>bloatware preinstalled Why is this bloatware on my OS?
Face it, you're retarded.
Aaron Scott
You sure showed them :^)
Connor Hernandez
except candy crush is a commercial product playing on addiction and abitrary restriction so you spend money on it? I know it's bait, but candy crush deserves to die
Ethan Reyes
No, Microsoft did change.
Julian Watson
>them Who are these people you're talking about?
Justin Jenkins
Candy Crush is a very good and very popular video game. Females love playing it.
Eli Davis
kek, is that real?
Elijah Reyes
Because Candy Crush and Mineshit are built in ads. I wouldn't allow an advertising company to set up a billboard in the living room of the house I own, so why the fuck would I let them do it in my OS? Fuck yourself, Wintrash apologist.
Levi Wood
>dictionary.com/browse/them >(used with a singular indefinite pronoun or singular noun antecedent in place of the definite masculine him or the definite feminine her):
Thomas James
Never mind, I looked for myself, it is. I was sure it was a clever photoshop
What the fuck is Microsoft thinking? Do they realise how cheap and tacky that makes them look?
Ian Sanchez
Oh, so you're mentally ill. Not really surprising considering the retarded thread you started.
Jason Hall
You say that as if they care about being loved. They don't. They still have a near-monopoly in their core markets, so they act like a cable company - they do what they want to extract more revenue from you. Money and control are all they care about, not warm, fuzzy feelings. What're you gonna do, switch to Linux?
Aaron Williams
I remember windows 98, best ever. That feel when playing Konami chinese cartoon Magic Cards and AOE2 on "my" win 98 with pentium 4 1.5 Ghz.
Now Im just running another Microsoft windows.
Liam James
Is that dirty chinese sewer oil? wtf
Jose Wright
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Kayden Thomas
>Windows 98 came with Soltaire, Pinball, and Minesweeper preinstalled you could choose not to install them during setup
Daniel Hernandez
(ps. windows 98 did not ship with pinball)
Xavier Lee
Wasn't it SE that included pinball? And that silly "Plus!" back for Win95?
Anyway of course there's a big difference between "Here's a few simple games you might like" and "we're including certain games as part of an advertising and revenue sharing deal, we're going to push them on you because that makes us money"
Carter Cox
I miss when a new version of Windows was at least an attempt to be more innovative and pleasing to customers instead of filling the shit with ads and trying to increase their monopoly status by trying to create something retarded like Windows family with the same OS used in Xbox, phones and PC whilst working like shit on each of them.
I really wish they'd just try to make a better product instead of trying to outjew Google or steal Apple's customers while making the current userbase frustrated.
Henry Martin
no, that screenshot is 98 SE it was in 95 Plus!, as well as NT4/ME/XP, but not in 98/98SE
Joshua Myers
>it was in 95 Plus!
>buddy holly starts playing
Austin Sanchez
the missing game is hover >candy crush >:^) >Minecraft
Nolan King
it's because windows used to be the viable alternative for people who are smart enough to see that apple is an expensive toy but not smart enough to use the command line, so they couldn't get into linux
now linux distros are like what microsoft used to be: clean, functional, elegant, and not full of gay bloatware and ads
even barely computer-literate computer are making the switch. fucking people i know who don't even know what a terminal is are installing ubuntu and mint by themselves. it's just becoming the rational option and windows has nowhere to go
Jacob Walker
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Kayden Morris
>t. someone born after 2000 who has no fucking idea what he's talking about
Xavier Walker
>Females love playing it. I don't. I'm a femanon, btw..
Connor Nguyen
> all these non-arguments
Windows cucks BTFO yet again! Sad!
Logan Barnes
Because Soltaire, Pinball, and Minesweeper were not a microtransations and ad riddled pieces of shit like CandyCrush and Minecraft. NOt to mention botnets.
Jack Myers
Post a photograph of your breasts or leave this thread.
Aiden Johnson
I would have liked a game like Minecraft to come with my computer when I was a kid (couldn't afford games)
Dylan Lee
No (:
Brayden Moore
i use linux, i'll be more specific
>it's because windows used to be the viable alternative
windows was never the alternative. MS DOS even btfo macintosh
> they couldn't get into linux probably not considering it didn't fucking exist
>even barely computer-literate computer are making the switch you had to be more "computer-literate" to use Windows 95 than you did to use Linux. get over yourself, kid. Just because you know how to navigate your directories from a terminal does not make you any smarter or computer literate than your typical gamer.
your first post reeks of ignorant, egotistic teenager who probably installed Ubuntu after ruining the windows laptop your parents bought you with viruses
Christian Walker
>Windows 10 comes with CandyCrush and Minecraft preinstalled
Mine didnt came with CandyCrush but it had Minecraft installed. I deleted it thinking it was some sort of demo and now cant install it back ;_;
Zachary King
Except even Windows 7's versions of Minesweeper and Solitaire were actually fun and optional, instead of adware-bloatware retardation. As much as I like Windows, they dropped the ball really hard, adding features that involve clever fuckery with the registry, the group policy editor and sometimes PowerShell to properly be removed. Hell, sometimes you even have to rely on other LiveCD software such as loonix distros or Hiren's BootCD to fully remove them since they're locked by MicroDix and you can't hope to remove them from within the OS. And even in doing so, there's a chance of not being able to boot into it again because you hurt Cortana's feelings by deleting her existence from your Windows installation. Wish we at least had the good old appearance customization we had in the XP/7 days, where you could even change the fonts of the title bar, desktop icons and such.
It used to be. Now it costs about 30 bux.
But if you're thinking of getting Minecraft, why not get the classic, Java version? It has the UMP (aka the Windows Store) version in it for free.
William Price
>my first Win95 PC came with Chip's Challenge and Hover! preinstalled >over 9000 hours spent playing both
good times famalam
Leo Evans
But now I would have to pay for it.
Nathaniel Bennett
I've understood they're more like "oh you want to play this? pay 10 bux please". At least my parents had such 3rd party ad-bloatware with their newly purchased Dell or susch laptop that had Windows 8 pre-installed.
Kevin Ramirez
>Pentium 4 >Win98
Larp harder faggot. Every domestic faggot was on me, the rest of this board were running the amazing Win2k by that point.
Damn I miss win2k.
Jacob Johnson
>>Windows 10 comes with CandyCrush and Minecraft preinstalled
And ads in various places.
Asher Johnson
Tits or gtfo
Jose Adams
Fun fact: this exact screen is why my grandfather uses Ubuntu now.
Nolan Brooks
i used 98SE up until XP SP2 came out
Jonathan Robinson
Jesus fuck. Then you're beyond redemption. I ran Win2k until vista came out, and regretted my life decisions until windows 7.
Dylan Butler
not on my LTSB
Ian Davis
i'm not the first person i pretty much skipped vista, i only tried it for a couple weeks, then went back to xp sp3 until 7 then i switched to linux by around 7 sp1
Jack Wilson
why did they stop doing this? it would save me so much time disabling shit in a fresh Windows 7 install.
Nathaniel Perry
How the fuck do normalfags tolerate having ads in their file manager in an operating system they paid for? If I still used Windows the day I saw my OS show me an ad would be the day I stopped using Windows. How does anyone not find this incredibly enraging?
Kevin Wood
my guess is that they didn't consider it worth the effort anymore
with 95/98, cutting out things saved relatively significant amounts of space, and installation time, especially if you're installing from floppies now everyone has hundreds of gigglebytes and they don't care
that said, there are unofficial methods, check out NTLite
Aaron Reed
i can only assume they imagine most people are used to getting ads on the web and in phone apps, so what's another few ads, amirite?
Jacob Rodriguez
1. A lot of software doesn't work on Linux. 2. Macs are expensive, limited and still missing some software.
It's not easy to move away from Windows, at all. So Pajeetsoft feel like they can do what they want and they're probably right.
Jason Price
Jose Foster
I don't want to (:
Gavin Lewis
>It's not easy to move away from Windows
I think for most home users it is, only real difficulty is if you are a big gamer or a mid-level user who wants to tweak things around but lacks the knowledge on how to do so.
Carter Baker
IMO, the main obstacle is MS Office, even for home users.
Andrew Gonzalez
What's so bad about LibreOffice? It's not like you need the bloated meme that is WordArt anymore, anyways...
Jackson White
I would have thought that LibreOffice would be more than adequate for the sort of light word processing type jobs that most people use MS Office for
Isaiah Brown
Compatibility with MSO files, I guess. And they only know MSO because that's what they used at school and at their job.
Look, dealing with normies can be a pain. Some are reasonable, others will throw a tantrum if they can't open that fucking DOC file that some retard sent them. The whole system is fucked up and I think the change should start from schools where kids would learn to use LO/Linux. But MS is shilling really hard in schools.
Easton Brooks
Do you throw your television out of the window everytime you see an ad too?
Kayden Young
Why would you specify SP3? Nobody used any SP below what was the newest.
Nolan Thompson
It kind of pains me, desu. I myself am a Windows user but would ditch it for Linux any day now because it seems that Microsoft hit a downward spiral and won't stop until even your BIOS/UEFI screen had ads saying "please buy our shitty OneDrive yearly license and get 5 extra GB, desu!~". The whole school shilling thing is a thing even behind the wall, in high school we had these certification tests for MS Office for free, but that was about it. However most private universities also offer new mid-low end laptops loaded with M$ software. It's crazy.
I see the main problem being that everyone is so comfy with Windblows that isn't really willing to change towards loonix, and also most people also think it doesn't have a good GUI or that it's still all CLI, like back when we only had MS-DOS and had to run quite a few commands just to play DooM.
Speaking of Linux, are there any decent CAD programs for it? Something that works similarly to SolidWorks?
Cameron Moore
Simple shit like using a section break and using different page number system seems to be a near impossibility to do with Libre/Openoffice. It seems to work on a whole different level than MS Office and basic shit needs an hour of googling and getting confused when stuff doesn't work for no apparent reason.
Wyatt Martin
I sometimes wonder whether kids in schools would be better served by ultra-basic C64 type machines than by modern machines, even Linux ones. Modern machines are overpowered for the stuff kids need them for, and making the kids have to do something to use them rather than just clicking an icon or whatever might result in them actually learning something about computers
Blake Jenkins
You can't come in here and dishonour our traditions.
We are a culture with rich customs. Especially those involving boobs.
Ryan Fisher
Adrian Gomez
I recently designed something in openscad that I 3D printed for a device I'm making.
Juan Nguyen
I'm not defending this bullshit, but it is fairly easy to disable all of the ads in Windows 10. Takes a few minutes. Here is a good guide, although it doesn't include disabling the info-gathering, just ads. pcgamer.com/how-to-ditch-the-ads-in-the-windows-10-creators-update/
Luke Ward
>games which take less than 5MB and aren't loaded with ads are somehow equal to 100+MB of adware ridden ones Hmm
Cooper Martin
Yes actually. I don't own a TV and haven't in years, specifically because all the funding models for TV programs are cancerous.
Asher Davis
ok man, don't forget to drink some bleach after you've cut yourself on that edge.
Jack Fisher
It's edgy not to watch TV?
Aaron Morales
They will just find more ways to advertise to you. This is how they make their money now. The best thing to do is just not use it altogether.
Lincoln Ramirez
>want to play minesweeper >have to sign up for XBox Live™®, use a gamer tag and share my "high scores" publically
Benjamin Cook
Who are you shilling for? NBC? HBO? Disney? You can go and tell your boss that whatever show the higherups are trying to make now, it's shit.
Thomas Baker
Maybe for the Tom Green raids but not a lot since that edgelord. I'm Sup Forums, /mlp/ and /biz/ all the way now.
Noah Garcia
>trial version of minecraft and microtransaction garbage the world is continually getting worse
Easton Torres
>you had to be more "computer-literate" to use Windows 95 than you did to use Linux. get over yourself, kid. Just because you know how to navigate your directories from a terminal does not make you any smarter or computer literate than your typical gamer. >your first post # reeks of ignorant, egotistic teenager who probably installed Ubuntu after ruining the windows laptop your parents bought you with viruses Not him but those are a lot of ad hominems in a weak attempt to discredit his opinion rather than providing a reasoning on why he may be wrong.
Alexander Clark
ooooh eee ooooh I look just like.... I will never be this comfy again.
original included games didn't have microtransactions and paid dlc.
Favorite win game was skifree.
Joshua Kelly
>Simple shit like using a section break and using different page number system seems to be a near impossibility to do with Libre/Openoffice. Are you serious? >When you select a text and create a section, a paragraph break is automatically inserted at the end of the text. >help.libreoffice.org/Writer/Page_Numbers#Using_Different_Page_Number_Styles
>It seems to work on a whole different level than MS Office and basic shit needs an hour of googling and getting confused when stuff doesn't work for no apparent reason. At this point i think you're just trolling, please consider pic related or explain what you gain by thrash-talking LO and trying to deter people from trying it and thus making the compatibility problem worse?.
Justin Cooper
>How the fuck do normalfags tolerate having ads in their file manager in an operating system they paid for They tolerate the ads to have access to software that, according to them, doesn't have decent alternatives on Linux. Other possibilities are that they don't want to pay the "Mac tax" or they want the same UI they use at work.
Source: my dad who insists on using iTunes and only iTunes.
Ryan Collins
>Source: my dad who insists on using iTunes and only iTunes. Yeah, is sad because it is not that there's no good or even better alternatives but due to certain companies creating artificial incompatibility to lock their users.
Ryder Fisher
The old games were to teach you to use a computer, the new ones are just horse shit.
Elijah Ramirez
The Apple® MacBook™ Pro doesn't have this problem
Evan Hill
>hardware doesn't have a software problem Quit shitposting
Ian Taylor
This guy gets it. Something simple and hackable like Temple OS without network support would be ideal for schools.
Unfortunately even shitty Windows is too powerful and so the elite are replacing it with Chrome OS and Windows 10 Shit edition, shackled systems with software walled gardens and network support so a new generation of fake wiki facts and fake news reading, consumerist goys that require safe spaces can be raised.
The future is bleak
Robert Wilson
This has to be a joke.
Nicholas Sullivan
Elementary OS is pretty nice actually. Same comfy feel, except no ads, and it costs whatever you want to pay for it.
Hudson Nguyen
He claimed that people used Windows 95 because they were too stupid to use linux command line. Linux didn't exist and Windows 95 was essentially a "DE" for MS DOS which is all command line, I'm just over underage kids with the internet pretending that they are hackers because they use Linux and pretending that they are smart because they can do basic shit using the terminal...
everyone who has ever used Linux command line and MSDOS knows that LInux is easier btw
Austin Jenkins
>Mineshit but minecraft is a good game
I don't appreciate the way it's being advertised either, and it's kind of a bummer that Microsoft acquired it just in general
but it's still a good game
the community is shit though, but who the hell plays games for the community
I mean if you don't only ever play single player on every game you play, you're literally trash
Aiden Ramirez
Aren't you arguing with a guy who agrees with you and not OP?
Jonathan Morris
you can't compare solid mini games included with the OS, with botnet cashgrab mobile trashgames
Ayden Stewart
why is everyone fucking hating on minecraft it's the fucking best
microsoft on the other hand can go fuck themselves
Nicholas Edwards
>This is how they make their money now. Then how come Windows 10 is no longer free?
Nicholas Diaz
Fun fact: Solitaire and Minesweeper were included with old versions of Windows because they helped new users understand how to use a mouse.
We're lucky we aren't getting touchscreen-only games.
Wyatt Collins
fuck they can sell solitaire for $10 a year and you don't even buy it
just download some shareware, it's nothing (like the OS)
Jacob Nguyen
welcome to the AOL channel
Grayson Jenkins
they want subscriptions they want to be bleeding people
Logan Morales
Juan Hernandez
Oh my gooooooooooooooooooo
Carter Mitchell
Normalfags buy macs now. Or at least they want to, even if they don't they envy the mac