Do you carry a distro on your keychain? If so, what do you use it for?
Do you carry a distro on your keychain? If so, what do you use it for?
isn't that like, super slow?
No, they usually load themselves to ram, so they're really fast, even on old hardware.
My keychain has an OS X Yosemite installer, I used it to install OS X once
Just load the OS to a RAMdisk
i've been running my main install off a 4gb adata usb 2.0
it's alright. my internet connection is shit, tho, at 2Mbps i stream everything, and only browse this shithole basically.
I don't have autism...
Whenever I'm at someones house with non-free software I wipe their computer and install a system that respects their freedom. I leave before they have a chance to thank me, I'm not in this for the recognition.
Yes. Hacking.
If you install it to the USB, yeah.
But if it's just a live environment it loads onto the RAM and is really quick
I use it to access public computers.
Can Sup Forums suggest a waterproof flash drive?
also curious
yeah i carry an encrypted void linux install. i use it as a portable dev environment.
Debian unstable on external USB 3.0 SSD, so I can work on any UEFI computer
Good for for troubleshooting/recovery too
I have lubuntu 16.10 on my 32gb 3.0 drive for general benchmarking and steam in home streaming.
Samsung Bar claims to be waterproof. Alternatively, Gorilla Drives also claim to be waterproof, but the read/write speeds for the 2.0 drives suck.
I have a ubuntu one on my backpack always.
Just in case I do something stupid and get a kernel panic.
Slax on some ancient tiny usb of mine. Use it for partitioning, and on occasion, to test a system.
I have Linux Mint XFCE on my usb flash drive. I use it mostly for pc repair and recovery. The flash drive also contains various Windows installers and other utilities.
lubuntu 32 bit for patch and recovery jobs that I randomly get when visiting friends and family
>not having a >40mb/s write, usb 3.0 stick
t. summer
I've washed my jeans with flash drives in the pockets several times and they work just fine. Once I spilled beer over one and it got all sticky so I washed it with tap water and nothing happened. What the fuck are you all on?
made me kek
I have a fedora install on 32gb for library use, the speed is about equal to windows installed
Is it worthwhile to install something like crunchbang on an 8GB stick?
This is now my purpose in life, lulled so hord that me sides hurted
You might as well, it can come in handy
i lost
>selected all images with a gas station
Electronics don't mind water at all - unless there is electricity running through them. A waterproof flash drive would only be good for dunking it underwater - while it is plugged on something.