sticker thread
Sticker thread
>pink guy
>lgbt flag
This guy is why dictators killed people.
>look at me, I'm gaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!
I fucking hate millennials.
I just came back from ars technica, and most of their article names had faggy "upspeak" inflection, like as if a valley girl was saying them.
Whatever happened to men wanting to be men.
men wanted to be fags too. quit complaining.
Fag, this is why we need a wall
>It's not outdated, it's stable
Unlike that camera
fuckin kill yourself my dude
seriously where do you guys get these Sup Forums stickers.
Friendly reminder, every sticker on your laptop is equal to another decade of virginity.
But I fuck girls often
I have a naked T60 and I was thinking about putting some WAT/YummyStickies stuff and maybe an adhesive-backed piece of velcro for EPIC PORTABLE EXTERNAL STORAGE MEME/floppy drive or a single patch. Maybe even some stuff from Unixstickers. Anyone got any suggestions?
I know Unixstickers is a good place for Sup Forums stuff. The sticker general on /o/ is a HUGE resource for finding meme decals (ex. Notori sells a decal of those lines fashioned to represent "Loss"). Another good place to look is the sites from the patch threads on /k/, as most vendors also supply stickers. Any stickers with thick white borders are usually from Redbubble.
>embroidered patch
this is new
This is the only one that looks okay to me, but that's probably because I like Gojira.
I actually stole the idea from someone who regularly posts in these threads. I haven't seen him post his Thinkpad in a while, now that I think about it.
He is dead, because embroidered patches
>he is dead
>post ended with 404
Lol thx, chrome book c720 master race