Debian or Fedora? And why?

Debian or Fedora? And why?

inb4 arch/manjaro/antergos/gentoo/another edgy distro

for me, it's fedora. nothing beats that yum package manager




this so much, dnf/yum is so comfy to use. apt-get makes me cry oO

As a relative newcomer to the world of linux myself, what makes you prefer one over the other?

yum is still supported on the current version of fedora.

as a Ubaby I tried fedora and couldn't stand DNF. It was so fucking slow and third party support was ridiculous compared to apt

man yum
yum - /usr/bin/yum to /usr/bin/dnf redirecting executable
yum/dnf always gives you a y/n prompt and a very nice, structured list of all the packages that you're about to install, their version, the repository they're from and both the download size and install size.
apt just gives you a streamofthoughtdidyouwanttoreadthisbeforeIinstallitohnoitstoolatenowinstallingrightaway

I honestly like Fedora much more so than Debian.
dnf/yum is comfy

true, I did appreciate that in terms of a freedom/aesthetic pleasure front but like I said it was just too slow to use and was difficult to get third party repositories on

Neither because the perfection that is Manjaro exists

shoo shoo shill


Fedora, because Red Hat.
Unlike other distros that aren't backed up by any company.

Personally using Debian. Tried Fedora earlier today but Wayland ran like shit and the fonts looked really ugly no matter what.

Considering between Debian (MATE), Ubuntu Mate and Void (MATE) at the moment.

fucking Void devs almost gave me a heart attack when I read this.
What's good about Void?

Debian, because what's the point of learning Fedora if I'm already familiar with Debian?

fuck you install gentoo or arch REEEEEEE

>april 1st