Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
>News Nyaa (and more importantly sukebei) shutdown, Weebs completely in panic for more info
Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.
Remember the following: >Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers >This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>providing members with opportunities for professional development
sounds like a fucking pyramid scheme to me.
Carson Bailey
John Gomez
>His ultimate goal is to kill private trackers Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Robert Hughes
How will OT kill itself?
Dylan Cruz
Maybe... Would it be possible to make it as popular among Asian speaking users? Nyaa/Sukebei had a ridiculous amount of active leechers from Japanese IP addresses.
Eli Clark
Luis Perry
The more people are aware of PTG the better. Weneed at least one more general
Levi Cox
I think the reason that Nyaa was popular with them because they can type their eroge on google and sukebei would pop up. Nips are still kind of primitive when it comes to computers and private trackers might not be a step they are willing to take. But I could be talking a load of shit so who knows.
Michael Watson
Reminder that Spaghetti does not exist, stop believing in false god. Praise Nala the goddess.
Angel Stewart
>Spaghetti does not exist he has to exist.
Christian Butler
I fucking love spaghetii stay faithful
Gabriel Green
Is spaghetti god or evil?
Ayden Roberts
Spaghetti is life, Spaghetti is death, Spaghetti is the sky, Spaghetti is the earth, Spaghetti is me, Spaghetti is you, Spaghetti is we.
Aiden Gomez
i-is /ptg/ turning into a spaghetti cult?
Nathan Roberts
May His Paste be with you
Nolan Powell
Always has been
Easton Collins
Am I going to have to shave my head and show my feet?
Look, I'm no weeb so I don't give a shit, but I wonder where I'll get my fix of Naruto now.
Brody Lewis
yup >tfw getting h*lla free (you)'s right now on Sup Forums shitposting about animebytes top feel
Alexander Anderson
Prey to SPGT and He will show you the way
Adrian Williams
If you invite nya keks to A* right now then youre a fucking retard and risk getting banned. >people pretend that they need an invite (they already have account) >some dumbass invites them >they report to admins >retard banned for rule violation Ive seen multiple examples of such things on Sup Forums in last two days.
Oliver Hall
Nicholas Reed
new user in UGC.....what a shit tracker
Joseph Parker
do you think anyone from here is dumb enough to invite someone to a tracker?
Blake Harris
Does something like exist for paywalled newspapers?
Samuel Rogers
It's crazy how 312c curbed the entire general and he probably doesn't even browse here 99% of the time.
Evan Lewis
Who is the Trump of /ptg/?
Alexander Murphy
Maybe not on /ptg/ but some retards on Sup Forums already got banned.
Jack Adams
Dylan Diaz
That guy's literally against the spirit of sharing.
Carson Rodriguez
So is there any way of getting into AB ?
Cameron Wright
>BTN it's easier to get into than AB AB truly is above CABAL
Carter Stewart
make a friend!
Angel Bailey
I do have friends but no one got into the secret club cause we all just used xdcc, nyaa or bakabt when it was still public
Caleb Anderson
if you want to just share with no rules, then go to dc++ or soulseek
Nathaniel Bell
So what sites is AB recruiting on? I'm fine with getting there the hard way but I'd rather not invest energy into trackers I don't have a use for.
Andrew Williams
Only one. OT
Landon Wood
That topic has been gone for some time already.
Luis Myers
Were they recruiting anywhere else before? From what people say it seems like they used to have threads on multiple sites.
Christopher King
They went into a complete lockdown once What.CD went down
Jason Cox
they don't recruit anywhere just use xdcc they've been doing a PTP for some time now, you really have no need to recruit once you have a stable userbase.
Chase Stewart
>you really have no need to recruit once you have a stable userbase. Then why give out tons of user invites?
Benjamin Nguyen
Unfortunately XDCC doesn't seem to be very useful for old shows. Oh well, guess I'll just have to hope they have signups or interviews at some point.
Wyatt Collins
I mean, the idea is that the users will only invite people they know and trust, so the community will either slightly grow or stay relatively stable. Recruitment isn't needed unless you want to actively grow the userbase.
Joseph Rivera
>invite sellers >invite traders >invite giveaways >NSA tier tracking and profiling Yeah, sounds like a great plan in practice.
Jose Wilson
You're not wrong, but that's the rationale they use.
Benjamin Garcia
honestly, no tracker actually wants you to invite people once they get big invites are for small sites awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww babby wont be able to get his obscure anime kino anymore
get a better hobby
Xavier Turner
Yes, we finally won.
Gabriel Kelly
sounds like you're a bit mad there bucko
Christopher Bennett
>honestly, no tracker actually wants you to invite people once they get big invites are for small sites >you really have no need to recruit once you have a stable userbase.
and exactly that is the reason why I hate private trackers
Carter Brooks
>and exactly that is the reason why I hate private trackers then use public trackers and fuck off
Isaiah Hall
Leo Torres
Why is Nyaatorents down?!
Andrew Powell
really though it's fucked that the EU has done this, I hope once we're fully out (brexit) the government repeals all their stupid laws and lets us pirate animay, buy teeth whitening products with 6% hydrogen peroxide in and brings back those aesthetic lightbulbs
Isaiah Howard
they are all rip you fuckface
Jaxon Peterson
Sometimes it feels like too many trackers just masturbate with their tracker theories instead of what actually works in reality.
Matthew Cox
you're a moron if you think the fucking UK is going to loosen antipiracy laws. UK is owned by the rich just like everywhere else. if anything you'll be more restricted by garbage trade agreements.
i mean, they've been going with it for quite a while so it must be working to some degree.
Carter Collins
Sebastian Fisher
Isn't AB userbase slowly declining?
Chase Howard
it was until they sabotaged nyaa
Colton Cruz
wow that's against the rules i'm telling
Jordan Myers
Why is nyaatorrents down, also bakabt changed to private tracker model, damn. Any more websites that happened to be impacted?
Daniel Ramirez
OT is requesting foot pics for their interviews. Animetorrents is doing skype interviews
Thomas Clark
>Animetorrents is doing skype interviews wot I got in just fine without doing any interview