when "pc gaming" memes affect someone's choices

Play for them, but use a pre recording. Swipe advanced. Ask them what they think.
Basically call them out for being posing faggots.


I'm sure they are quality products, just dumb colors and branding.

A family at my church had 3 mentally disabled kids in a row and the church asked them to stop having kids.

The kept saying God was gonna cure their next kids.
Church said they would ban them if they had another kid.

Some Christian's are fucking insane.

>respect muh freedom
>respect muh choice
>don't you dare criticise me

Autism doesn't necessarily mean mental retardation. You couldn't make out that a high-functioning autist is autistic until you've talked to them for a while and had good knowledge of the cues. If they're high-functioning then I don't even see the problem with making more. If they're low-functioning then yeah I don't get it.

I mean we could cure retarded babies in the womb if we wanted, but people dont want that because it would be another reason to not have an abortion.

And people wonder why bookstores are going out of business.

>we could cure retarded babies in the womb if we wanted

>we could cure retarded babies in the womb if we wanted
>people don't want that
>people actively seek reasons to get abortions, as if it gives them some kind of high or something

Easy there Alex Jones. None of these affirmations are true. Take your medication. I promise it won't turn you gay.



Looking for a screencap of the tthread where a guy was looking for a oaint prigram but didn't want layers in it because he couldn't figure out how they worked. He also said ms paint was bloated.

Instead of looking for OC, you go into yesterdays thread and repost.
You realize this is a cancerous thing to do, Rrght?


...ayo hold up

imma do this

the original

I already lost on the OP image
>tfw it wasn't even Sup Forums-related

I kek'd when I googled and realized it's based on a real SJW page from Microsoft.





If what comes out is the equivalent of a houseplant, then yes. Met plenty of reasonable spergs though.

>mfw I'm a student in the CU system.


g btfo


What site is this on?





looks like reddit


Retarded here, and I don't care that I am a burden to the world.

Jesus, this describes half the CS department at UT

the other half is FOBs of various shades of brown


You know, this will eventually sort the array.

The graph isn't conclusive of any data, it's just 2x more in preformance which means nothing.

I love you user, i was searching for this image.

I mean, it's a valid implementation of bogosort.



All this needs is a gnu logo



bentium 4 + gtx 480?

sleep tight, rato

Seriously tho, non'ya little sad fucks have kids, do you? I almost wish hell existed so you could all burn in eternity for your general lack of empathy.

>tfw still running a unidata server

>live in a shitty world
>bring another life into it and force them to suffer too
>all to try and placate your own suffering
>years later push them to repeat the cycle

Parents are guilty of child abuse by virtue of having become parents.

True I don't have downie kids

So I win by default

These people deserve the suffering for living a poor lifestyle, consuming garbage and bathing in petroleum byproducts.


Either you forgot how much love your parents gave you before you grew into an unlovable piece of shit, or else you might just be unlucky enough to come from a shitty family.