Private trackers are ruining piracy for everyone. If you can't see that you are legitimately retarded.
Private trackers are ruining piracy for everyone. If you can't see that you are legitimately retarded
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t. nala
shut up neon
t. insane pooploop shitter
Exclusives are pretty stupid, I agree.
If private trackers didn't wipe their databases they would be putting all of their users at extreme risk.
The last panel never happens outside of /ptg/
>The last panel never happens outside of /ptg/
you're deluded if you think that, private tracker fags even outside of Sup Forums think it's hilarious when le public tracker scum get taken down
Not true.
Sir I will have you know Apollo is an outstanding establishment and I will not have you spreading your redtardism into its affairs!
that's because private tracker retards deserve to be v&
Private trackers ruin the idea behind the free exchange of information on the internet. They take information and wall it off in their enclaves to satisfy their paranoia. They also don't even provide any additional security. It just takes letting in a single wrong person and the network is compromised.
Private trackers need to die. Support a free and open internet.
Public trackers emphasize the sharing of information. It's free to anyone. Restricting it to your little elitist club that doesn't allow everyone in harms the spread of information. It's actively malicious because if information were only available through private trackers then only small segments of society would have access to it, the ones that are deemed good enough by a group of plutocrats with their heads up their own asses. Just like governments.
I think you mean public user.
They wall it off because it's illegal you fucking retard. Doing it on a site anyone can access is just plain stupid
Private trackers literally make you share the content. Public trackers don't. You have this backwards.
yes, idiot, but only for the initiated, not for everyone
You can't talk about freedom of information then wall it off only for your sekrit club. What makes you any different from the governments/corporations then? You've formed your own incestuous 'elite'.
Sharing information is not an act of virtue, but simply a consequence of demand and supply. There's always going to be "leeching" because there's always more people in need of information than there is valuable information.
It's not an exchange of information if it's only one way. In both cases it's free. It's not a "secret club" as there's no particular rules about who joins but rather just what you do when you get there.
It's called public for a reason ya'know.
If you try to share something out from a private tracker and let them know they'll be on your ass.
Ah yes, my 0 seeder public trackers!
Only with the few trackers that have exclusives. 99% of content of those trackers aren't exclusive anyway, and the majority of trackers don't have exclusives.
So, by your logic then, free software should only be available to programmers that contribute to it, and not to everyone, right?
There will always be more leeching than seeding due to basic economics of supply and demand. Forcing your little laws to restrict the flow of information is exactly what governments and lawyers do. You become what you profess to hate.
I don't think you have 2 brain cells to rub together.
Exactly. If you take something off a private tracker and share it with the outside they will eviscerate you (even though music trackers for example take almost everything off rutracker and pass it off as their own for e-dick points). It's not about freedom, but about elitism. It's why private trackers are ruining piracy. Plus, you don't get to claim the moral high ground if you are sharing something created by something else against their will. You're actually worse than the RIAA/MPAA/the government at that point.
Keep responding with low IQ 1 liners though. It's cute.
Considering we're talking bandwidth and not skill then sure you do need to "contribute" but what you're contributing takes no effort or money on your part. You can't share information if no one has that information to share. The public tracker model is not sustainable because most people aren't aware that they're supposed to pass that info onto the next person. Private trackers ensure that the exchange of information continues to happen.
>want to join a private tracker
>have to beg for invites on IRC, deal with shady faggots that try to ban you, pass 3 interviews, pass 2 autism tests for music and video encoding that I'm never going to use, and finally, seed until my ratio is good enough
Fuck that
>download album from thepiratebay
>a dozen RIAA niggers see your IP address unless you pay $6/month for a VPN
>spend a week filling out applications and doing interviews for an invite
>spend another week getting your ratio high enough so you can finally download something or buy a seedbox to build ratio faster
>download album from
>two undercover RIAA niggers see your IP address unless you pay $6/month for a VPN
>download album from
>no RIAA niggers see your IP address
>actually obtained the album without paying any money for it
why do people use torrents again?
Gotta agree
Private trackers are like a scumbag taking a zlib licensed project and dressing it up a little and selling it for hundreds. You can do it but it makes you human garbage.
>your weekly download limit has been reached
what is no more user
>spend 10 seconds resetting router to get new IP
also I have never hit their weekly download limit. I downloaded GTAV (60GB) and still didn't hit the limit. what is it, 100GB/week?
t. pubbie faggot
suck it, you are the cancer that is killing piracy.
>t. tiggered nyaa faggot
>privatecucks calling people faggots and offering no argument
>publicpatricians offering paragraphs on the ethics of file sharing and how private trackers are harmful to the community
rlly maeks u tink
Actually the reverse is true in these circumstances. The more participants you have active in it the more difficult it becomes to prosecute and individual, but even moreso the community. Eventually a substantial backlash could develop or conversely a change in IP and copyright laws.
You don't seed, so fuck off.
>implying someone would risk their life to keep kids whose parents won't buy them games, coming to the shitty pirate search engine
>triggered nyaa cuck triggered he can't get an AB invite
>that they're supposed to pass that info onto the next person.
There's that meme again! That anyone who torrents MUST IN TURN SEED.
Well, you see here, faggot, you don't have to.
>B-b-but that's how torrents die out! No seeders!
Well, looks like the content wasn't popular enough to warrant sharing then huh?
all animebytes does is steal from nyaa, just like used to do with rutracker, and its replacements do now, then stonewall that off from the rest of humanity
No, I release to AB.
> used to do with rutracker
But very few releases on private trackers are exclusive. They don't stop you if you want to take what you download and upload it back to the public. Once you get use to using private trackers using public sucks. You know what you're getting and the users autisticly check for shitty encodes and the such.
>No, I have an rss to check nyaa every 3 seconds so I can upload it to AB and claim I did it and get ecock points
>implying private trackers aren't piss easy to infiltrate
I know private trackers are disgusting but there is some content you can only find on them. To compensate I always upload to TPB things I can't find on it.
>To compensate I always upload to TPB things I can't find on it.
>Well, looks like the content wasn't popular enough to warrant sharing then huh?
Popularity does not mean quality or relevance.
Literally no one who uses private trackers thinks this
private shit sucks.
It should be like the goddess that has a casual filter in order to access it
your english translator is broken
no it's perfectly fine.
And leeching does not mean that you have to seed either. So fuck yourself and your flawed logic.
People will share the stuff they like sharing. If you can only find some low key shit because some retard is forcing themselves to seed shit they wouldn't otherwise seed if there weren't ratio limitations on that private tracker, then what the fuck is the point in them sharing it?
Like think in real world terms. I got a SuperMan Nintendo 64 cartridge. The game fucking sucks and you fly through rings. Why the fuck would I keep holding onto this shitty N64 cart if I can just throw it out since obviously neither I nor most people want this shit anyways? Now if I liked Majora's Mask and think it's worthwhile to share, then of course that gets seeded.
Lack of seeders essentially culls irrelevant and unnecessary content amongst shared content that gets shared around.
Once again you're equating popularity and quality. If two people like obscure music that's one person more sharing it than normal. Then perhaps someone else finds it in a few months. Guess what? They still can do that. Your system is flawed.
your new is showing
> You get banned if you take something from private tracker A and upload it to private tracker B
that's the guy that takes the exclusive shit and puts it on tbp etc
If the person that liked obscure music liked enough to leech, but didn't like it enough to seed it back for other people, then they probably didn't like it as much you _think_ they did.
The private tracker scene isn't sustainable-- People who are force-seeding shit they don't care for will eventually drop from the scene anyways.
For the content to live on it has to be worthwhile enough that people find it WORTHWHILE to share.
Even if I had your first birthday as a video file right now, I wouldn't bother sharing it on any medium, facebook, youtube, or even in some torrent package. The content is worthless for sharing, I don't like it, and nobody else would bother liking it enough to leech it, let alone seed it back.
Popularity, relevance, and desire for shared content is what essentially keeps that content alive. It doesn't matter if it's private tracker or not; people aren't going to seed shit content. They aren't going to continue seeing Sony Vegas 9 if a newer version is out. They aren't going to continue seeding a Youtube-DL rip of Michael Jackson's albums if a direct FLAC rip is in circulation.
There is legitimately shit content that nobody wants to seed or leech and it's GOOD that it gets culled due to changing tastes as time goes on. There's little reason to keep seeding shit content ad infinitum because "da private tracker told me to"
You really don't know the lengths private tracker cucks go to
They pay hundreds for gbps seedboxes with terabytes of storage. And there's tons of them.
Not the guy you are replying to but I like pretty obscure films, but I never seed them. Like I already have it what does seeding get me?
>They pay hundreds for gbps seedboxes with terabytes of storage. And there's tons of them.
y-you're just a f-fucking yify p-pleb that doesn't understand...
That is really the most amazing thing about it. Like if you are going to put this much money, effort and risk into pirated content you might as well just buy the movie for 5$ or so
The top echelon of any private tracker is just a wallet contest to see who can afford the fastest seedbox with the biggest capacity and snatch every new upload and seed it to all other leechers because clients prioritize his faster connection.
It's sad.
ITT: people make shit up about private trackers.
Only a handful of internals are supposed to stay tracker exclusive. People re-upload em anyway, because fuck exclusives.
You'd be hard pressed to find someone who thinks private tracker content should not find its way onto public trackers / usenet / other p2p.
Then what is the whole point of it?
Usually a closed gated community where it's easier to torrent without getting threatening letters or your ISP service cut off
But if you're an americuck you should kill yourself anyways so that kinda defeats the point
Generally to narrow the focus of the content, disallow very heavy leeching and encourage uploading of new content through user class promotion and shit.
Also to try to keep out copyright cartel shitheads so the chance of getting a copyright letter is lower than on public trackers.
m-m-muh exclusive club status.
They're no safer than public trackers, as MPAA insiders can get in just as easily as any random that wants an invite on an IRC channel. Private trackers have gone down (permanently) more frequently than public trackers, and private trackers often fold at the first DMCA request and are poof--gone after that.
There's no point to trying to go through any shitty hoops to get an invite, or seeding content you wanted to leech but found out wasn't that great and you don't really want to seed it anymore, but stringent seed ratios prevents you from removing it for the next week or in some cases month(s), etc.
It's placebo shit, and ultimately the content that will continue to circulate is stuff that people put themselves out there to share, not because some private tracker put some arbitrary seed ratio restriction on members.
If it's great content that people really like and really want to share, the internet will find a way, and other people will be able to get it from these guys.
If it's shit content, it'll hit the 0 seeders grave never to return.
lol, do you know how many private trackers have been taken down? like said they fold at the first sign of difficulty or any cease and desist. Compare that to a site like TBP, which you insult, whose founders got thrown in jail for defending piracy and not yielding- something your autistic private tracker admins would NEVER do.
Private trackers act like they're the barometer of quality and sharing, and are against 'parasites' etc, but as soon as they get one little letter, *poof*! Everything gets wiped to save the admins' asses.
So this is what it's like listening to someone with a serious case of sour grapes.
People running private trackers are obviously doing it for donations. They don't give a shit about the community or the content they host and at the first sign of trouble of course they're going to run away.
>Compare that to a site like TBP, which you insult
I haven't though. I have used TPB in the past. I support all forms of piracy - ftp, irc, ddl, usenet, public and private trackers, etc.
I'm on a bunch of private trackers because they have content that no other source has.
Old torrents on public trackers are slow as fuck. Public trackers are gay.
>I'm on a bunch of private trackers because they have content that no other source has.
the point is that that is wrong and we should support a free and open internet. most privatefaggots look down upon public trackers.
Exactly. The whole 'sharing' that they espouse is merely a pretense. The admins always wipe everything at the first sign of difficulty, compared to the people who run TBP etc who will DIE for piracy.
To be fair private trackers have only gotten really hard to join in the past year or two. I got on all the cabal trackers bar HDB in 2013 just by asking on irc for an invite.
even if they weren't difficult to get into the very structure of them is frankly a problem
you're all stupid fucking faggots. the quality is infinitely better on private trackers because they actually expect something out of your sorry ass instead of a million leaches and viruses on public trackers. your whole "free and open internet" schtick is being attacked by hollywood film making corporations that want to see all file based content killed off and they want their own subscription based streaming shits used. they cant fuck with private trackers, but they sure can fuck with the pirate bay and kickass and all you public cunts. stop being fucking pussies and join private trackers, because your always welcome and it's always free as long as your not a stupid fucking faggot. YOU need to give back. this is a thread full of autistic leeches, and i hope you live with 480p movies recorded by some neckbeard in his local theater in china with google translate english subtitles baked in for the rest of your life
It's for convenience.
>they cant fuck with private trackers
btfo nerd
People are selfish. If you impose no requirement to consider others, they won't. They gain nothing from it. They have the file and they can enjoy it just as much whether they're seeding or not, and managing seeding takes at least some effort, so they stop the torrent to have the most gain for the least work.
Public trackers aren't some egalitarian regime where everyone is judging whether a torrent lives or dies based on merit, they're a sea of chads taking advantage of a few cucks. No torrent lasts unless it gets a semi-permanent cuck, and it dies when he leaves.
Private trackers actually have retention, so you can come by years later and still have your choice of content. Everyone being forced to share their connections means there's more bandwidth to go around, meaning each can share more content. Why would I share 1 file with 1000 people who limit their upload to 1KB/s and remove it from their client upon completion, when I can share 1000 files with whoever wants them because each person who takes a copy passes it on to another, meaning I'm freed from needing to host every single peer?
lmao yeah they had it coming, the assholes put their shit in france for fucks sakes. whatd they think was gonna happen? i wish itd come back, it was so fucking nice. all the music i ever wanted was right there.
>Donating for pirated content
>And spending hundreds on machines with the sole purpose of providing content to others illegally
Top kek
Getting into private trackers (which are dying left and right, by the way) is a waste of time unless you really care about collecting content you might not even consume. It's also quite harder than before to even get into these trackers, with forms to fill or hunting for invites, having to demonstrate that you're essentially using your internet connection mostly for providing people with shit you don't care about for the sake of getting a higher number.
The only true reward private trackers offer these days is content that you can't find on public trackers. If you are ok with a rip with somewhat less quality, that still allows you to watch watch you want without noticing the difference most of the time, you're giving a lot in exchange for very little by finding the alternative on private trackers.
What's the excuse for BTN then you fucking autist
>they don't know about MegaDownloader_v1.7
This is how i know you're new.
There are plenty of obscure documentaries and other films which aren't available anywhere apart from private trackers lad. It's not quite so bad for tv but there's still plenty of older shit you won't find seeded on public trackers.
Since I've had access to the cabal I've basically never had that frustration I used to get all the time where I would hear something was great and then be completely unable to find it.
what about it?
>the exception that proves the rule
You don't have to give back shit, just a week of seeding to nobody usually
>using a botnet
thats just btn, whatever dude. they're weird i guess. in all honesty i don't understand why they do that. i would still seed as much as i could in case someone wanted what i had and no one else did. do they run their own seedboxes?
> should be seeding for me!
Yeah, no. I'll seed to people who seed back.
the sole reason private trackers still exist is because sites like TPB and KAT are (were) much larger targets.
please stop talking about things you don't understand.
where the site's hosted rarely matters.
most pirate sites hide behind Cloudflare to obscure their origin IP.
once they file a legal complaint and win the case against cloudflare they will shut you down no matter which country the server's located.
and even if you were to host the server on some remote island it'd cost thousands a month compared to an equivalent OVH box (where whatcd was hosted) that only costs $100, not to mention terrible peering and frequent outages.
>once they file a legal complaint and win the case against cloudflare they will shut you down no matter which country the server's located.
please elaborate
how is this possible to shutdown a server that is located in some rogue country that doesn't care about US copyright law (ex. russia)
I'm not talking about domain but the server
private trackers keep out the plebs who don't help out the swarm. I don't want to share a site with the type of retards who stream shit from putlocker
It's really not that hard. A lot of websites have opensign up at certain times of the year and new websites are always popping up.
If the MPAA/RIAA wanted to, they could hit every single private tracker in a day and force ISPs to produce logs of every single member of them
private trackers are INSANELY unsafe because they literally log all transactions. Most likely as a fail safe so when they get raided by the government they can sell out the users in exchange for less jail time/fines or outright immunity.
This is the real problem.
It really doesn't though, ratio building is a game people play, trying to get in as fast as possible to the most popular torrents so people can build their ratio on the backs of the people who come afterwards.
The number of people who actually seed rare content because they want to share it with others is pretty fucking small.