Intel is the biggest employer in Israel.
Only the Israeli government and military have more Israeli employees.
How does that make you feel?
Intel is the biggest employer in Israel.
Only the Israeli government and military have more Israeli employees.
How does that make you feel?
Well Israelis have some of the best engineering schools in the planet, also college is really cheap there so people actually go and stick with it.
Unlike the US, where you only have hipster that went to bootcamps for 6 months earning 200k working in meme apps, Israelis are actually well educated and capable engineers.
da j00z did thiz!!!!!!1111
So they are greatest ally?
this can't be happening
i'm literally shaking right now
Pls get to 11.
As an Israeli EE student I can confirm. Half of my faculty works at Intel FFS. University tuition here costs 11k shekelonis per year(3k$ per year) so most people can afford the education if they saved their army monies well.
>As an Israeli EE student I can confirm. Half of my faculty works at Intel FFS
This is pretty much confirmation that the Intel shills on Sup Forums are Israeli Intel employees.
I think Intel no longer hires shills. It's all about diversity now.
Well most people go to work there because they pay well. Most of the Intel shills are probably Sup Forumstard gaymurs who know Jack shit about computers and think their pc is.DA BEST LOL XD
I hope it gets down to $9
then theirs a massive rebound when Vega comes out and smokes Nvidia.
israeli here. our appeal is the abundance of cheap high quality engineers. cost of living is lower here, and nationalism is rampant so most of those skillful engineers stay in israel and are happy to earn 60% of what they would earn in north america. if eastern europeans had any brain they would do this too. luckily for us they are africa tier.
>Israel has the best engineering schools on the planet
[citation needed]
also saged
fuck the (((noses)))
Here, take a goybump.
I literally don't care. Take it to
>o-only anti-semites can be against Zionism and the Israeli apartheid state
kys kike
here is 5 shekels now leave
I would rather employ talentless hipsters than skilled talented jews.
Pretty much.
Jews and especially Israelis are the source of most of our (political) problems.
About 1/8 of Intel's workforce is Israeli-based. Idk why ppl hate on Jews man, they seem to be helping advance the human race a lot more than other religions (cue, Islamic truck of peace)