All new Intel CPUs are remotely exploitable

>Remote security exploit in all 2008+ Intel platforms
>Updated: Nehalem through Kaby all remotely and locally hackable

Is your CPU fucked, Sup Forums?

Is a fix possible or will the only solution be AMD upgrade?

Other urls found in this thread:

my CPU was released in November 2008.... so I'm probably fine.

AMD has the same shit with a different name.

Intel is the best so it makes sense that we should support them through giving them as much information as possible so they can improve their product even more :3


>November 2008
pretty sure you're fucked.


is it patchable

From another article:

>Is this a big deal anyway?

>Yes. Fixing this requires a system firmware update in order to provide new ME firmware (including an updated copy of the AMT code). Many of the affected machines are no longer receiving firmware updates from their manufacturers, and so will probably never get a fix. Anyone who ever enables AMT on one of these devices will be vulnerable. That's ignoring the fact that firmware updates are rarely flagged as security critical (they don't generally come via Windows update), so even when updates are made available, users probably won't know about them or install them.

solution is then to buy Coffee Lake, stupid goy.

>claims there to be an exploit
>provides no technical information on it
>unironically uses literally multiple times
Fuck off with this shit-tier wannabe h4x0r garbage. Proof of concept or GTFO.

Intel disclosed the vulnerability on their own site, lmao

Who the hell exposes ME to the internet anyway?
Just put a router in front of your pc and only forward the ports you actually need.

gee I wonder who would have the time and money to develop an exploit. fucking AMD jews.

You will only even have this if you have something like a dell optiplex. Your asus motherboard doesn't even have support for amt.

see the link on above?

butthurt Intel shill is butthurt. kek



>2017-05-02 23:40:07:(ERROR) : ACU Configurator , Category: Error message: The Intel(R) Management Engine Interface driver is not installed or cannot be accessed. (0xc000001f)

Am... Am I safe?

Oh wait shit nevermind I have an AMD.

Gee it's almost like this is planned obsolescence. After all this vault 7 shit its like they want us to upgrade our older cpus.

Sure, if by new you mean everything from the last 10 years.


>This vulnerability does not exist on Intel-based consumer PCs

>is it patchable

>tfw always a loyal AYYYMD acolyte
>tfw im immune from this plague

shabbos goyim BTFO

just you wait™ AMD will probably be issuing an advisory of their own, this is almost certainly a universal issue

How the shit is this a Sup Forums thread? Are you so wrapped up in brand loyalty that anything that isn't sucking Intel's dick is Sup Forums, or are you just retarded?

This is related to tech

show us what you're quoting because you're right but no one has a reason to believe you yet

>All 2008+ Intel platforms


Only processors with vPro and supported motherboards. So basically only Enterprise cucked systems.

Rip thinkpads

Sup Forums doesn't care as much as freedumbs as Sup Forums does

>There is an escalation of privilege vulnerability in Intel® Active Management Technology (AMT), Intel® Standard Manageability (ISM), and Intel® Small Business Technology versions firmware versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.x 9.x, 10.x, 11.0, 11.5, and 11.6 that can allow an unprivileged attacker to gain control of the manageability features provided by these products. This vulnerability does not exist on Intel-based consumer PCs.


>already patched

boring, the fact that it was in there for almost a decade and barely anyone took advantage of it makes it even more disappointing.

Do you have to be connected to the Internet?

>barely anyone took advantage of it
do you have a single satisfact to snack that up?

Intel, NSA, CIA

What about westmere EP?

>There is an escalation of privilege vulnerability in [INTEL TECHNOLOGIES]
>This vulnerability does not exist on Intel-based consumer PCs.

I don't get it, am I missing something?

I just checked to see how my CPU fared and I realized it's from 2006.

[spoiler]One day I should upgrade my shit but not today.[/spoiler]

Confirmed, those are Mossad processors to manipulate goyim.

Exactly what does this " backdoor" mean? Can they access my encrypted files?

no exploit found for it tho.

They can just read them directly from RAM.

I mean, when will people realize they have no control over the software stack anymore when you have shit like ME, Trustzone etc. This exploit means nothing and neither does the the acknowledgment and "fix" from intel. As long as Intel has a locked down always on hypervisor that cannot be disabled then consumers are always at risk. At least when this shit was on the Northbridge it was easy to hack/disable and now that its on die its an order of magnitude worse.

My encrypted files can be pulled up directly from RAM at all times? Also can anyone just make something to use this backdoor?

The ME could act as a keylogger and record your encryption passwords if Intel wanted it to.

No known exploit. There are cyberarms groups like NSO that have a trove of zero-day exploits that only they know about. Its a million dollar business that has huge stakes to keep that information secret for as long as possible.

>that wall of text
>no proof
opinion discarded

This. FBI buys 0 days from groups like this.

well I'm not saying I trust intel but I mean it's not exploitable by any old faggot off the internet so I mean whatever.

>>>>>>reddit or 9gag.