I live in a weird country

I live in a weird country

Speed can vary from one server to another, nothing weird.

I pay for 1mbps, get 2 mbps everywhere on web and max 88mbps on P2P.

Are you dumb or something?
If you ran that speedtest while downloading you're only getting a partial speed of what you can get.

A reminder is that most ISP's that are in Europe and in most other countries that aren't america have a rule that they have to always provide the service advertised.
>IE: if they advertise 5 mb/s they have to to give you that

And to give the advertised speeds they have have to always put a little extra to make sure they always have the advertised speeds.

So when you contract with an ISP for a speed they always provision between 5-10% more bandwidth then the contracted speeds to make sure you have the contracted service and that you're not being fucked over.

I didnt run the speedtest while the download was going on, they are two separate instances.
I get a 7700% boost on speed while using P2P services like torrent..this is normal in my country.

Also, there's a difference between Mbps and MBps.

>I live in a 3rd world shithole
ftfy OP

PS: Can't you find an image board in your own language? I'm sick of these retarded foreigners. go fucking KYS.

Dont be jelly user. Learn to coexist :^)

>Learn to coexist
coexistence is futile. extermination of subhumans such as yourself is the only solution.

get a load of this edge

Why not yours, user?

I'd probably not advertise that, it's a known fact certain ISP's suck at configuring their servers/gateways etc...
Just be happy it happens until you can't anymore.

They advertise this user.

I don't have to worry about what service im connected to. I get full speeds as long as the server can serve it up fast enough for me.

>calls others subhumans
>is probably a child of war refugees himself

An ISP that advertises they give higher bandwithd on torrents?


What in... :O

Yup, true residential gigabit service sure is nice.

I didn't think i'd get this before 2020, but my ISP surprised me.

It's because of local peering your ISP does you retard.

Not just that, their homepage is basically a meta-search for torrents called skytorrents.in its effin awesome.

maa chuda bhosdike

Mother of God! I was born on the wrong side of the planet.

Kaha se hai behen ke lode?

tujhe kya matlab lode. yaha kyu shitpost kar raha hai.

Yeah, though like I said, not all servers can even provide this sort of speed, so it doesn't always get used.

This edge i have not seen before

just get x264 because:
>more mature encoder
>better quality per frame
>plays on everything

w-wow I like europe now in my country isp is only obligated to guarantee like 10% of speed

what country

USA east coast

Are we going to ignore the fact he is downloading 13 Reasons Why? :|

Are 4 bucks p.p really too much?

isp? and thanks

Verizon FiOS

Nigga it says both of those things right in the webm

fuck I'm blind

Likely because your isp limits speed per connection to ip. Used to have that in my flat i lived a couple years ago. Advertised speed was 10mbps, was getting about that from speed tests but would get literaly 500mbps+ when torrenting or using download managers to connect to downloading files multiple times.

What's the point?


spot the difference, MB=Mb is not what is it, but could explain the large divide.

>Caring about speed
>Not using peerflix

What a faggot.


Ugh. I live in an area that Shentel operates. Seeing that name makes me gag. Pic related.

They host a decent speedtest server at least. Never used them as an ISP.

What the fuck.
Is this in US dollars ?

Expensive, data capped. Monopoly. All that needs to be said. I switched to Verizon DSL and actually was able to get through their artificial 3mb limit. One of the few to have ever seen 15meg Verizon DSL

Yes. This is is the next town over from me, called BVU in pic related. Shentel is a joke.

Yeah I have Verizon FiOS

Jesus Christ, what's with all these disgusting namefags in this thread?

We don't have that here in my part of VA. But I manage this with my connection. This is extremely rare. For Verizon DSL.

This is 40€.
I think I'll never complain about my ISP ever again.
I can't imagine having to spend so much for internet.
Are there no alternatives at all ?

Not in my area. You're either stuck with Shentel, or can try for Verizon if you're close to two central offices in the county.
Or you can pay $100/mo for, and I quote the installer, "1.5 gigabytes" speed. (Actually 1.5 megabit) from the "other cable company that is here"

>sub 100 Mbps connection
There is just so much wrong with this picture.