Thank you Sup Forums, you saved Sup Forums
I will never forget it
Thank you Sup Forums, you saved Sup Forums
I will never forget it
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It's just an archive, and a year old archive at that.
Most people will stop seeding.
Can't upload.
We need a real Nyaa replacement.
Isn't this just domain name issue? Why can't they get another one?
what did i do
y-you're welcome
I-I guess
If it wasn't for the cloudflare shitheads you could just go straight to the IP address
>Isn't this just domain name issue?
Nope, they're down for good. New EU regulations made nyaa owners paranoid.
Fucking nuke Europe already.
Wait, nyaa is ded?
...I think we have to tell you something, user
How hard would it be to port GNUnet to windows?
Wait what happened? Is it coming back?
Surely someone can take over the project. Or did the owners just vanished from the face of the earth?
What the hell? It is just temporarily down? Where am I supposed to get my chinese cartoons?
Dont get why this is such a big deal, your favorite fansubs are still around just go directly to their site.
Most link to nyaa, dumbfuck.
/vag/ when?
>he doesn't know how magnet links work
I fucking HATE YGO, but this is hilarious!
Who gives a shit.
Just use
They'll replace links to an alternative site, really this is no big deal definitely not as big as when kat went down.
pussy admin should just give us the db, wizards will continue the job
Nyaa has an IRC channel, maybe one can go there and ask what's happening?
It's locked.
> its locked
A****B**** does not have this problem.
>Most of the torrents just link to Nyaa
Does it have a RSS feed though?
Fuck off ratiocuck.
May as well just pay for it.
I give a shit you fucking idiot.
Nothing is replacing Sukebei anytime soon.
Fuck off you lying shill.
Anime sucks anyway. You're a cuck if you're still watching
Magnet links.
Literally won't effect anyone that isn't a mouth breathing bottom feeder weeaboo retard.
Alton Brown?
Die CIA shill
along with Sukebei
Daiz did it again :D
[citation needed]
shut up you fucking pedo
>why this is such a big deal
Sukebei is also daijoubu
the owner is a pussy and deleted the domains when he read about them
Lying CIA shill piece of shit
I don't think you know what that word means
Why can't he just hand them over to someone else who isn't a fucking pussy?
because of the 'if I won't have it, noone will' mentality
>saying that it won't "effect" anyone that isn't a mouth breathing bottom feeder weeaboo retard, while posting a pic proving the availability of bottom shelf content for entry level people
You meant to say "is" instead of "isn't".
Not particularly, I have disdain for most of Sup Forums and don't need other people to tell me which shows are good because I watch all of them and drop any I don't like.
Basically if it isn't in this image its garbage.
alright, if you want me to use it so bad, how about an invite?
What regulations?
I was not asking you for your opinion you stupid attention whoring retard, I was stating a fact. I wasn't asking for your shit taste either, nobody gives a shit about what you have to say. I'm not even gonna bother clicking that image, I'll just filter you now.
nyaa , and thanks Sup Forums
Fine as fire, its merely a meme.
Wow, you sure showed him you raging queer.
AHAHAHAAHAHAHAH you really had to remove your trip just to express your impotent rage? Now log in again so you can get some karma for your comments and I don't have to see them.
Lurk more
RSS for horriblesubs releases in case anyone needs it.
Impotent beta raging won't get you anywhere you fucking cuck
Fuck off you good for nothing cocksucker.
Sasuga. Baseless assumptions
Ladies and gentlemen, neo Sup Forums. Look on and wonder at it's retardation, levels previously unseen in the Sup Forums masses
Like the guy really couldn't hand it over to someone that lives in a better country?
nyaa was run by pedophiles. They got rid of the evidence and wiped the servers.
Can someone that isn't a moronic tripfag respond, please?
he's a fucking pussy
There are no new eu regulations
Kill yourself you perma-BTFO'd tripfaggot
There was a precedent-setting case that harshly punishes anyone who is linking to content infringing copyright.
Not new laws, but a new, much harsher interpretation of existing ones.
What about the streaming thing lately?
you need a tv license if you want to stream/be a big youtube in krautland
I meant movie streaming
But that livestreaming thing sucks as well
Germans have always been cucked.
but was there ever one about anime?
nobody cares about anime, it's niche among niche
that's a german thing i think
but then again i never watch or will watch a kraut stream
and no one looked into that case
it changes nothing
it would maybe affect thepiratebay if it was still around and had direct .torrent files hosted on their server while heing hosted in germany
let's hope the guy calms down, he might not calm down if he is german though
that's the problem with niche hobbies, some little part of it breaks and whole hobby ruined
>and had direct .torrent files hosted
My understanding is that this new ruling would make it possible to imprison them even if it's just magnet links on the server.
It sounds like attentionwhoring to me honestly.
Site is hosted in sweden no?
I mean if the owner is german then lol anyways
They would have to prove it and convince the court.
Socialist/communist court that doesn't understand any tech at all.
There is a reason nothing happens to torrenting sites until literally everything including american government intelligence and politicians are involved and keep pushing no matter what.
nyaa is nowhere near tpb on importance list, no big corp even cares about anime, and you'd need all of them working and paying in unison to take something down
yes it's a german thing
They basically crack down on the users who use movie streaming sites now as well.
Me and some friends used those in the past, so we're fucking scared now kek
I am pretty sure this will not last as it's directly opposing communist thought in germany.
All you need is some lefties and antifas walking down the streets and govt will apologize lol
Didn't the Japanese government label Nyaa as a high-priority target because of its large presence in the piracy of Japanese products?
It's just Japan, but other nations might acquiesce because Japan wants it and they don't care.
pretty sure jpn government doesn't want them taken down, only pissy small time translators that paid for license
it's soft influence for free for japan
Who cares honestly?
What part of jap govt?
Who labelled it?
What do they do to enforce that label?
What does that label even mean, do they just label and call it a day?
By all intents and purposes it's just japan trying to stop japs from using it.
Japan is 90%+ of their animu sales anyways, no one cares about the west. Any takedowns of hentai happened because the jew jacob made up his plan by himself and contacted japs lying to them in order to make some money and not have to work.
>Japan is 90%+ of their animu sales anyways, no one cares about the west
Japs use Nyaa more than Westerners, which is why Japanese companies care about it.
I do agree that it probably doesn't matter at all, though.
>Japs use Nyaa more than Westerners, which is why Japanese companies care about it.
Source on that?
And a govt or a company will just implement a domain block and call it a day.
Especially backwards japanese.
I almost wish somebody would come up to be a competitor with crunchyroll.
I wonder how well a GoG but for anime would do, especially if they took less of a cut and gave more of it to the Japanese.
The biggest reason why its not terrible to download this shit is because pirated quality is better, you have more choice in how you consume it, and you're not limited to whatever has been licensed, you can get old shows, Blurays that are still in japan (looking at you eva blurays), etc.
If there was some DECENT streaming site that had some reliable autists in charge of encoding, that would allow me to pipe it out to mpv so that I could use debanding I'd actually pay for this shit.
Is there no way to see how many seeds a torrent has?
I remember seeing usage statistics for Nyaa on Sup Forums at some point.
I can't find it in the archives though, so I might just be pulling that from my ass.
Effectively no.
You can query one of the trackers listed and get a reply of how many users that specific tracker thinks that torrent has but that's it.
There are people like me that strip all trackers and just use DHT though so it will never be accurate.
I saw lots of moonrunes in there but the most downloaded torrents are all in english.
I thought it was like 50-70% west and the rest nippon
There will never be any such thing as a decent streaming site. Not for anime, not for movies and western TV, not for music, none of it, never. They'll always be infested by exclusive-licensing deals and the resulting fragmentation, studios holding content back to protect revenue from TV deals, theaters, etc, throwing hissy fits and withdrawing their stuff altogether because nobody is willing to meet the price they want to be paid, etc. Basically they're trying to impose more economic scarcity in order to drive up the price of their stuff. The only way around that is with piracy, and as a practical matter downloading-piracy is always going to be simpler, cheaper, and under less legal pressure than streaming-piracy.
(For that matter, the above is also why legal streaming sites tend not to care about quality. They want the bare-minimum encoding that doesn't dent their profits - any more is a waste of time and bandwidth that cost them money)
I think it's like with music and movies
Eventually someone will come up with something that is more convenient than pirating while also being legal.
I tried Crunchyroll once but in germany a shit ton of stuff is region locked (even big stuff like Attack on Titan), I would happily pay for it when it would have actual shit to watch
>You can query one of the trackers listed and get a reply of how many users that specific tracker thinks that torrent has but that's it.
How are you still allowed to post here?
>insecure trip
what do you think idiot
There is a url on most trackers /announce that you can send GET requests to receive encoded information about the status of a torrent by using its hash.
If you want to know more about the actual formatting or how to use it you will need Google, but desu its more trouble than its worth.
Pretty much any torrent on sukebei I downloaded had like 1-2 non-Japanese peers out of 25 I allow to connect, and this has been true for years. Don't know or care about non-lewd nyaa since sukebei is the main loss.
México doesn't give a fuck about those laws, what's needed to be done to put a server running for this? What specs on system, os, bandwidth?