Some fag posted this on Sup Forums
Is this trust-worthy? or Just another ransomware bot-net program?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll help you OP
First, convince me that the thread is SFW
Oh GNUnet? Yeah it's safe.
Is linux required?
Maybe not if you can compile it on Windows, though it's not nearly as straightforward there as it is on Linux (make, package and install as a local package, or even just make && make install)
Should I install VM or coding some scripts?
IRC and mail for GNUnet when?
with the takedown of nyaa, I think we as a community need to start using these technologies to our advantage. I will install this tonight, and share content. my Raspberry Pi needs something to do.
>tfw i'll be too stupid to get free anime from now on
>May 02 11:46:27-716908 nat-9599 WARNING Configuration requires `gnunet-helper-nat-server', but binary is not installed properly (SUID bit not set). Option disabled.
>May 02 11:46:27-717167 transport-9599 ERROR Assertion failed at nat.c:1048.
>May 02 11:46:27-717246 transport-9599 ERROR Assertion failed at nat.c:1048.
Fresh install from the arch repo. gnunet-peerinfo returns a fuckload of peers, but as far as I can tell I'm not actually connected to anybody. Search just stalls forever, statistics tab in gnunet-gtk shows a total flatline in every tab, etc.
Just wait until devs work on installers and GUI, I hope is just a matter of time with so many people into GNUnet
hey i can install pirated windows i'm not that bad
Is GNUnet now going to become popular thanks to Sup Forums? I remember Sup Forums didn't care about it after a week because IPFS was the hot thing to talk about.
It atleast doesn't eat up all my ram (unlike IPFS) so if it's actually usable (and some user makes simple installer for windows, maybe compile script for linux too), I don't see why it wouldn't.
Either the devs behind GNUnet will make installers for non GNU/Linux operating systems or a small team will make their own like how gpg4win is a thing.
Possible to build on android?
find that binary and enable the setuid bit
chmod u+s gnunet-helper-nat-server
>the devs behind GNUnet will make installers for non GNU/Linux operating systems
Very unlikelly.
I'd try making builds myself but I don't have time right now.
Got rid of the first error, but no change otherwise.
Are you behind NAT router?
Did you run `gnunet-setup` before starting it with `gnunet-arm -s`?
This is literally the first mention I've seen of a gnunet-setup binary in weeks of trying to get this shit running, so no. Guess I'll do that and see how it goes.
Really appreciate the help.
Did some fiddling, fowarded ports, chmod u+s'd a couple more gnunet binaries etc. gnunet-core actually shows a couple connected peers now, so definitely making progress.
Still getting spammed with the following errors, but as far as I've been able to determine on my own, they're benign:
>transport-tcp-10400 ERROR Trying to print invalid `tcp' address with size 10
>transport-tcp-10400 ERROR Trying to print invalid `tcp' address with size 22
post results here pls
Not hard to install really.
>sudo apt install gnunet
~$ apt search gnunet
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
gnunet/xenial 0.10.1-2.1build2 amd64
secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (meta)
gnunet-client/xenial,xenial 0.10.1-2.1build2 all
transitional dummy package
gnunet-common/xenial,xenial 0.10.1-2.1build2 all
transitional dummy package
gnunet-dbg/xenial 0.10.1-2.1build2 amd64
secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (debug)
gnunet-dev/xenial 0.10.1-2.1build2 amd64
secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (development)
gnunet-fuse/xenial 0.10.0-1 amd64
secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (fuse filesystem client)
gnunet-gtk/xenial 0.10.1-2 amd64
GNU's framework for secure peer-to-peer networking (GTK+ client)
gnunet-gtk-dbg/xenial 0.10.1-2 amd64
GNU's framework for secure peer-to-peer networking (GTK+ client debug)
gnunet-gtk-dev/xenial 0.10.1-2 amd64
GNU's framework for secure peer-to-peer networking (GTK+ client development)
gnunet-server/xenial,xenial 0.10.1-2.1build2 all
transitional dummy package
HOLY FUCK! How will I ever fit ALL of that on my hard drive!?
Not today.
Need to fix my VM setup first.
I'll try to host testing node in my raspberrypi, though, and maybe share some stuff.
In archlinux base package (not -gtk) is pretty light.
>$ gnunet-search Das Kapital
Great documentation
But I don't get any results, only if I search for "test". What's the trick? Do I need to go looking for peers on some sketchy internet forums?
Searching appears to be slow as fuck. Not sure if I've configured something incorrectly, but I get results for `pdf` after a while. Try that.
After about half an hour I got 17 results for "pdf" from which two are 100% available. That's it?
Try searching for mkv, I added two episodes of animu (Lain 01, Hitagi Crab).
Different user.
Found your bakemonogatari episode searching for 'anime'.
We should properly tag our anime uploads (by specifying `-k anime` if using gnunet-publish), GNUnet has booru-like tagging capabilities.
Also found your Bakemonogatari, but no Lain. Are you sure you tagged it correctly?
I've added sicp and The Truman Show, try searching for them.
That's definitely a good idea, but first thing to figure out how to reliably share files. I'm getting a lot of
>Failed checksum validation for a message on tunnel `FCL9'
There is something about this here:
What version is everyone running? I'm on v0.10.1.
I'm on 0.10.1 aswell. That bug was apparently fixed after 0.10.1 was released, so it seems that latest release doesn't have fix for that.
I tried running latest git version, but it was unusably buggy.
Lain has appeared after searching for anime, but not under mkv. I think tags are case sensitive.
Running v0.10.1 here, getting similar errors, but the tunnel seems to be changing every time currently. Seems to be benign, but it might actually be impeding network speed/scale.
Strangely, I can't seem to add directories from gnunet-fs-gtk. Anyone else getting a similar issue?
Lain appeared here aswell.
Did you try that with gnunet-publish?
Lain appeared after searching for mkv.
Also, what's the deal with availability?
Have anyone run gnunet-gtk without being root?
Found both, availability is 0% though
I did. Why would you run it as root?
someone try out the speed. it's only 637KiB hentai cropped avatar
>Sup Forums thinks it's spam
Gah, it will probably take weeks to get familiar with GNUnet codebase.
it doesn't display on regular user
It started downloading, after a while of doing nothing.
Seems that speed measurement is faulty.
It seems that download speeds are quite slow (100MB/s upload here). Could it be that encryption is slowing things down. gnunet-service-fs is completely maxing out 1 core together with gnunet-service-ats.
the gnunet on debian works on root for some reason
Can someone tell me why this is better than IPFS?
It was on my side, user.
Apparently I kinda failed to configure NAT settings for it and was connected to only one peer.
And gnunet-service-fs was maxing out one core even without doing anything for me when I ran it on one of my servers, could be unrelated to crypto itself.
By the way, did you configure upload and download limits? By default they are incredibly low.
you don't need two copies to seed and use
Trying just about everything I see
no luck
I think after a full day of my laptop burning up my lap I can give up.
I'll leave it running on my RPI for night. Hope it won't overheat.
I tried to connect to something, anything, but I guess I don't have it setup right. Installed from ubuntu repos so I didn't screw that up I guess. I gotta be missing something.
So I just tried running gnunet-gtk under sudo and I got something other than the usual nothing. Asked to run the nameservice import script, then I got this. Fucking hell.
sh: 1: gnunet-gns-import.sh: not found
did you do the network test?
where did you read you had to use that script?
Network test failed, not sure why.
A popup appeared asking if it should run it.
Ran gnunet-gtk again and this time something actually showed up!
Still getting a failed test.
just use i2p god fucking damnit
gnunet is meme
I don't know what's up with gnunet-fs-gtk but it seems gnunet-gtk is working. Yay!
Fuck you. After trying to figure this out for most of the day, I'm not giving up on it that easily.
So you run gnunet-fs-gtk and then gnunet-gtk worked?
no, I was just seeing if fs-gtk would do anything, but it still doesn't while -gtk does.
Weird. I just restarted -gtk without sudo and it isn't doing shit.
what the literal fuck is that gui
It's the gnunet-gtk interface.
It's like one of those "so ugly, it's cute" kinda things. Like a 8 yr old drew it in paint.
they need facelift tbqhfams
just as I thought, it works with sudo
Yeah. It must be a permissions issue. I'd rather not be running it under sudo.
Apparently anything downloaded under these permissions is higher than user. This won't do.
Did you compile this like the handbook says?
I got it working, but I did that thing where you try 87 different things without testing and then when it works, you don't know what did it.
Some things to try:
>run gnunet-peerinfo -s as root
>Start gnunet-gtk as root, then go to the 'identity management' tab and click on '' to generate an identifier
It's still a problem that it all has to be done as root but if you just want to see it work, this might be it.
you got as far as I did without root fuckery. Come back and tell me when you've downloaded something.
thanks, this helps a lot, maybe after we can make a guide with all this
r e l a y
a t t a c k s
installed from ubuntu repos via synaptic
Who's the fag filling gnunet with eroge?
This thing looks pretty neat for sharing ebooks, too bad I didn't find any so far.
Just uploaded some books from Gibson, if anybody wants to try.
The gui is cancerous, but it adds to the overall Sup Forums feeling
After leaving it running overnight, no progress has been made downloading Lain 01 and
. They both appear as 0% availability.
Also, not sure if it's because I'm using i3, but I don't get the clip art at the top, running gnunet-fs-gtk. It's not important, is it?
Running sudo gnunet-gtk kinda worked. I was able to download 2 pdfs. Everything else is either at 0% or 50% availability
it's gnunet-gtk. shows some extra stuff.
try to mess around with gnunet-setup, and read the thread.
gnunet-search mkv has brought up nothing for me
are all of you using the bleeding edge (not backwards compatible) savanna git or something?
I managed to download 66% of Lain 01 somehow, but it's not progressing anymore and says 0% availability constantly.
If by clipart you mean those five large eye poking pictures then I see them after running gnunet-gtk on i3.
did you gnunet-arm -s?
also 0.10.1 is broken
Never thought I'd see the day.
it's working fine for me, it just doesn't show any of the content y'all're posting
try through the GUI.
Running 0.10.1-9 from Manjaro repo right now. Seems to be working except almost zero content.
Check your node status in the bottom left corner of file sharing 'tab' and wait several minutes for each search query (>10).
Unfortunately I didn't bother leaving my computer on especially when gnunet keeps on spitting about warnings and failed connectivity (can't search for shit). I'll try it out again later.