Torrent Indexer

Yo Sup Forums.

Say i want to create and host a torrent indexer site a la TPB with users and mods (no tracker just magnets). How do i go about doing this? what do i need to learn?

I ask because Sup Forums's favorite public tracker,, went down (again). Now, i know for a fact that Nyaa is as resilient as TPB, and expect it to be up within a week or so. But it never hurts to have redundancy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Does nyaa have magnet links? You could probably scrape all of those in less than 1gb.

Some user already did. Now i just need to setup a mirror site. That why I'm asking.

Google it, you fucking retard.

Another user here. We got a old database backup, its very limited and missing file content. Only torrent names and magnet hashes. Its more useful for knowing exactly what torrent to look for.

Not really a way to solve a backup as it, we still need file sizes and uploader comments.

Why use torrents? Why not something like gnutella, that's actually designed to be decentralized?


This is the one time the oldies can help a lot, is fast to setup, and after that you can figure out the indexer engine or just use regain


To expand that, gopher can be accessed through the browser, you only need to set a server and then fire that shit

And if you do it well, you can automagically have all the magnets indexed on the gopherspace!

It's trivial. Really.
I have experience with django. Basically all you would need to do is the page design(html/css), the rest comes with the framework.

Nigga, tpb was like 60MB.

Impossible, sukubei (nyaa's porn counerpart) was 200 MB.

It probably was more than just magnets then.

(90MB actually)

You probably want to post on /dpt/ (daily programming thread), it's infested with weebs.!?! Animebytes nigga

Not much more.

Animebytes doesn't have everything.
In fact, the loss of Nyaa is rather negligible.
The real loss here, and the loss that many will mourn for a long time is Sukebei.

Anybody here used veronica, the gopherspace indexer?

It was the ancestor of google, indexing all the content for gopher

/polagk/ here. Look into Zeronet.

Get a few Sup Forumsnons to mirror it in different jurisdictions and it will never die. already exists, but would be nice to have one without horrible amounts of sketchy annoying advertising

isn't that a meme?

Plenty of VNs were there not on sukebei.

Well, a lot of the VNs on Nyaa were also in other places. AB in particular I know has a few.

AB is shit when it comes to VNs/music.
So what will you miss from sukebei? 3DPD porn?

A whole, whole, whole lot of H games.

Was H games collection bigger than non H? Not talking absolute numbers, but percentage of all released titles.

RPGs, indie games hentai games.

>RPGs, indie games
Not regular nyaa?

Probably, yeah. There was a ridiculous amount of porn.



2DGF and all those RPGmaker shit

The arch wiki has a short tutorial on

they don't have a site, right?

Nips are disgusting looking.

no but the other guys do

you know the one

someone needs to resolve this shit.

How am I supposed to get obscure manga and vns now?

Usenet, I guess.

if the guy takes my advice of using gopher, you'll have your chinese cartoons in no time

Alright gents. We're getting this shit done. But first we need people that know:

maybe Python

Also a server and a Nyaa domain. I can grab an one thanks to a friend, but can't get a server.

Anyone willing to step up?

Is there really no way to make a network that is fast, distributed, fault tolerant, and anonymous?
If such a network existed (and was preferably open source), could everyone be persuaded to use it instead of torrents?

I asked in the nyaa irc channel on rizon and apparently "nothing is left".
I'm already working on a simple nyaa torrent search with the 2016 dbs.
Gonna be in Golang btw
I don't know yet if I'll add in upload torrent functionality yet


Pick two.


Then get ready for Tor-tier speeds

I pick secure and anonymous. I've waited hours to DL anime before, I can do it again.

Better slow than nothing.

But are you fine taking literal months to download BD rips?

So we are moving back to Mega like the old days of Mega Upload?

How about fast and secure? I can just use a VPN to be anonymous.

I knew this was bound to happe eventually. Government

Probably going back to distribute anime in flash drives like it used to be make in cassete tapes.
Time to buy a cheap PC so the one-in-a-tenth pc-killer-flash-driver-joke don't fuck me up.

Ignore all the autists in this thread and use the following:

I use it myself.


not what he asked, but cool thing anyway

That's not very useful if the tracker is down.

not that user, but when i get interested in a finished anime, i download the batch in slow speed anyways as i prepare watch it later and not NOW with impulsiveness.

If what is important, let the first files download first.

Just write all this shit to a fucking blockchain and be done with it you goddamn retards.

Write magnet links to block chain w/ name of torrent / description.
Create multiple front end services to query said blockchain.
Set download limit based on computational work verifying and writing to the block chain.
Boom you're fucking done and can't be censored.

Why are you all retarded?

Yeah, but there's a difference between waiting overnight and waiting several weeks.

weeks for a single episode at

I was talking about BD rips, archival quality material.

If the BD is compressed i can see why. If the BD comes with many files that can be prioritized like a torrent that would be good.

Relying on something like VPN for anonymity is a mistake. Very few people are actually willing to pay monthly for a VPN. On the other hand, with anonymity baked in to the network, more people will be willing to contribute bandwidth and files without fear of reprisal.

That's why we need to invent a progressive video codec. The longer you keep downloading, the more quality.

You don't technically need a tracker for torrents.

You do still need a way to distribute magnet links though.

Maybe we need DHT for magnet links.

You need an editable torrent, and that exists in some form with gittorrent

which by the way I've been trying to convince Sup Forums into but with no success

gittorrent can potentially create a torrent with indexed links that can be updated

is a torrent that saves the link of other torrents, and that list can be updated, is it hard to understand or something?

dear Sup Forums, let me ask one question, if the blockchain of bitcoins can save transactions, and bitcoins are decentralized, why the fuck isn't there yet an implementation to save torrent links like the blockchain saves transactions?

Because you can't buy stuff with ratio.

but of course, memecoins are more important, you fucking piece of shit

Going to sleep. Don't let the thread die yet.

I'm on it, i'll maki-post for a moment

Dream with gophers user


Have a nice sleep.


You guys are doing God's work, gg

What did people mean when they said no torrent hoster "used DHT" properly? Could this be fixed this time around now that we have to fill the void?

>torrent hoster
what are you referring to?
sites hosting .torrent files?
torrent clients? (who host the data)
torrent trackers? (who host peer swarm information)

A server has to host the data for peers to connect to, no? Isn't that the role of the tracker?


no, the tracker only hosts peer information, they help peers find each other
the tracker does not host or even pass through any actual data (that is, the files "in" a torrent)

The tracker doesn't even pass the .torrent file, right?

it doesn't need to, no
just the magnet is enough for peers to transfer the .torrent file data among themselves

this shit literally came out this month and it's called magnetico

or better use, use GNUnet or at least IPFS inside I2P in 10 years when it might finally be done

-- or to be more specific, the infohash. a magnet link is just the infohash and (optionally) a list of trackers
so even as little as say;
is all a tracker needs to know about a specific torrent

Does anyone have the DL or torrent of Nyaa's magnet links? Might be worth passing around.

I'm confused, people were saying that "torrents" (don't know if they were referring to trackers or peers) weren't using DHT. Did they mean not fully or not at all?

DHT is a client feature that makes it possible for clients to find peers without even needing a tracker
it's not something a tracker or .torrent files specify, it's just a client feature
so all it can refer to is that people aren't enabling DHT in their torrent client

oh, .torrent files can be flagged as 'private', private torrents indicate to the client to disable DHT, as DHT avoids the tracker
all private trackers will do this, naturally

Can you use DHT on private-tracker-torrents anyway (some sort of workaround)?
Will you get fucked (ie banned) if you do that?

Nyaa has no magnet links..

>Can you use DHT on private-tracker-torrents anyway (some sort of workaround)?
probably, i don't see any technical reason why not
>Will you get fucked (ie banned) if you do that?
probably, that and any transfers not registered to the tracker won't count towards your private ratio, so normally one wouldn't want to do that anway

with the hashes and the torrent names you can generate your own magnet links

There was a userscript or something that did that.

As I said in the thread I'm already working on a site that uses the 2016 db dumps to search and generate magnet links.
It's in golang as well.

what about ipfs?

Maki-posting from phone to keep thread alive


Do they have seeders?