Why are ssds so fuckin expensive?

Why are ssds so fuckin expensive?

Better question: why are you so fucking poor?


>tfw got a brand new intel 520 240gb for $55 off CL 2 years ago.

wish my current area had deals like that.

you must be really young. SSD's are so fucking cheap now. I remember when SSD's started hitting the market they were in the hundreds of dollars for a measly 64GB.

Because we have corrupted government?

Пepecтaнь быть бoмжoм. Hy и зaoднo yeбывaй в нюфaня-тpeд.

Expensive is a relative term.

supply and demand user.
>oh its a 1000 gb drive, it has more memory so it must be better than that 256 gig drive.

You need big numbers to convince normies that SSDs are superior. Perhaps the high speeds of NVMe may help.

I bought my 840 Evo 750GB 3 years ago for $400 on Amazon. What do you mean by "expensive" son

It's not so much the price as it is the fact that they haven't been getting cheaper for the past few years now.

normies don't really care about gigaplops per minute

That's not the reason you're poor.

1tb ssd was $90 6 months ago

You're underestimating the normie vidya game crowd. Think of all those WoW players who want shorter loading screens.

They are ex0ensive because there is a high demand of it in the laptop and cellphone market

>not buying an SSD to upgrade your HDD 6 months ago

It's been that way for enough years by now that production could've been increased to compensate. There's more money that way too, so if they're not doing it it must mean that the manufacturing failure rate on SSDs must still be fairly high.

What fucking planet do you live on? Cheapest a 1TB SSD has been new in the last two years was about $260 USD.

What's the reason then?

>phone manufacturers move away from micro sd and start using their own large flash storage
>flash storage now in massive demand
>factories busy churning out parts for phones with one tiny conveyer belt with SSDs for autists
>prices go way up as a result

Phones ruin everything in tech.

>eastern european tries to buy 1st world goods
>complains about price

Phones are only now coming with 64gb-128gb as standard and not as some luxury edition. As standard. This drives up demand and price.

>Falling for the SSD meme
You deserve everything you get, OP.


I still have a 120GB OCZ that I paid $250 for

surprisingly it still works


Disregarded and filtered.

Your opinion is very important for us

Samsung, Hynix, and Micron make up like 90~95% of all DRAM/NAND manufacturing. All of them are moving their manufacturing process to newer fabrications (from 30nm to 20nm), this is slowing production.

don't try to understand poorfags

We get it cheaper than Germans ya dunce.