Darkest material on earth absorbs 99.9%+ of light

Darkest material on earth absorbs 99.9%+ of light


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But who is this fucking retard talking to the camera?

Don't advertise your own YouTube channel, Chuck.

non-retard link abc.net.au/news/science/2017-01-13/vantablack-where-is-it-being-used/8175042

You knkw what isn't the darkest material on earth?
My backlit screen, fuck off with this nonesense.

>real life black hole
I have no words.

>Cuck Bean

There's at least onev

What is this guy's shitty accent? Sounds like an irish trying to be a wigger

What? I meant he's implying black holes do not exist in real life.

He's implying there's a black hole on a planet Earth which means he doesn't know how Universe works which means he's a retard.

>black is a thief
huh, who would have guessed?

>which means he's a retard.
There was absolutely no doubt on that.

Who knows?

>light-drugs addict reporting """news"""

>real life black hole
What did he mean by this?

I wish I had a skin tight suit painted with this so I could run on the street at night and spook people up.

That is awesome! I really want clothing with that colour :3 Or a swimsuit


You know how fat chicks say black is slimming?

vantablack phonecase, where to cop lads?

kanker youtuber

Why are you shilling your own youtube videos?