Tell your job to shove their proprietary shit up their ass.
Julian Edwards
Carson Lopez
I'll not tell Stallman about this user, this will be our secret.
Camden Sullivan
Stallman doesn't think it's okay to use proprietary software even if it's the only way to make something work.
But for those of us with a less autistically ideological and more practical approach to things, just suck it up and use what you need to get the job done. If you're concerned about security and privacy, make sure you don't have any of your private data accessible by that Windows machine.
Nathan Gomez
Who cares what that smelly fat loudmouth thinks? Do what you think is Right.
Nathaniel Smith
If your job requires the use of proprietary software you should clearly look for a new job that doesn't require the crime against humanity that is proprietary software
Owen Miller
If you can't use a FOSS alternative, stop working there. Find employment elsewhere. Even if you literally can't, and you end up living in a cardboard box under a bridge, you can take solace in the fact that you don't use proprietary software. You're truly free.
Isaiah Ramirez
Makes me think... Does he ever go to hospital or any place like that?
Every machine there has proprietary software installed and running. Imagine if he ever needed a machine to keep him alive. Would he allow them to use it?
Would he operate a self service type of automated coffee machine if it's running proprietary software?
What vintage toaster must he use because the new "smart" ones have proprietary software in them.
What about calculators? Texas instruments and HP might be using proprietary software in them.
Can he drive a new car because they use proprietary software in them?
Can he use any semi-automated toilet in Japan?
Can he use an electric bus pass, because the card reader in busses use proprietary software to read the info in the card?
Where does he draw the line??? Why can't I understand that autistic man at all?
Levi Howard
I firmly refuse to install non-free software or tolerate its installed presence on my computer or on computers set up for me.
However, if I am visiting somewhere and the machines available nearby happen to contain non-free software, through no doing of mine, I don't refuse to touch them. I will use them briefly for tasks such as browsing. This limited usage doesn't give my assent to the software's license, or make me responsible its being present in the computer, or make me the possessor of a copy of it, so I don't see an ethical obligation to refrain from this. Of course, I explain to the local people why they should migrate the machines to free software, but I don't push them hard, because annoying them is not the way to convince them.
Likewise, I don't need to worry about what software is in a kiosk, pay phone, or ATM that I am using. I hope their owners migrate them to free software, for their sake, but there's no need for me to refuse to touch them until then. (I do consider what those machines and their owners might do with my personal data, but that's a different issue, which would arise just the same even if they did use free software. My response to that issue is to minimize those activities which give them any data about me.)
As for microwave ovens and other appliances, if updating software is not a normal part of use of the device, then it is not a computer. In that case, I think the user need not take cognizance of whether the device contains a processor and software, or is built some other way. However, if it has an "update firmware" button, that means installing different software is a normal part of use, so it is a computer.
Josiah Thomas
Cars (that have computers build in), (some) smart cards, card readers, electric passes, electric authenticator machines, calculators, some coffee machines, toasters and other appliances have firmware updates available and different software can be installed to them and updated regularly.
Thanks to the IoT and Smart device boom I guess he won't be using those then.
Levi Young
Use LibreCAD and Linux
Caleb Turner
I hate that shit. It's not that complicated to make a coffee machine, you should make it just werk and leave it at that.
Hudson Evans
That's going a bit far, in my opinion. If you're being required to install something you don't like on your own personal property, then fuck them, but if it's their computer, it's up to them.
Of course. But these days, "smart! internet-connected! control it from your smartphone!" is what companies think they need to be a more attractive option to someone looking to buy one, so that's what they do. And given how much the general public has been shown to eat that shit up, they're not entirely wrong.
Ayden Sullivan
Thomas Williams
I don't know what point you're trying to make there.
Colton Perez
Stallman doesn't care what you use, as long as you are not pressuring others to give up their freedoms. It's your choice to use nonfree software; Stallman just refuses to.
John Lopez
We're talking about a man who eats foot scabs and refuses to use ANY web browser here. Literally nothing would surprise me.
Sebastian James
It's an internet connected, always on, DRM protected Capri-sun bag squeezer that requires a smartphone to use. Basically the most extreme example of the trend I've seen:
Ah. I thought you were getting at something with that ancap smiley.
Yeah, it is the most extreme example of the trend yet. Might even be the most extreme possible; it's hard to imagine anything being worse than a "juicer" that dispenses from a bag of stuff that's most of the way to being juice as it is, DRM-ridden and needing a smartphone to function.
Christian Gray
>tfw stallman makes a lot of sense and it seems like most people internalize the memes before they give him a chance
Ayden Cooper
I gave him and his ideas their fair chance long before Sup Forums was even a thing. He does make a lot of good points, but takes things to way too much of an extreme for me to do anything just on his say-so.
Robert Bell
Kayden Scott
He's an extremist, but extremists are sometimes necessary.
Andrew Perry
also, what is GNU Health?
Robert Perry
Carter Lopez
Like Pinochet.
Christian Campbell
Who cares about what goes on in your work computer, it's a work tool not a personal device. You should already assume that it's compromised/being monitored in the first place cause most companies log that stuff. Never do personal stuff on a corporate computer or network.
Easton Foster
Who cares what RMS says? He's an idealist.
Most GNU/Linux users don't really care about "muh proprietary software," they just want an alternative to Windows.
Carson Rivera
why the fuck does this require a phone to use it makes no sense