>GNUnet exists
>Freenet exists
>Maidsafe exists
>Zeronet exists
>IPFS exists
>people still insist in sharing files using the worst protocol available
It really makes you think.
GNUnet exists
Other urls found in this thread:
Never really understood why people got memed into using this over the better, server-less, tracker-less, more decentralized alternative that was Kad/eMule.
Is easier to get stuff from torrents
GNUnet is the future thou
>GNUnet exists
>Freenet exists
compromised by warrants
>Maidsafe exists
>Zeronet exists
>storing someone's data
literally no documentation
eMule era was absolute bliss
Most people are not very bright.
All things considered it's surprising this got as popular as it did.
your tarded son. emule had many problems. there was a reason everyone switched torrents as soon as they could.
The future is bittorrent over i2p
I'll need a redpill about these.
P2P applications like Emule, LimeWire and Kazaa were still more intuitive to a regular user than torrents since everything you need is within the application where you have the dichotomy between trackers and clients in the latter.
I've met a handful of people who have never used torrents because "it was too complicated" for them.
>literally no documentation
pretty much everything you need for basic file sharing is on the getting started page
>Being this autistic
that's true but it also spread lots of trojans and malware to the same normies.
They kind of deserved them
Recommend a non-botnet torrent client for Windows pls.
how is maidsafe vaporwave?
Has anyone actually tested Maidsafe?
I think it's stupid the way the forced a cryptocurrency into the network.
Software that refuses to write good documentation is trash.
get on i2p/aktie, faggots
What is Maidsafe? And is it safe?
Looks interesting
>>GNUnet exists
Complicated for the vast majority, even uploaders
>>Freenet exists
Complicated for the vast majority, even uploaders
Plus most of them are slow as shit too, i2p included.
>>Maidsafe exists
Complicated for the vast majority, even uploaders
>>Zeronet exists
Complicated for the vast majority, even uploaders
>>IPFS exists
Complicated for the vast majority, even uploaders
Emule running Kademlia is decentralized, the only 'advantage' with bittorrent is that it uses a tit-for-tat formula rather than queues with bonus which is used on Emule/Kademlia.
Perhaps modifying Emule's formula to be more like bittorrent would help it gain back the users.
I thought the same, until GNUnet announced they were expanding functionality
I've been seeing that same sign all the fucking time. Is their captcha broken?
Is google, is broken by default
If you're retarded then you're correct, everything becomes complicated.
For everyone else it should be fairly straight forward to use most of those.
The problem is just getting enough people interested in making the switch to one of these decentralized models.
It could be a good idea to have a distro that was shipped with a few applications for people who want to support projects like this.
So out of the box it would be running a Tor relay, it would dedicate some storage for Freenet/MaisSafe, etc.
Listen bub, if its not as easy as using torrents is, most (99%+) people will just give up and stream what they want in shit quality, uploaders will stop bothering too since why the fuck should they
No one is going to install an entire OS, even if on a USB diskette thumb drive jumpdrive stick
Whatever replaces it needs to work on OSX/Windows and Linux - it needs to work "out of the box" with a decent non autistic UI
Short of that, no one but us are going to use it.
even torrents are too complicated for a lot of people
seriously, all the people i know who know nothing about computers stream shit ass quality movies/shows from dodgy websites, torrents are beyond them
Is there any imageboards in GNUnet?
So far I found atleast 4 of them in i2p.
Were any of the i2p ones you found active?
Last time I checked it was deserted as fuck there.
Problem is, most of them own tor and clearnet route. So they are flooded by tor- and clearniggers. This one imageboard, however was pure i2p but I did lurk too much there, because I'm constantly running out of ram. Nevertheless, they tend to be deserted but then again quality over quantity.
are you me? was thinking the same
devs are focusing on filesharing first, with luck we can have an imageboard
I'm aware of most of those with multiple routes.
It seems most imageboards nowadays support Tor in some form and occasionally I2P as an afterthought.
The objective of their support is to protect the users though which I think it's a mistake since protecting the server's identifiable information should be considered of equal importance as well.
>GNUnet exists
I love it but it barely works.
>Freenet exists
And nobody would use it because you have to host lots of data from other people.
>Maidsafe exists
Literally who?
>IPFS exists
Isn't anonymous and I2P support has taken years.
GNUnet is the future if it actually worked for the majority of people. Their latest stable build is too old to use and the git version doesn't even work.
>GNUnet is the future if it actually worked for the majority of people.
no OSX or Windows versions, that leaves the vast minority to use it
guys devs may make one now!
OSX and Windows users will stay on the Google infested regular internet. They don't get to half ass freedom. I say majority as in most people can't even get the only software for GNUnet right now to build.
>>Freenet exists
>compromised by warrants
So does GNUnet have my Annie Mays?
Your idea wont work with 0.001% of the userbase
it better run FSF imageboard engine. Sick and tired of seeing tinychan+vichan boards.
It definitely will, I wouldn't even add Windows or OSX support. People on those OS' are technologically illiterate and likely have nothing to contribute. People on GNU/Linux or *BSDs are going to be more advanced and likely more inclined to store lots of data.
Basically no, we don't need the regular persons untagged youtubetomp3 library. The people who know what they're doing with technology probably know what they're doing in other fields, so they'll have real content.
I download 99% of everything from private trackers or lately just straight off of MEGA. theres tons of blogsites that share links to most things nowadays. I think thats how its gonna be in the future when torrent sites get nicked.
they plan to run an imageboard on the gnunet engine itself, one big badass imageboard!
One imageboard to rule them all
>Sick and tired of seeing tinychan+vichan boards.
LynxChan and meguca exist.
>takes 30 minutes to bring back a single search result for "mp3"
Yeah, let me go ahead and drop the most widely supported protocol in favor of this fucking garbage.
oh, and the only result was for a fucking Ted Nugent song. A++ shit, OP
>IPFS exists
It's not even remotely ready yet and they are already trying to shit it up.
If it's ever actually finished and doesn't get too fucked up by ether or buttcoin or whatever other shit they tie it to, maybe people will switch. Because it looks really amazing on paper.
gnunet is fucking horrible, just trying to get it installed is a migraine.
As someone who's never torrents is there a site that shows what content can be torrents without a VPN?
Only reason that's true is because lack of proper GUI, or a GUI that sucks ass.
gnunet could be very simple if the gnunet-gtk weren't so fucking terrible and buggy.
Somebody needs to make a better gui immediately.
>haha why use this widely supported method of file sharing when you can use eight different splintered and deprecated ones instead
Man you sure convinced me
Torrents ain't perfect and I'll gladly hop ship when a sturdy alternative exists, but right now shit's fucked.
Guys, anyone run gnunet-gtk without being root?
There was user who was able to install lynxchan while using win10. Absolute madman.
Meguca has it's own board engine? Cool. Is it on the FSF site?