Should I buy this?
On a 5s right now.
Should I buy this?
On a 5s right now.
Other urls found in this thread:
i'd rather wait 5 months for the new one if you can
Wait for the surface phone desu
You should fuck off and ask phone related questions in /spg/ you dumb fuck
Xiaomi Redmi 4 Prime is much better.
I guarantee it.
Stop burning, vir/g/in
Ask on /lgbt/ or may be /fashion/. This is a tech forum.
If you want to keep using Apple go SE, try one out in the store. It's night and day. Will also get you off that idiotic consumerist have to upgrade mindset because it looks the same.
Screen is too small.
Fuck off and Install Gentoo
To add to that, should I wait for the 8 instead? An AMOLED wrapped screen sounds pretty dope, but I honestly just want a bigger screen and better battery life. I'm so close to pulling the trigger and ordering a 32GB 7 right now.
if you're spending that much on a phone, may as well pay the bit extra and set the new S8 because it's genuinely quite different from other phones on offer right now
Nty. If it ran iOS I would buy it in a heartbeat.
I tried the S8 at the store and the screen was truly incredible, but even scrolling felt wrong on Android. Also Edge displays are cancer. If they can't even get interface feel right, I'm still an iPhone user for the foreseeable future.
So many retards out there...
iPhones are so lame broooooo
>red screen nuclear blast
1k is not a lot lmao XD
being a literal poorfag who requires an absurd amount of utility from his phone to the point of giving up any security and using a shit OS
making your whole year with-in 4 hours of lifestreams :)
keep the hate
Kek'd, thanks man. It's not about being a poorfag, my Android cost more then an iPhone. iOS is a locked down, babby OS.
>More secure then Android
Hahaha. You're retarded, just off yourself.
>surface phone