What does Sup Forums think of the hackintosh?
What does Sup Forums think of the hackintosh?
Nice in trips but macos gay.
Why even breath
the most sensible option if you absolutely must use OSX
using free technology to use proporietary shit and give your data to corporation, great idea
better than using windows, at least
If I wanted something to break every time I did an OS update I'd run GNU plus Linux
Better than Windows and it has proprietary shit like MS Office and the Adobe Suite unlike lunix.
It's alright with the right hardware.
I've got a hackintoshed Lenovo ThinkCentre running Mavericks. Works really well, much nippier than Windows
Is it a pain in the ass to set up and update?
If HAVE to use osx... well u have no other fucking choice
OS X is fucking trash.
It's about as good as Linux
i.e. it's slow, unstable garbage made by hobbyists
mods pls stop bullying her
>inherently less stable
It defeats the purpose.
Apples and oranges
Why don't you just use linux if you want to run a Unix-like os on a desktop?
its for hipsters who are not yet full-blown faggots
OS X is not made by hobbyists, retard. Neither is Linux. Ever heard of Ubuntu or RHEL? The US government uses RHEL.
Because it also provides support for all kinds of proprietary software, in particular the adobe cc.
Its a lot of work for a really stupid result. It's like working for hours on trying to pee in your own butthole. Why?
I recommend using Windows 10 Professional for the best personal computing experience possible.
Which is owned by a private company...and offer PAID support contracts.
Does anyone else have issues trying to virtualize macOS Sierra 10.12.04? That version specifically. On virtualbox, at least.
i'm trying to use iboot to install my snow leopard disk but it keeps getting stuck on the apple logo boot screen. in verbose it looked like everything was loading but it just went to black.
i just want to use os x snow leopard to update to yosemite, i figured that's legal and the best way to do it