>"You need to restart your computer to apply this settings change. Restarting..." >"Program successfully installed. You need to restart your computer to complete the installation. Restarting..." >forced restart to apply updates >can't use your computer while installing updates; have to sit there and stare at the screen as it installs them >"we couldn't complete the updates, undoing changes..." >"restarting..." >can't refuse specific features in an update >can't refuse updates at all, unless you disable them completely, but... >have to disable critical security updates just to make the system usable >but it will only be usable for a week because Windows has more holes than swiss cheese >still need an anti-virus >still need to defrag occasionally >still need to reinstall Windows regularly due to windows rot (this is arguable, some people say that you won't get windows rot if you use you take precautions, but no such measure are required on other operating systems) >BSOD- It is NEVER acceptable to let the entire operating system crash when a single application causes a problem, yet Windows allows it. >can't change the Desktop UI without some broken hacky shit >can't customize anything outside of what Microsoft "allows"; it's Microsoft's computer for as long as Windows is installed on it >feature creep >ads in file manager >ads in settings UI >ads in start menu >NTFS (LOL) >Registry (LOL)
Bad gaming console ports and Photoshop are not worth dealing with this shit
William Baker
Don't bother posting this here, other Windows users calls this a PEBKAC episode, and Linux users will berate you for using Windows.
Ethan Cook
macOS is the best.
Thomas Cruz
Holy shit Windows is trash
Wyatt Taylor
Not a single MShit update was installed onto my system since its first day. Please enlighten my about my glaring security exploits and what I'm losing on not installing 9001 packages of bloated code. The biggest threat to your system is indian streetshitters working at MS.
Brody Evans
Hope your identity gets stolen faggot
Lincoln Cox
what's my identity worth if it's not associated with any bank accounts?
Oliver Russell
The things I hate most about Windows 10 updates are the:
>"We couldn't complete the updates" message. This tells me fucking nothing and gives me nothing to troubleshoot. What was the reason you couldn't complete them? It could be something as simple as network connection dropping out. At least give a fucking error code I can google. >Updates reinstall bloatware. Should I really have to go through and delete CandyCrush once every 2 months?
Wyatt King
>dual-boot windows 10 and your favorite linux distro >keep windows completely disconnected from the internet >only use windows for games that linux/WINE can't run >use linux for everything else
Justin Lopez
>falling for the online banking jew >falling for the online shopping jew >falling for the non-anonymous social media jew
Gabriel Johnson
This is good-tier.
Ascended-tier: console for games because PC has no good games >inb4 muh 500 frames per second Doesn't matter when the games suck :^)
William Long
I must be doing something wrong because I've never had any problems with Windows 10. Oh yeah, I know what it is that I'm doing wrong... Actually looking in the settings and changing it to my liking, which is something computer illiterate Sup Forums freetards are incapable of doing, apparently.
Andrew Rogers
>falling for the Windows jew Even worse
Michael Lee
Change the settings so that Windows can update without restarting. Where's the setting for that? Or the setting that lets you use your computer while it applies updates? The setting that disables BSOD and instead makes the system display a proper error without crashing the entire system? The setting that gets rid of pajeet spaghetti code sewn on top of a Windows base that they don't even understand?
Nathaniel Bennett
>change a setting >"Windows needs to restart to complete this change..." intothetrash.jpg
Jacob Clark
>click "restart later" >restart when you're finished changing all the settings
Easton Reed
>having to do this in the first place Ayyyyy
Leo Jones
this is truly the end of microsoft. if they don't get their shit together... EVERYONE will stop using their systems.
Jace Hughes
Why would anyone try to steal from a Russian? He is lucky enough to have a computer.
Owen Hernandez
No, it'll just keep being shit though. They probably hit their peak with W7, as it's all been downhill since
Ryder Kelly
>update without restarting Not an issue for me since I'm not a retard and shutdown the computer instead of hibernating / sleep. So if an update is due, it applies itself when I'm not using my computer. I've never been cucked by a fucking machine and just sit there while it restarts itself in the middle of anything that I was doing. >BSOD Is it 1990s or what, grandpa? Literally never seen one since I've last used Windows XP in 2014. >spaghetti code Isn't Windows non-free? Or did Microsoft show you Windows' source code? Anyway, it still just works™, and is a big improvement over Windows 7 in my opinion (especially in UI design). >inb4 bait because m-muh disgusting glossy transparent aero dogshit.
You don't. When you don't change any settings you're obviously actually computer illiterate and the OS takes care of that now by holding your hand like a child and apply updates for you, patch security issues, whatever... Before you'd just end up with an out of date vulnerable system.
Hunter Phillips
>start updates >walk away from computer because I'm not retarded >do something else for 10 minutes >windows is ready when I come back It must be hard being so autistic that you can't leave your computer for 10 minutes every week
Zachary Sanders
Should I use Ubuntu MATE
Zachary Evans
>still need an anti-virus no you don't retard, Defender is already an anti virus >defrag no you fucktard, unless you're a hdd peasant >can't refuse you can. Join domain controller like a normal Sup Forumsentooman and pick which updates you want. It's so simple. And if you don't want updates you can disable/enable windows update service with just one click kys
Isaac Wright
>ueing the smiley with a carat nose
James Baker
Wrong. There are already more mobile devices used to browse the Internet than regular PCs. Microsoft realizes that Windows sales are in perpetual fall and the industry shifts away from standalone/LAN-based software into the web, which means that old PCs running WinXP/7 are likely to not be replaced with newer ones running Win10. So, they gave up on the whole thing and now try to monetize Win10 with ads and even went so far to boost PC gaming by letting Win 10 to have XBox exclusives, obviously catering to the last loyal group that still needs Windows.
Hunter Gonzalez
>don't need anti virus >because it already has anti virus >so you do need anti virus end your fucking life
Ayden Clark
If you play a lot of games, check out Funtoo. It's built on top of gentoo except they made it extremely user-friendly so the average person can install it easily and it has the best support for games (hence the name "fun"too)
I have not run into a Windows game that doesn't run on Funtoo.
Dominic Hill
>actually defending a computer that doesn't let you use it, for whatever length of time It's not really "your" computer if you don't dictate when you can and can't use it.
Guess I shouldn't really be surprised, microcucks have permanent stockholm syndrome.
Jason Price
>it's not really yours if you can't use it once a month for less than 20 minutes :^)
Adrian Stewart
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Austin Reed
I use it when quoting someone that is retarded >strawman argument :^)
Thomas Edwards
He is lucky enough to have a computer which runs Windows 7, every Russian has a computer powerful enough to play Heroes 3.
Aiden Diaz
>Anyway, it still just works™, and is a big improvement over Windows 7 in my opinion (especially in UI design). >inb4 bait because m-muh disgusting glossy transparent aero dogshit. wew I disable Aero and choose classic style all the times.
Asher Myers
Хвaтит пoльзoвaтьcя cпepмoй, пepдoля
Connor Richardson
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Henry Peterson
>I'm gonna be a retard just to bump this retarded thread :^)
Noah Sanchez
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Hudson Perez
Keep fighting the good fight comrade
Nolan Rodriguez
>BSOD- It is NEVER acceptable to let the entire operating system crash when a single application causes a problem, yet Windows allows it. The only time I ever get BSOD's in Windows 10 are from overclocking. Even games rarely take out your whole computer, usually it just crashes to desktop. I'm pretty sure I've gotten more kernel panics in Linux than Windows 10.
Brody Cooper
PC and consoles have the same games, if PC games suck so do console games. Your choice is running crappy games at 900p/24fps or 4k/60fps.
Brayden Lee
It is really sad
Jason Flores
Never going to happen. shitting a bar of solid gold is more likely than YOTLD
William Lewis
>kernel panics pretty sure you just googled that and don't even know what that is.
Chase Garcia
HAHAHAHAHA this is STILL the state of Windows? They've had like, what, 30 or 40 fucking years and this shit still doesn't work?
How is it that fucking Arch Linux just works once you install it, but this shit doesn't?
Ayden Young
>PC and consoles have the same games Wrong, PC only gets a small selection of games available on consoles, and even then they're just sloppy ports.
I will say that PC is great for niche games made by non-professionals that probably wouldn't be published for consoles.
Levi Butler
There isn't a single console exclusive I could actually justify buying a console for except maybe Zelda, and even then the WiiU and Switch are still much too expensive to justify. Most console exclusives are multiplat quality or lower, the only reason anyone cares about them is exclusivity.
Matthew Cruz
Fuck you, FF15 is great
Landon Gonzalez
I use both Arch and Ubuntu regularly, Windows is no less stable than either. Windows 10 bluescreens are very rare.
Cooper Wright
Its called compromise. Windows users compromise on how much control they have over the OS and how much visibility they get into it, in exchange for an OS that works OOTB, or will work with whatever kind of setup they've got with no fuss. Linux users in turn get absolute control over their OS and other software they use on it in exchange for autism, which they need in order to spend days configuring their OS, ricing their desktops and screeching on Sup Forums
Evan Torres
How do you even get kernel panics? I think it happened to me once when I tried installing gentoo, didn't know what the fuck I was doing and shouldn't have tried to manually configure the kernel this was a user-error.
By comparison, Windows BSOD has been caused multiple times by just leaving it idle (what the fuck was it doing in the background that caused it to BSOD?), using Visual Studio, playing games, etc. None of these can be attributed to user-error when the installation and running of these programs is handled by the system; it's designed to just work but it doesn't.
Jeremiah Brown
>works OOTB That's a funny way of spelling "shits the bed"
Jonathan Bell
So when you get an machine with Windows, what exactly do you have to do to configure it to be usable? Find your WiFi router and type in a password is about the height of most people's configuration with windows
Bentley Hall
Not that oerson, but: >install chipset driver >install ACPI driver if laptop (otherwise power management is trash) >install video driver >install keyboard driver if laptop (otherwise no Fn key) >install touchpad driver if laptop (otherwise no multi touch gestures)
Audio, nowadays MS sends the realtek driver, so that's fine. Ideally you'd want to use other manufacturer drivers, such as USB3 and NVMe, over Windows default ones. So it may work out of the box, but you're not getting full benefit of your hardware.
Brayden Powell
>Tfw new wangblows hp laptop required none of this
Anthony Hall
As I said, it works and you may not even notice. But once you get all the proper drivers you;ll realise how terrible the out of the box experience is. Until then you don't know how well that machine should actually perform.
Kayden Nguyen
Not him, but that sort of answers the question: windows is usable out of box without post config. I get what you're saying, if you want the most from your hardware on windows then that stuff needs done, but that is optimising it, not Configuration needed to make the OS usable
Elijah Taylor
Not sure why are you quoting me, since I've already talked about your point. I've never been nagged about updates, ever. Because I did the one thing computer illiterates are incapable of doing, that is changing a single fucking setting. It is good that it is like so by default, since now the computer illiterates won't be using an out of date operating system full of unpatched vulnerabilities like they otherwise would.
Leo Cook
>Playing RTS on a console >Playing strategy games on a console >Playing FPS on a console wew lad
Camden Jenkins
>PC has less games than console How is it even possible to be this retarded? No console has ever had more than a few hundred games released for it.
Things consoles don't have: >The entire Paradox Interactive catalog >Any good RTS games (limited by controller) >Any good FPS (limited by controller) >Ability to play any game back to the 1980s using emulators (ie DOSBOX) >Any of the "esports" games (except Overwatch but Overwatch competitions are exclusively PC) >Smaller indie games (of which there's literal millions and some are pure gold)
And what do consoles get in return? >Twice per generation triple A cookie cutter exclusive
Joshua White
by games, I mean REAL games, not your shitty little indie games and shareware crap
Jeremiah Edwards
Consoles don't have games, they have movies.
Austin Ramirez
Retrowave in muh system
Xavier Wright
>BRING BACK BILL GATES He is an advisor and practically still the owner of the ms. He would do the same shit.
Ryder Robinson
>Winfags will defend this
Christian Walker
damn he's sexy.
Ethan Morris
I agree with you user
The way I look at it PCs can play all games from MAME all the way to Wii except OG xbox. Plus the games released for PC so that's a fuck load of games.
Still don't understand how people try to compare a console to a PC and think it can be beat.
Jonathan Lewis
Noah Gonzalez
only BSODs i ever got was because i was OCing playing games at ultra settings without bothering to stress the OC first
Nathan Perry
Wait you can disconnect W10 from the internet while having Linux connected to the internet in DB? Sweet
Nathaniel Cooper
Typical irrational hate thread on Sup Forums.
Haven't updated windows 10 in months (over 6 months)
No ads anywhere hasn't crashed and still have my identity because of common sense. Did I say NO ADS already?