>tfw playing morrowind on your archlinux macbook air
Sup Forums feels normies dont understand
>when pacman -Syu breaks your install
>when your tiling window manager allows you to complete your cs 101 homework 20% quicker
Which part of this do normies not understand?
>playing a game
Isn't this what normies do?
Isn't TES one of the most circlejerked series ever. As it's reputation has increased liking and playing Morrowind has become somewhat "cool" among normies.
Who the fuck cares? You're playing Morrowind.
The OS I use actually respects my privacy
>when you've tried 28347 different Linux distributions and desktop environments, yet think a better one exists somewhere
>implying your hardware does
What about the backdoor in your i5? Does that respect your freedoms too?
>le face when earning millions playing videogames
It does
I don't have i5
im a guy btw
just want everyone to know
did you mean OpenMW
Good to you. I'm a woman (:
lol so #random
>tfw managing to solder with a cheap chink iron without burning my fingers
>tfw buying a thinkpad X220 and trying to convince yourself really, really hard that the trackpoint is good
>tfw no one told you about the trackpoint drift (( FEATURE ))
Oh yes I really love that my computer is smart enough that it moves the cursor alone when I stop pushing my sore finger against that piece of plastic
You're antisemitic, you're kindly invited to fuck off
>tfw listening to pirated 24 bits FLAC music with my TUI player
>system tweaked entirely to my tastes and needs
Autistic? Yes. Worth it? Of course.
My nigger.
has to recalibrate periodically. imagine if it didn't and your trackpoint was stuck drifting forever because it couldn't tell if you were pressing it or not
>tfw you choose to use the cli because the gui is fu..fu..fucked
>not gothic
shit taste
>compiling from source for the first time
>watching hundreds of lines flashing at an incredible speed through your screen at 4 a.m
>no compilation errors
>tfw no gf
You can't force me to do either of those things (: