>See all the spamming about how great GPU passthrough for gaming on Linux
>Finally decide to look into it
>It only works on a small handful of motherboards (literally less than 20)
Why the fuck do people recommend this shit to everywhere when it probably won't even work for them?
>tfw almost fell for the GPU passthrough meme
dumb weeb
anime website
>It only works on a small handful of motherboards (literally less than 20)
The list is so small because people are too busy gaymen to add their own board to it.
But seriously, as long as your board has vt-x & vt-d support, you're golden.
Just check those.
If your IOMMU groups are fucked just apply the arbitration patch.
Most professional grade hardware, even plenty of core 2 office machines, like dell precisions will allow you to do it.
How do I even check though?
I enabled "Virtualization" in my BIOS and set the iommu=on flag in my grub boot options and dmesg still reports it as off
motherboard is GA-78MLT-USB3 which I can't find any documentation on
>>taking Sup Forums seriously
>GPU passthrough for gaming on Linux
>gaming on Linux
botnet or not, if you aren't using a windows os to play pc games then you're just a fucking hipster chode. don't use gnu/linux or fucking mac os if your pc's main purpose is to play games, if you're using a non-windows os then your computer should be primarily for something else.
a network of private computers infected with malicious software and controlled as a group without the owners' knowledge, e.g., to send spam messages.
What does calling someone a dumb weeb has to do with the nature of the board were posting on? Does not follow.
Thats why I wanted to just do a passthrough is because I have a GPU that I basically don't use because I use Linux for programming and shit but I still like gaymes every now and then but dualbooting is retarded
How is dual booting retarded, compared to using two GPUs and still getting less performance in games than native windows?
either you continue neutering yourself or you suck it up and put the time into a windows dualboot so you can play pc games without issues. you just seem to be acting like a little bitch that wants to whine about your "problems" without trying out the best possible solutions. how fucking slow is your ssd that it'd take more than a minute to switch the os?
Time and performance aren't an issue. Losing my current work session and having to reopen it every time I want to play a game for even the shortest amount of time is beyond retarded
AMD, right?
Go into your BIOS and check.
If you have AMD-V mentioned anywhere in the options, smash that button.
grep --color vmx /proc/cpuinfo
To check for AMD-V enabled on running system.
>taking it as a personal insult that someone else wants to avoid dual-booting
Whoops, that's intel.
Try grep --color svm /proc/cpuinfo
it is not hard to set it up
it takes 5 minutes to enable vt-x and vt-d then boot your kernel with iommu gourps and installing kvm qemu with ovmf uefi
Why not just play games on a console then? Or better yet, why didn't you install Windows natively and then have Linux as a VM?
AMD-V is mentioned no where in the options
>Time and performance aren't an issue
>Here is why time and performance are an issue
>"Why not just buy a $400 console that costs $60 a year to even play online, goy?"
>implying that I don't need the native Linux performance as well
>It only works on a small handful of motherboards (literally less than 20)
The fuck are you talking about? IOMMU is a standard feature that has been included in every motherboard chipset for the last god knows how long.
It may just be called virtualization support. In my experience motherboard manufacturers sometimes put it under CPU core settings or something stupid like that.
What does having to reopen shit have to do with time or performance? Its tedious and annoying and just makes me not want to even bother playing a game
>i need to be productive while playing my vido gams
Unless you're renting and it includes utilities you're probably going to be paying that much a year to run a second GPU 24/7
Where's the list? I'll happily add my experience with my Maximus Hero VIII to it. Not the best IOMMU experience but I made it work regardless.
>What is integrated graphics
>"I want to be able to play a game for a short amount of time without having to lose and reopen my current work session while playing"
>This is not an issue concerning time and performance of my machine
dumb weeb
>He doesn't engage in some vidya with the copious spare processing power of his xeon work station while it completes meaningful tasks
Pleb alert
>Its tedious and annoying and just makes me not want to even bother playing a game
woah reading is hard
>suffering intel backdoors so you can play video games with worse performance than native windows
I bought the cheapest motherboard that would work with my CPU and it still supports it. Don't you just need IOMMU support? That's far from uncommon.
>Implying I'm using Intel
Then you could free up all of your CPU's processing power by playing on a console, which you probably should be doing, if your "meaningful tasks" are actually so.
>Gaymen on a Xeon
Now that's beyond fucking retarded. What GPU did you pair this up with that you need Windows to play games?
It's not like you need a gaymen GPU when you're not playing games
Bit of a clusterfuck.
But then again, intel could have just put vt-d in every god damned cpu made since 2007.
What is being able to only use 1 monitor
The only AMD options with integrated graphics are shit-tier and you would desperately need every frame you can get while gaming, hence you should be playing on native windows. If you're just playing old shit from a decade ago then you could just use wine and bypass the passthrough meme entirely.
>motherboard has 3 video outputs
I could also just play candy crush on a phone.
Basic GTX 970. Cheap and it works for my 1080p stuff.
The integrated graphics are for Linux and my graphics card is for the passthrough
>Little to no DX11 support
>This thread
Maybe on your machine, mine can drive three monitors
My mobo being 6 years old probably has something to do with only having one
Okay let me get this straight,
>I am assuming 16GB RAM at least so his VM has 8GB minimum, DDR2 because 6yo mobo
>A single monitor despite saying he's doing programming on a workstation
>Wants to play Windows games beyond DX10 on a VM using GPU passthrough on Linux
>In 2017
OP I have to be honest with you, I think it's not going to be worth going through this trouble at all, you'd most likely just fool around for a few hours before getting bored or displeased with it. Or maybe you're just a really subtle troll in which case you are successfully wasting everybody's time on a scenario that isn't even real.
Xeon here.
I am not OP.
I already have it working. Have for a full year now.
When I don't have direct access I steam stream it.
All of that is wrong. Not all these posts are mine, user
Only post that's mine where I mentioned my hardware is this Not telling you my hardware because I'm not helping your datamining
>muh safe space
iommu is enabled in the bios you dumb fuck
All guides say that you have to enable a boot flag for it AND enabled it in BIOS which I think I did
>Not telling you my hardware because I'm not helping your datamining
if you don't tell us what kind of machine you're running then we can't tell you if gpu passthrough is something that will either work or work well for you
The idle power consumption of an RX 480 is 16W (other cards, like the GTX 1080, idle even lower). Run that for a year round the clock (which isn't close to reality) and you'll have used 101 kWh, which if I recall correctly is about 15 Euro worth of electricity. So no, you absolutely won't.
My CPU and GPU were listed for supporting it, its just my mobo that I can't confirm
I will also say that I'm running Manjaro
I just have a desktop running Windows for games and another computer for Linux/everything not a game and just use a kvm.
Dualbooting and losing my state blows. Suspend/resume sorta works but is still more work than just hitting a button.
PCI passthrough is pretty cool though.
I knew what you're joking but yesterday I compiled Gimp while playing csgo.
This is true. You need the flag.
You now have to stub your card to prevent your host from grabbing it.
Does the IOMMU support not show up in dmesg until you stub the card?
It should.
Can you query your IOMMU groups?
Note: Not all boards are capable of reporting them because some actually put everything into a separate group and just report nothing.
I don't like fucking with kernel patches, do you have to reapply the ACS patch with every kernel update?
already managed to setup pass through on my current Intel rig without it,
Easier to and cheaper pull off with Intel at the moment, especially since my 4790 comes with an iGPU.
That is the main reason I have put off a ryzen upgrade, along with IPC being slightly weaker than my current quad core CPU.
Having 8 cores would be nice though since I can allocate 4 or more cores exclusively to the guest to minimize context switching since host and guest won't share the same cores.
Do you think that my board just doesn't report it?
Would the only way of checking if it actually worked is just trying it out?
Seems so.
Would be much better on a distro like Debian.
ACS is basically lying to the hardware and telling it that it's isolated.
Potentially a security risk.
I'd wait for better motherboards to hit the market that actually unfuck their grouping.
No harm in it.
Stub the card and fire away.
How would I undo it in the event that it doesn't work?
Even a simple as fuck E5-2670 could handle an unoptimized CPU chugger like Fallout 4 at max settings with a GTX 970 and not suffer below 100fps.
Unstub the card and use it natively.
The worst it can do is throw an error in KVM or crash your system.
>dumb weeb
>posts a weeb image
dumb weeb
i7 4790 worked nicely along with ASUS H97M-E motherboard and GTX980, had to update to latest Bios for it to work though.
>See all the spamming about how great GPU passthrough for gaming on Linux
It is great, but not simple to setup if you have ADHD or don't have access to hardware that supports it.
>Why the fuck do people recommend this shit to everywhere when it probably won't even work for them?
Because having the choice is nice, not everyone will be willing to do it but some will be interested.
At the moment it is not a simple point and click process, but you only set it up once.
For the time being it is only recommended for those with access to compatible hardware that are willing to get their hands a little dirty and RTFM. Doesn't take very long for those who are a little tech savvy.
Here is a reasonably thorough guide I used for those curious.
Why would you ever buy a board that didn't support it? Are you one of those Sup Forums posters here for the phones instead of computers, networking, and programming?
reminder that gpu-passtrough forbids you from playing anything that has VAC because valve is afraid of the "unreadable memory injections"
meanwhile you can just bugger Windows 7 to do the same effect but not get VAC kicked
My board is several years old and I never thought to even check for that support when I bought it because I was a winigger at the time
Good thing Valve doesn't have any games worth playing anymore
I had someone get mad at me for thinking that profiling games on Linux via GPU pass through was a bad idea. He even told me you get like 90% of the performance normally. As if that would be enough.
I've always heard it's more like 95%, and either way it is certainly enough.
>unreadable memory injections
I thought of this a few months ago but put it on the backburner.
Thanks for the reminder.
I haven't tested with any games that use VAC, mostly play some EDF4.1, COH2, and some planetside 2 every once in a while online and haven't encountered any issues.
Most games I know of that use VAC are made by valve which work on linux fine anyway, such as CSGO, Dota 2, and TF2.
120Hz here.
I cannot physically detect a difference in the virtualized setup.
It is as close to metal as you can get while keeping windows in a nice little box for vidya.
What is your specs?
You can get up to 100% or even better just by scraping away all the fucking services of windows that you would need to actually use the OS to fucking do anything but game as long as you're using dual xeons.
Single CPUs/Xeons might get a little dent but otherwise there's no issue.
Good lord user. If you're testing your performance in a situation where you have 5% variability you don't control how are you ever going to get a good measurement? Most changes you make don't impact enough for you to be able to tell if you've improved or not.
Science can't be done without suitable precision for your measurements.
I suppose arguably you could take the statistical approach and combine a large number of changes and then do a lot of work combining them in different varieties to get a better estimate that surpassed your ability to measure. But do you realise how much extra work that is in a situation that's already complicated?
You sound as retarded as he was right now.
OK this is simply irrelevant. If you're measuring your perception of the game when profiling you're fucking retarded. It's at the level of algorithmic improvements. And even then it's only appropriate for the most performance intensive parts. If I was doing algorithmic improvements at this point I wouldn't need to test it on different OSs. Doesn't make much sense to do that.
Doesn't really matter since the end user won't be in that situation.
Dual boot may well be a universal solution independent of hardware used, but passthrough is far more convenient especially on a dual monitor setup. Because I can have windows running in a VM on one monitor and my host OS on the other.
So you can be browsing Sup Forums on linux for instance uninterrupted and be playing a game in the VM fullscreen then switch to the host OS seemlessly as if it were in borderless windowed mode without interrupting the game (regardless of whether it supports borderless windowed mode or not).
Or if I want to update windows I can leave it doing its thing when I restart the VM and continue working on the host OS.
I'm not going to bother reading all those paragraphs, all I'm saying is you most likely have more GPU than you really need if you're a gaymur, losing a miniscule percentage to not need to drop everything and reboot just to play a game seems more than worth it to me.
>I'm not going to read less than 2000 chars
Must be a very slow reader then.
I won't bother reading your posts out of self respect. Clearly you're just a moron, as predicted.
No, I just don't care enough about what you have to say to bother.
I just use the Ubuntu thing on windows 10. Works better than a VM and I can use vim and all my other tools while in windows. Didn't want to get pass through working perfectly because I only have one 250gb ssd. Might give it a go if I get a second one.
Just do what I do and have one desktop for work and another for gaming. You can even write the work one off on your taxes, so it is like getting a 40% discount on the parts.
Xeon E5 2690 host.
4 threads allocated to guest. Anything more than that does not increase performance.
GTX 970 & lightboost monitor.
Have a small SSD array with as much RAM caching as I can squeeze out of it and balloon memory drivers to save on gigabytes while my machine is running.
My frametimes and imperceptibly good and push their max values. I don't need to split atoms over performance differences.
There is a good enough point, wherein this whole thing is merely a compromise. I came out feeling like I had robbed the system blind over what other solutions provided and have been utterly satisfied for an entire year.
>I can't see it so it doesn't matter.
So this is how bad software is made.. I didn't realise there were actually people this retarded in software but it explains why literally no open source software deploys with its profiling facilities in the source.
i want to learn new programming skills, which way should I take it? i only use c / c ++ language for marathon problems training and college. (Sorry for my English)
I think you're in the wrong thread
Though they're not amazing at giving advice. Take it with a grain of salt.
>So this is how bad software is made..
I am not talking about developing my own software.
I am running closed source software in a closed source operating system so that I can enjoy closed source gameplay on a single thread.
It is acceptable and that's as good as I'll get.
How about you go and see if you can nag the IP for their source and try to get it improved. I have to deal.
>hey run my setup, it just werks!
What are you... Poor or something? Instead of wasting time here go get enough money to afford decent hardware.... Ffs pass throughout is almost in every mid-top tier setup
I think you're mentally retarded.
>What are you... Poor or something? Instead of wasting time here go get enough money to afford decent hardware.... Ffs pass throughout is almost in every mid-top tier setup
I agree with this post.... I bet you have an amd poor setup
>install linux
>only to install windows in a vm to play games
freetards everyone
I did this, spent a lot of time and tweaked it really hard. It has one massive flaw, if you have anything less than a physical octa core, you are going to have a massive and crippling CPU bottleneck. There is no way around it, I was getting barely 50% utilization on a 970 using a i7-4970k.
>dualboot linux and windows 10
>use linux for everything other than games
problem solved