>browse Sup Forums for a few days
>realise 99% posters on Sup Forums are below 100 IQ, tech illiterate, and have some form of social or mental disorder
>tfw for a minute I thought I found a good place on the web to discuss technology
Browse Sup Forums for a few days
this board is pure trash but i still come back for 10 minutes a day just to remind myself how trash it is
>dumb frogposter
Theyre all iphone users too.
Install gentoo
dumb froposter
say's the stupid frogposter
Not all of us, hell I don't even have a smart phone at all, which makes me just look stupid at this point.
The problem is phoneposters and doesn't affect only Sup Forums
>dumbass Sup Forumstard frogposter
Says the /r/the_donald redditor filthy dumb frogposter scum
Spending 600 on a phone is deteremental if you can even process words, to simple billing or surf the intenet. My choice was based on an all in one laptop while having a communication device. Therefore samsung s7
>complaining about low-IQ tech illiterates
>trump frog maymay
It wasn't always this way. Back when the mods did their fucking jobs and deleted threads that didn't belong here (private trackers, watch, vidya benchmarks, "X IS FINISHED", etc.) this board was actually pretty damn good.
i only come to /g to shit on amd. in truth i like amd but its fun the shit show and seeing nvidia shills taking it seriously.
Says the stupid tripfag
>good place on the web to discuss technology
I feel you do not belong her. You belong somewhere else. A better place. A place of intellectuals. A place called reddit.
you need to fucking stay on Sup Forums, it is precisely that kind of Sup Forums cancer that ruins Sup Forums. Fucking kill yourself please.
Neck yourself, you stupid faggot.
You shouldn't have to realise it, half of Sup Forums is literally just memes back and forth, over and over again, every single fucking day.
And do what exactly? Reminder that you can only circlejerk on Reddit, so no discussion, at all.
most of the time all I do is start the thread with the first initial post, and never comment again. i come back later to find it at 150+ posts five hours later. you can tell me to fuck off but ultimately /g is full of nvidia and amd shills looking for a fight. the nvidia shills keep the thread going by angering amd shills causing them to go on the defensive and attacking back. its like watching a pack of wolves go at it.
it's sad. I wish it would stay on Sup Forums, or at least have a containment general on Sup Forums
This. It's a sad state of affairs. I've tried lurking but just isn't the same. I miss old Sup Forums.
i'd tell you a better place to go, but you're a dumb frogposter, so you'd just shit it up.
Okay, that's my malformed post. It originally read "I've tried lurking eight chan but it just isn't the same" (obviously I used its actual name) but it was tripping the spam filter. Same with lain chan.
So we're not allowed to talk about other chans now? Are the mods fucking serious?
Mine is 123 according to mensa.no :^)
And every time you start that thread, the constant retardation slides any actual discussion on this board.
We know the mods don't give a shit. You have nothing to prove. Please go do this on Sup Forums.
50% of this board by volume is AMD/Nvidia/Intel threads and belong on Sup Forums and another 40% is generals that don't belong here.
Enlist as a janitor next time it comes around. I sure as fuck am. Sup Forums was formative for me 6-7 years ago when I was learning about Linux, niche hardware and software, oddball programming languages, etc. It fucking kills me to know that kids won't be able to learn without a constant circlejerk over their head like I could.
red star's iq = 13.37
Fuck off you faggot.
So mean (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)
oh i agree it really is. but at /g current state, those threads are the only entertaining threads. /g is very stale. little technological talk actually takes place. a few times i legitimately tried but they either didn't take off or quickly got turned into "shill" vs "shill." threads. so i might at least get some enjoyment out of this antiquated board and watch the shills go at it.
i use to try "NVIDIA FINISHED#@!#@!@# INTEL SUCKS#@!@#!" threads but they don't take off like the anti amd threads do. not because amd shills are quick to defend, but because how quickly the nvidia / intel threads jump on them. like i said, i only start the initial thread, its the nvidia/intel shills that keep it going. i can post one thread, then in the first 10 minutes get 4 different people shitting all over amd until finally a lone amd shill comes in and puts up a fight. in comparison the nvidia / intel hate threads don't gain much traction and if they do, it turns into another amd hate thread under a nvidia / intel hate banner. one could actually write an interesting case study about it. much like any article on wikipedia can lead to hitler, any thread on /g can lead into a amd hate thread.
Stop posting already.