Post some speeds
First time in my life I've seen my upload speed not start with a 0
>tfw fell for the 4G meme
Post some speeds
Rip privacy
this is why I don't seed torrents and hate private trackers.
it's okay, I have privacy badger installed :^)
Rip speed...
switching my router to 5ghz was the best decision I've ever made.
also, where am y'all get these nice, pretty results images?
>48mbps upload
what in the fuck, ivan
not bad for straya
>nice, pretty results images?
thanks guy. quite a sizable discrepancy between this and ...
how the fuck do I escape
Your upload speed is more than what you will ever need
pssh, are you also gonna tell me that I don't need all 6 of my gtx1080s to run minecraft?
Yes. Minecraft is mostly CPU insensible. Your 5 additional 1080s won't help you getting more frames per second.
Good service, shit router
>mobile network providers are working towards 5G
>with 3G you can burn out your monthly data in an hour
>with 4G in a couple of minutes
>with 5G in less than a minute
what is the fucking point? Just add more data this is total BS. No one EVER needed more than 3G, let alone 4G because you can't stream 1080p anyways for longer than 10 minutes
Any uk-fags here? I'm thinking of switching to virgin vivid 100, do they filter/throttle torrents or some other shit like that? How are those speeds irl?
my cap is 1TB, so I hope that can last a month.
According to my old router I waste like 500GB at most monthly
here is the proper image
can you do some international tests? I wonder how much overseas bandwidth they have
How can I test an oversees connection on speedtest (or any other website really(
generally for the most part I never see more than 300 oversees, and I rarely see more than 700-800 outside of the google fiber wan
Click 'change server', type in whatever city, pick server. Frankfurt, Auckland, Tokyo ...
ah, I figured it would've just search the local servers
here's something in finland
here's a server in manchester UK
I should probably add that this is going through a VM on my esxi server which is just a thinkpad w520 that's in my basement with a cable that I made going there and I can never make cables properly. So odds are you could get slightly higher speeds out of a normal wired connection
Nah, if you're getting full gigabit speeds from the test server in KC the cable isn't an issue. It's likely just shitty international transit/peering
I'm just saying that because I normally get about 20 more Mbps on my desktop than the server
Some year I'll learn how to make a decent cable
greetings fellas
here is my 1gbps speed test to finland from the US.
Similar results, but my being on the East coast helped me a bit I think.
>blocking out your ISP
only reason you'd do this is if you're using a school network or work network.
Phone (4G)
Home is supposed to be 100/10, phone 100/50.
i do love my campus
1gbps wifi on phones when