That's the exact opposite of what people want. If microshit didn't try chasing after other markets they could actually make decent software
That's the exact opposite of what people want...
what does the S stand for? Shit?
Fuck of Microsoft asshole
"People" don't want it, but corporations and schools do
kys poojet
It's Windows 8.1 RT all over again
> “Everything that runs on Windows 10 S is downloaded from the Windows Store,” says Microsoft’s Windows chief Terry Myerson. That doesn't mean that desktop apps won't run on this version of Windows 10, but they'll need to be specially packaged and listed in the Windows Store.
Dealbreaker tbqh
>can't play pirated video games
dead on arrival
no, they want Chromebook the matured choice. Remember when you shit on OLPC. you had your chance then. MS fucked up as usual to notice market trends
>they'll need to be specially packaged and listed >in the Windows Store
Allmost everything
so what, its basically a windows 10 mobile rebrand?
>but they'll need to be specially packaged and listed in the Windows Store.
I see their angle. They want to incentives devs to package their apps for the store.
>microsoft could actually make decent software
the "S" stands for shit
Is there any way to stop Microsoft ignorance? They wont listen to us at all and trying to force these shit down our throat.
How to deal with King Satya the Shit and his Wangblows 10botnet
So it's like Windows XP Starter Edition
But even worse in almost every aspect
the angle of chinese botnet store?
Shilling Red Hat is the only answer.
Every IT person has to know Red Hat is the best choice.
Looks to me like Apple won again.
so basically your computer belongs to microsoft instead of you. nice. I'll stick to linux
Requiring software to be UWP doesn't bother me but requiring it to be submitted to the store and downloaded from there is a problem. Let us have our own store on our servers to distribute software to employees and then I could see this being useful.
This isn't ignorance. They know exactly what they're doing. They saw how Apple only allows app-store apps and takes a cut of the price, and how much money they make doing that. They've never liked that there's all this third-party software out there that they're not making money from. So they're going to incrementally push the windows ecosystem towards a closed walled-garden model like Apple and Google to give them more points of control where they can take a cut.
If you don't like it, it's time to switch to Linux.
its still windows 10. Only with s at the end of it.
Did they acknowledge that windows 10 was shit?
I use linux before windows 10. Already made USB bootable with linux on it.
>Everything that runs on Windows 10 S is downloaded from the Windows Store
>That doesn't mean that desktop apps won't run on this version of Windows 10, but they'll need to be specially packaged and listed in the Windows Store.
Just what the world needs, more walled gardens.
>so basically your computer belongs to microsoft instead of you. nice
Your os and hardware belongs to ms
lol, enjoy
Chrome OS is a Linux.
Im on windows 8.1 still hesitated to decide my future.
The biggest problem is most of my program dont work very well with Linux. I mostly use Autodesk CAD and Mathworks programs. And I also got too used to watch Chinese Cartoons on Klite and madvr.
Is there any safe way to switch to Linux but also keeps my way if work (or with minimal change only). Just changing now is just too sudden.
The same shit if you'd try to install a software from a not official repo or AppStore.
"Install anyway"
Problem solved
you can actually do that.
Forgot how.
Also, they specifically added a thing to show how you can install uwp from your hard drive.
Srry wrong poat
Srry i got wrong post
Great for developing countries where kids play LoL in a fucking atom instead of learning.
Not a shill btw
Until a future update disables that option.
This is how you lay the groundwork for taking all control away from the user. You do it incrementally.
are you the same dumbass that said win 10 is gonna be monthly subscription based, "just you wait"?
Remember Windows RT, it didn't work at all
>you will pay us money to put your entire OS on a server in an undisclosed location
no thanks
XP had a starter?
No. Wouldn't surprise me if they eventually did though, after everything's a store app and 7 and 8 are killed off.
Because they tried to do it all at once, a clean-break sort of thing. What they learned from RT is that all the applications have to be moved to the store before they can lock down the device, instead of locking it down first and then that driving the moving of applications.
So... it has all the downsides of running Windows with none of the good parts?
but is the same Shit, the good thing of windows is you can install anyshit that you want, even virus
that's korean, not chinese
Yes, mostly for 3rd world countries. It's good to know software that used to be intended for developing countries with no money or food is now being sold to hip college students in notebooks.
well aren't they technically poorer than kids in undeveloped countries?
-$40k IS technically less than $0
Those poor bastards
Is it possible to write and upload an App that just asks a Win32 installer? It just takes normal programs and installs them?
guys I think the S stands for Shit
this is officially Windows 10 Shit Edition
Get hype? For less application support? Are you perhaps clinically retarded?
yes, it's Sup Forums, of course they're retarded.
I take it it wont execute a random .exe?
If it doesn't I bet 10 bucks you can open notepad, go open file, right click a exe and select open and it runs.
bet you 10 dollhairs you are wrong.
Can they still be attached to the doll?
Last time I looked into it, they allowed 'private' stores but it was still hosted on Microsoft 's servers. I work for a very large international law firm. We can't have an outsider in the middle of our software development process for legal and security reasons.
I haven't seen it yet but I wouldn't be surprised if apps have sandboxed file access, meaning you'd be restricted to the Documents folder and sub folders in Notepad.
>“Everything that runs on Windows 10 S is downloaded from the Windows Store,” says Microsoft’s Windows chief Terry Myerson. That doesn't mean that desktop apps won't run on this version of Windows 10, but they'll need to be specially packaged and listed in the Windows Store.
This BTFOs Linux how exactly?
It won't. They're going after Chromebook, not Linux in general. They want children to grow up in the Microsoft ecosystem.
>all emulators are banned
Dealbreaker tbhq
>tfw not sure if you'll understand my dalek humour
b-but muh visual active studio directory
>from a not official repo
>rpm -i package.rpm
not a problem
>dnf install package.rpm
not a probmem
not a problem
if the rpm is packaged well you can just do dnf install package.rpm and it'll add a new repo for that package which is the case for flash and maybe chrome too off of the top of my head otherwise rpm -i works fine - you just don't get the niceness of having it be autoupdating
wew. they want to replicate the success of RT. oh wait...
Sup Forums was right
It finally happened
This is basically the revival of Windows RT, except this time you can upgrade it to become "normal" Windows.
>Problem solved
but Windows 10 S changes that to "Install? No way xD"
Isn't this from enterprise?
Wait until this becomes Windows 11 and the update to 11 becomes mandatory for Windows 10 PCs
This. If Win10S is incompatible to Win10 like Win8RT was to Win8 then why even bother? It already failed.
Probably Slim. Basically Windows 10 Chromebook edition.
I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't ship with a full Win32 API either.
What does "S" stand for? Shekels? Scam? Semite?
I wonder who could be behind this post.