Is this piece of shit bottlenecking my 970? Pretty sure it is...

Is this piece of shit bottlenecking my 970? Pretty sure it is, cant be fucked swapping motherboards so what would be a decent upgrade from it?

>dedicated nvidiot gpu

Yes, you fucking retard.

I was an AMD shill until I swapped my old 'mid-range' GPU for a better one. I gave the older one to my brother who paired it with an ivybridge i3 and he was getting 10-15 more fps than I did with the same GPU.
So trust me, if my FX6300 overclocked to 4.5GHz was bottlenecking a graphics card that is probably 20% less powerful than a GTX 970 then you can guarantee your piece of shit APU is throttling the fuck out of your system.

Hating AMD for Bulldozer chips is like hating Intel for Pentium 4. Yes it was shit, but they've released better chips since.

as someone who has used the A10 and gtx 970 together before, even that won't help you.

>hating a processor for 2012 is like hating a processor from 2000

Ryzen has been out for a month, it's hardly the same

you failed son, never go intel cpu + amd gpu or amd cpu + nvidia gpu

that being said, a decent upgrade would be a ryzen 5 1500x + a rx580.

>p4 was shit



enjoy your legacy card faggot

Should still be over 40fps in most AAA games

P4 was crap, it's why they dropped it and focused entirely on core 2 duo stuff

>you failed son, never go intel cpu + amd gpu or amd cpu + nvidia gpu

I'd go for a 6 core/12 thread chip minimum

>never go intel cpu + amd gpu or amd cpu + nvidia gpu
lol wtf is this meme

It is, I'm on a 5800k w/ a rx 580 right now (bought a 1600, just waiting on the rest of the build) clocked at 4.4 across all cores and it does fine. Learn how to overclock your cpu feggit.

Of course it is even my [email protected] was bottlenecking my GTX970.

Your path is now
Ryzen(midrange I assume) vs Babby Lake
I'd advice against Ryzen since nVidia seems to be holding it back on purpose. But then again babby lake is twice as expensive and still bursts into flames

Your 970 is bottlenecking your 970. Toss it and get a 1070, you'll be doing yourself a huge favor.
THEN ask us if it's bottlenecking.

970 is still a perfectly fine card for 1080p gaming desu

Pretty sure it's not
gif related

There are people who actually think p4 was good? What the fuck happened Sup Forums?



P4 IPC and perf/watt were literally worse than P3 but Intel tricked customers with higher frequencies, new ram, new instruction sets etc

>being a normalfag


there is no meaningful upgrades, you're going to have to optimize game settings for your bottleneck
turn down shadows, decals, lighting, reflection and water effects.

970 at 1080p here. Bullshit, Everything running smoothly without ticking into the last 0.5Gb. But hey, it was thanks to idiots like you thinking the card is worthless that I snatched mine 1 year ago for 200€ when it was still selling new for 350€


So by your response those who uses fx series must upgrade now so amd can unleash its true capability huh ?

This is like a more retarded intel shill reply.

My 8350 actually performs pretty well

Can't be bothered to edit this pic right now. Imagine I changed it to "shill" instead of faggot